Very slow bulk to minimize fat gain?



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Oh, geez - a waste of time ad. ;-p
  • linda4
    linda4 Posts: 7 Member
    My July goal was to eat 1060 calories daily or less and 3 or 4 times a week do two "Total Body Sculpting" shows (aerobics and weights) with Gilad J.; along with a 45 minute to 1 hour walk on the treadmill or outside. Then on the weekend, I would eat about 1500 calories with little or no exercize. The wheels come off on on the weekends.
  • anotherfitnessgirl
    I just wanted to add to this post as I've started bulking

    Week 1 - on 2000 calories - lost 0.5 pound
    Week 2 - on 2250 calories - gained 0.44 pound
    Week 3 - on 2500 calories - Hoping to gain 1 pound

    I honestly misunderstood what my TDEE was from the online calculators.

    Currently eating 283g in CHO

    Lots of white waxy potatoes, oats, gains and pasta

    One very happy girl so far