unsupportive people SUCK!!!



  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey girlie...

    Ask her if she wants them. :huh:

    Hahahahaha! There is a little :devil: in you, isn't there? :laugh:

    Ya, I'm a different type of support, aren't I? I say all the things nobody else will but always wishes they could! :laugh:
  • I know it is hard but try to just let it roll off your back. Some people actually think they are being supportive by saying mean things. My mother told me growing up that no one would love me if I were fat and to suck it in, if I were getting something to eat she would say "You're eating again?". Finally when I was 24 I stood up to her and said that I didn't want to hear it that it was just hurting me.
    Maybe your hubby could talk to her about maybe stepping over a line with comments like that.
    Hope things work out for you.
  • vonsue
    vonsue Posts: 5
    I have a few unsupportive people in my life. They think they're helping, but they're really not. Sad to say, my husband is one of them. He'll say, you're fine the way you are, then I'm proud of you for how hard you work to get the weight off. Then he'll come home with cheesecake and banana bread. Talk about mixed signals.
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Smile....make people wonder what you're up to!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    ( Yep, unsupportive people suck...BIGTIME)

    Just think...she may be skinnier..BUT...you'll always be younger t:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    one of my favorite quotes is ( there is no revenge so complete as forgivenes) its worked for me so far maybe it can work for u. good luck
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