New here and need friends and help please.

Hi, my name is Patti and I live in Washington state. I have a long history of dieting and weight loss and thought I knew about everything to do with dieting, but I was wrong. I would love to meet friends here to share support. I have been dieting ( this time) for 18 months, my longest diet yet. I am using the Weight Watchers plan and I've lost 90 pounds, but the past few months my loss has slowed to nothing. I still have a LOT left to lose, over 100 pounds, so the weight should be coming off but it isn't. I have cut my points and I try to exercise, but I don't do much. I have a bad back and it is very difficult. I am considering switching to a short term low carb diet. I have been on one before and lost well, but when I went off I gained at the speed of light! So I am wondering if a short term LC diet could boost my metabolism? Anyone out there who has had a similar experience and could offer feedback? Any help would be appreciated. By the way, I am the mom of 2 grown sons still living at home and 2 grandsons here too. I still cook for the masses :) Thanks!! Patti


  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    Have you tried water aerobics? Also sitting in a supportive chair and using hand weights is beneficial, muscle burns fat. I completely understand. Losing weight is hard enough, and can be a life time battle. It is about finding how to eat healthy and what works for you. I don't like low carb diets, because once you start eating carbs again it all comes back. Maybe try eating whole grains, oats, and staying away from white flour. I am an army wife thus I get the cooking for an "army". Making all that food makes in hard to eat in moderation. It really is a constant battle with your will power but you can do it!
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    Feel free to add me. I know once things stall it seems like forever before it starts back up again, but it will. Just be sure to switch things up a bit, but maybe not go down on your points. Just be sure you are eating healthy and give yourself good fats if you are not already doing that.

    Best wishes to you and hope thing start moving again soon.:drinker:
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Patty! Been there, done that! Feel free to add me!
  • jenlei7231
    jenlei7231 Posts: 23 Member
    feel free to add me...we can encourage each other!