4 300 calorie meals a day

I have a calorie goal of 1270 per day. I'm not really good with snacking and I tend to go long periods of time without eating food and being perfectly content doing so. I'm sure this is not healthy, so I was considering ways to shift my calories around so I can get a decent amount of calories in on a regular basis throughout the day. Does it seem reasonable to have 3 300 calorie meals (breakfast, lunch, after lunch) and a 300-370 calorie meal (dinner) every day? I'm not sure how to approach this and any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!


  • queenlinh
    That doesn't sounds so bad to have that goal. It is Possible to eat heathly and with that much calories a day. you can have a piece of toast, a grapefruit and orange juice and there goes 300 cals for breakfast!

    The best thing about this website is you can also do pre-planning on here. just add what you think you'll want to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack, watch the calories counts for you! If its more, take away some food, if it's less, add some healthier food like a fruit or cracker.

    you do not to want to eat too little, you'll hurt your metabolism and put yourself on stravation mode, which will hurt you more at the end. Eat less isn't always a good thing. Try eat as much and add on a bit of excerise, soon you'll be stronger and looking better than ever.

    good luck!

  • lmsmith1222
    That seems reasonable and I should probably be following the same. I just find it hard to keep meals under 300 cals each?? So I usually end up doing around 200 for lunch and dinner so I can splurge a little more at dinner. I know that's probably wrong but I don't know how to get a 300 calorie dinner in.
  • tb99al
    tb99al Posts: 6 Member
    I think that's a great idea! Although, I'm in the same boat as you (1270cal) and would also love some suggestions for meals. I'm new to the site...is there anywhere to get meal ideas based on calories?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Your body uses the food that you eat as fuel for you to be able to function. I eat 3 meals and 2-3 "snacks" a day and it works for me. My sister went to a nutritionalist (sp?) and he told her that you should be eating more often to keep your metabolism high. If made sense to me so that is why I started to do it that way. At first when I did it was hard because I was like you where I would go long periods in between eating. Just play around with it and figure out what works for you. Good luck on your weight loss journey.:smile:

    For those asking for under 200 cal ideas check out the cookbook Hungry Girl 200 under 200.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    That sounds perfectly reasonable. Like Linh said, your metabolism becomes affected if you don't eat for long periods of time. It will slow down, therefore it will hold onto whatever calories you put in, and not want to put out the energy you want for exercise. Just make sure to include some kind of activity into your daily routine. It will all fall into place after a while.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have often asked Myself if it is better to eat at specific times or listen to My Body and give it something when I am hungry. I have found that I adhere to My caloric and nutrient intake better when I listen to My Body. Some days I am hungrier than others or want to treat Myself with something special. I have found for Me, limiting My caloric intake at the end of the day is an eating plan buster, because I too don't care to eat much during the day and fare very well without food...energy is high and feel great. Everyone's needs are different, just like some people are morning people and some are evening people, make the adjustments that fit you at any given time...BUT adhere to a weekly or if you desire a daily caloric intake. Calories and nutrients don't metabolize better at any specific time of the day or night, it's all about intake and out put (calories eaten and calories burned.) And remember, if you can't stick to an eating plan NOTHING will work, so make sure YOU can adhere to whatever YOU decide. Also remember to stay flexible with your plan, after all, it's for Life!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    What has worked for me is making my own meals. Long gone are the days of food in a box! I am a horrible breakfast skipper so my coffee is my breakfast and maybe some almond milk.
    put 1/2c Fat free cottage cheese in a container with 1 sliced pineapple ring
    pour some of the pineapple juice over the apple slices so they do not turn brown.
    Put 2tbsp. peanut butter on the apples if you like that
    1egg and 1 egg white on Ezekiel bread that has been warmed.Top with Salsa or 1/4 sliced avacado
    1/4c diced chicken breast(preferrably from last nights dinner.Mmm.Leftovers!)
    1/8c avacado mashed with 2tbsp salsa and some cumin and garlic. Ground red pepper or curry if you like it spicy!
    Dinner is a big a** salad with everything raw but the kitchen sink-No croutons or colorful little sprinkles! A little low fat cheese or dressing on the side. Some low fat soup if calories allow.

    I love activia dessert yogurt in strawberry cheesecake and eat bananas with fat free chocolate syrup when the mood hits me...and peanut butter straight from the jar with chocolate syrup. But only out of my measuring spoon so I can promptly log it it!
    :flowerforyou: I don't know if that helped you,but good luck,Doll!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have a calorie goal of 1270 per day. I'm not really good with snacking and I tend to go long periods of time without eating food and being perfectly content doing so. I'm sure this is not healthy, so I was considering ways to shift my calories around so I can get a decent amount of calories in on a regular basis throughout the day. Does it seem reasonable to have 3 300 calorie meals (breakfast, lunch, after lunch) and a 300-370 calorie meal (dinner) every day? I'm not sure how to approach this and any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!

    Sounds like a very good idea.

    Check out the following link for a good visual representation of what 300 calorie meals look like if you need inspiration:

  • Jalfie
    Jalfie Posts: 35 Member
    So how about
    200 breakfast
    300 lunch
    400 dinner
    Which gives you more to play around with for you lunch and dinner options.
    That leaves you around 370 for snacks and "extras" such as salad dressing etc.
    In terms of lengh of time between meals. You know your body. 2-3 hrs is best but personally I know I can go 5 hrs but no longer before I start to feel the low blood sugar fuzzyness.
  • courtneyholt
    I have found what works best for me is having a 300 to 400 cal breakfast, then 100 calorie snack then 300 calorie lunch, then another 100 calorie snack then a 300 calorie dinner. By doing this I have lost 20 pounds. Eating at least 4 to five meals a day is best and having your biggest meal in the morning is key. That way you have all day to digest it, instead of having a big dinner then going to bed a few hours later. Try those 100 calorie slim fast bars, I love them or mini rice cakes 13 of them 110 calories