Gained it all back & need some support

Hey all! I'm 5'2" female and I weigh 167 lbs. I'm feeling really bad because I was down to 135 lbs with plenty muscle & working out every day at this time last year. But then I broke up with my boyfriend, got super depressed, stopped going to the gym & gained 30 lbs. now it's summer again & being fat in the summer makes me want to cry. so yah, if anyone is around the same size as me or just wants to give me some encouraging words, it would be hugely appreciated!!! Thanks


  • jajajamie316
    jajajamie316 Posts: 4 Member
    Here to support you! I lost a lot of weight then gained sooo much in pregnancy & then even after pregnancy I gained more!! I am working hard to loose the weight. I am 5'3 and 130 is my ultimate goal. 0
  • I've been there, despite the fact i'm Male, 28, 5'10"... Started my journey at 240lbs, dropped down to 160 over 1.5 years... Then life took a dump on my chest, so I went back to all the habits that put me at that starting weight.. I'm now 220, and trying to find that motivation.
    Gaining back 60 lbs over a year has just been.... awful.

    So find that motivation, find that thing you had before and power through. It sucked taking it off the first time, but knowing how it was done and that it's possible will make it okay. And knowing it's a lifestyle change, not something that can yo-yo....
  • 32daisies
    32daisies Posts: 25 Member
    I'm a different shape than you -- I'm 5' 10" -- but I have over 100 pounds to lose... and I did it once already, and gained it again, and now I'm back. So you're in good company. We can do it!
  • :heart: I'm 5' even and weigh 127, doesn't seem a lot to most people but I'm short and most of my weight is in my butt,thighs and stomach. mostly stomach. I've been religiously logging everything I eat. It has made me realize I was picking so much through out the day and eating a lot at night once all three kids were in bed, that I was eating a lot of calories. I'm finding it hard to eat less. I have good days and bad days. Today was not a good day. :sad: Actually let's be honest neither was yesterday. UGH !!! My weight goes up and down and has been for a year now. I hate watching my friends do the same thing but loose lots of weight.

    My advice to you is don't look back. You can't do anything about the past. Breaking up with a boyfriend is a big deal. I'm sorry you had to go through that. But, look at you ! You got on here looking to get started again and to do well and you will. I've really gotten to like the support this site gives. You did the best thing by getting started. Remember we all have bad days or even a bad week. All you can do is try again the next time. Just be sure to log EVERYTHING. It really opens your eyes.

    I wish you nothing but the best and good luck.
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    I know how you feel. I went from 190 to 160 in 2008. Life dealt me a bad hand and before I knew it I was back up (and then some) at 205. Back at it again, but confident this time around. This site has been so instrumental in my weight loss this time around.

    I would say good luck, but it doesn't take luck -- it takes a lot of strength and hard work! You can do it. :bigsmile:
  • zumbachelle
    zumbachelle Posts: 23 Member
    I am in the same boat and need some support myself...actually what I probably need is someone to slap me when I reach for the crap!

    I am 5"6, started my weight loss at 302lbs, got down to 196lbs which is my slimmest adult weight.

    I had my gall bladder removed, doctor told em I can eat whatever i like and I am now back up to 271lbs. I desperately want to get to my goal of 175lbs.

    Anyone who would like to add me feel free :smile:
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    You have lost it once, so try and remember that you have done it before and can do it again! It's horrible to know you are starting over, and I have been there myself, and I wish I had something encouraging to say about the mental aspect. Just make small goals and keep on working and know that you are FAR from alone in this.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    The hurdles of life can do that, but everyone needs to learn that it's much healthier to buy a punching bag for emotion rather than turning to food for comfort.

    Good luck.
  • Same boat... Once I was at 140lbs, now at 168 lbs... ht is 5'4'' and everyday I feel like a busted can of biscuits... My clothes don't fit and my face looks like I have aged 10 years in 2...

    Today I decided to be honest with myself and started logging on MFP once again.. I dropped a pretty penny for one month personal trainer at the gym... this is the first time I've ever done this, but I feel like I need to get come control over my life...

    I am here with you, I'm slowly modifying my diet and hopefully the personal trainer can guide me on a more efficient workout.

    Stay positive and lets do this together, we did it once we can do it again!

  • deslaine
    deslaine Posts: 12 Member
    You have already made the first step, so keep it moving!!! You did it before and you can do it again.
  • nikinikimaki
    nikinikimaki Posts: 124 Member
    I too am in the same boat. I'm 5"2 and two years ago I went from 195 to 145. It was awesome. Then my health tanked viciously and I gained it almost all back. I was 189 this morning. Not good.

    So I signed up for MFP again (lost my login from my old account) and am making a commitment to do this once and for all. My husband is a triathlete and it's really hard always being the one out of shape person in the group.

    Please add me as a friend if you'd like.

  • RealtorJamie
    RealtorJamie Posts: 12 Member
    You arent alone. I had lost 40 lbs and got down to 130 ( im 5'5" ) but got pregnant and gained 40 back.. since the baby ive lost some weight.... but now im stuck at 165. Its possible, just eat as best as you can and stay focused!
  • Thanks to all of you! I can't tell you how nice it is to hear all your stories. I feel like I'm part of a team! Really trying to get started here, seems like just getting started is the hardest part. I hope you will all add me as a friend and we'll crush this together in no time!
  • Mrshonopolist05
    Mrshonopolist05 Posts: 9 Member
    Same boat! Lost 75 lbs, then gained back 30 over this last year. It all started when I was trying to maintain, and well lets just say I suck at maintaining. I started to eat like I used to when I was at 230lbs, having anything I desired thinking that I deserved it and could have it because I was "Skinny" now.

    Trying to get back on track is even harder then when I started to lose weight the first time around!