P90X3 Group



  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I also skipped yoga last week because I'm not a fan of yoga. I did do yoga this week and it was bad. Thank God it's only 30 min and not as long as yoga was in P90X.
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    So this morning I did The Challenge and I love that workout...nothing but push and pull. I was able to do 15 pushups every round and 25 pullups using the bands each round. Unfortunately I don't have a pullup bar...hopefully one day soon. Last week I only did 10 pushups and 20 pullups so I'm glad to bump it up a little and push myself. Tonight will be another 30 min on the treadmill. I'm hoping to incorporate a little running tonight since I'm recovering from a slightly sprained ankle.
  • chelleo2l
    chelleo2l Posts: 6 Member
    I just re-started yesterday after a 1 week break after a shoulder re-injury. I was getting ready to start week 3. I found the workout out was easier than when I started. Agility X today. I have decided to supplement The Challenge with a Jillian Michaels workout. Shoulder will not let me do a full 30 minutes of push ups or hold plank, and forget about pull ups!
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I just re-started yesterday after a 1 week break after a shoulder re-injury. I was getting ready to start week 3. I found the workout out was easier than when I started. Agility X today. I have decided to supplement The Challenge with a Jillian Michaels workout. Shoulder will not let me do a full 30 minutes of push ups or hold plank, and forget about pull ups!

    Hope your shoulder gets better soon. I know what you mean about supplementing the workouts. Agility X was the workout I was doing 2 weeks ago when I got a mild sprained ankle. I haven't done it since. I just supplemented it with a different workout I had. I'll probably try it next week but just be extra careful with the running in it.
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I got up this morning at 5am and did CVX. My body so wanted to stay in bed for another hour but I made myself get up and do it. I knew I wasn't going to have time to do it tonight since I'm going out with some friends.

    I'm not sure if I'll take my rest day tomorrow or Sunday but I will be doing The Warrior one of those days and getting a nice run in over the weekend.

    Everybody, enjoy your day!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    How is everyone's program going? I have to say I am impressed with the results I am getting via P90X3 in comparison to what I got during the three phases of T25. I'm not quite sure what it is about it that is producing such higher results. I felt way more drained and tired after the T25 vids then I do on most of the P90X3 vids except maybe Agility X and the Challenge. Those two destroy me.

    Anyway tonight is Yoga night again. :sad:
  • asteriskrntt
    asteriskrntt Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all. Just curious how you log your P90ish workouts in the exercise log. Thanks.

  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi all. Just curious how you log your P90ish workouts in the exercise log. Thanks.


    You have to make custom exercise entries for each vid. I use a calorie counter and just log the actual results. Trying to guesstimate you could be way off. Typically in a high activity vid like Agility X I burn 350-385 calories. Where a lower activity vid like Total Synergistic I only burn 200-225. So it can be a big variance. I recommend getting a calorie counter. I use a Polar myself. If that isn't an option then I would add friends to your MFP that are also doing the program that you know are logging accurate cal counts and just use their cal burns as general approximates for yours. If you like you can add me and base yours off of my logs. It won't be accurate but it can be ballpark until you can get a cal counter.
  • asteriskrntt
    asteriskrntt Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks..which Polar monitor do you use?
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
  • asteriskrntt
    asteriskrntt Posts: 29 Member
    Awesome. Thanks very much.
  • greenfirearm
    greenfirearm Posts: 120 Member
    One day, when I'm more rich and have...well, a lot more space (as well as being a bit fitter of course...) I'll be right on this, it sounds like a pretty cool workout regime, and given the name I assume it's 90 days for each program? So in effect there's almost a years (well two thirds) worth of training.

    Sorry to butt into your thread, just found it an interesting read :)
  • Hi folks! I just finished my first week of P90X3. I'm coming off an injury so I still have to modify and haven't been able to do Agility this time. Just figured I'd find some other folks who are doing the same thing! This will be my second round of P90X3. I have also done T25, Chalean Extreme, Insanity, and P90X. Wow that looks like a lot! They have been spread out over the last 5 years! Hope you don't mind my jumping in!!
  • I just started P90X3 yesterday and would love some buddies who are doing the same program! Please add me!
  • I have done Focus T25 twice, and Spartacus once, and now started p90x3 (2 days into it) mass workout. Kindly add me to this group.
  • asteriskrntt
    asteriskrntt Posts: 29 Member
    Don't let the space be an issue... I do this in my tiny kitchen on my laptop.
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    I started last wednesday. I'm doing Mass as my first go, and i'm really hoping I can get some decent results :)
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    Finished Power 90 a week ago.

    Starting P90X3 tomorrow.

    Any friends doing P90X3 would be great!!
  • Bob_Or
    Bob_Or Posts: 7 Member
    I completed T25 three phases including pure gamma and gamma hybrid. I lost 22 pounds. Not bad, but struggle to reduce weight in the gamma phases.
    I just started P90X3 this week. I choose the lean program looking for another 10 pounds.
    Coming from T25, I am used to the double Fridays. I did today Isometrics and Agility X. I wonder if you have an opinion on having double Fridays instead going with one on Friday and one on Saturday.

    Thanks in advance.
  • P1961
    P1961 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I've had fun reading all of your posts about P90X3! I am currently doing the 21Day Fix. I ordered P90X3 to start as soon as it arrives. I love the fact that the workouts are 30 minutes. There's no room for excuses about time with a 30 minute video. The longer videos on the original P90X was what made me be so inconsistent.

    Abs, however are built in the kitchen so I need to faithfully log my food on here and make sure what I eat and drink is in compliance with the program.