Core workout, struggling with lower back pain

Hello all. I have decided that I need to do more strengthening exercises and have had a great start with an upper body, arm and shoulder workout I found on YouTube as I cannot afford the gym at present but I do have dumbells at home. However, last night I tried a similar core workout routine and I couldn't get past the first exercise of flutter kicks as my lower back was so tight and painful that I couldn't effectively do the exercise. Does anyone have any tips on how to reduce the lower back pain as my core is probably the weakest part of my body strength wise. TIA


  • savouryduck
    savouryduck Posts: 43 Member
    Sitting on an exercise ball whilst doing your other strength training engages all your core muscles as your body tries to stabilize itself. Shouldn't put direct strain on your back. Double check though.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Make sure that you warm up before you start and that you do stretching at the end. Try, they also have youtube videos. If you try pilates for core, it might be easier in your back.
  • lhippen
    lhippen Posts: 16 Member
    I have found the information at this website very valuable for helping back pain ( The exercises are all bodyweight based and require no equipment. They were painful and hard at first, but helped reduce my backpain significantly after just a few days. I will forever appreciate the friend who introduced me to these exercises.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    1. Make sure you stretch before and after.
    2. Make sure you're using proper form.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    I have the same, but I just guessed this was because my back muscles are not strong enough (yet). I am just going with the phrase: no pain, no gain.
  • super_belle
    super_belle Posts: 16 Member
    1. Make sure you stretch before and after.
    2. Make sure you're using proper form.

    I've started the strong-lifts 5X5 program. Proper form is essential or you can really hurt yourself. If you don't
    have someone that can show you the correct way of lifting then watch youtube videos. I don't believe you should have pain
    other than actually "feeling" the area of your body that the exercise is designed for. Like when I do squats, I feel it in my upper thighs but it's not pain. Sore as hell the next day though. Could you possibly have a previous injury there?
  • bigbeff
    bigbeff Posts: 83 Member
    I suffer similar issues. I am going to try the 30day foundation challenge from the foundationtraining website mentioned above :) Fingers crossed it works!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    IF you don't have any injuries and you've been checked by your doctor, then you are very likely dealing with atrophied muscles and simply need to deal with the discomfort as your muscles strengthen.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Look up Elliot Hulse and he explains cross sectional patterns between weak lower back and hips etc.
  • Emmal2387
    Emmal2387 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you all. I do have a clean bill of health for my back. It looks like I am just going to have to grin and bear the discomfort from having a weak core. I don't think it helped that I also have tight quads and hamstrings which probably doesn't help with the moves like flutter kicks etc
  • yorkie5454
    yorkie5454 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, first post on the forum.

    I also have a weak core and suffer from bad backs. I have been going swimming this year and my fitness has really improved but also my stomach strength. My stomach has reduced and my shoulders and arms are noticeably stronger.

    Hope you get on ok.