Just a place for people to record the weekly weigh ins and help motivate people to get there dream bodies!

Personally i shall write in here regurlarily and record my weekly weight on a friday morning, i wouold love others to join me on this journey.


  • Ok Im kevin, ive been a member here for several years now, back in 2011 i managed to drop around 26kg off and over the past 3 years ive slowly been adding weight on, mainly in the form of muscle but unfortunately fat has been building to.

    I am currently 101 kg 6ft 2in /188cm tall i am trying to drop around 10-12 kg as my first aim and plan on doing this over 3-4 months,
    i work out mainly doing weights 4 days a week. the majority of my weight piled on recently when i quit smoking and my sweet tooth went into over drive. 9 weeks later i am ready to SMASH this and get my body looking more like the picture of me which was 4 months ago weighing 92kg.

    P.S Had a great Chest session today, managed to break a few new personal records including a 42.5kg dumbell incline chest press
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    HI Kevin!

    Dibsie here!

    I am looking to drop around 4-6 % BF (6-15 ponds - ish)

    Last week the scale budged, so I have high hopes for this week!

    Let's do this

    Bring on the shred!
  • Great to have you on board Dibsie! I checked my scales properly thi morning. after day one of healthy eating i am 102.8kg.....
  • Agreed gustaaf but getting a few new faces is easier from the forums, then when a small group of us are formed we can migrate into a group perhaps
  • Back day today!

    Deadlifts, x5-8
    Bent Over Rows, 3x8-12
    Upright rows, 3x8-12
    Reverse flys, 3x12-15
    Single arm rows 3x8-12
    Lat pull down 3x10 into dropset to finish going to be sore tongiht!

    Oh Very happy about my first days food intake too, decent protein, low calories and resisted the sweet tooth.

    Going to take it day by day sp
    Lets Smash it today!
  • brocej
    brocej Posts: 24 Member
    Hey all. I'm 32 from the UK. 3 years ago I dropped from 30% to 12.5% body fat with a low(isn) carb approach and low calories.

    I then let things slip.

    Now I am back at 26.6% body fat (bod pod measured) with 65kg of lean mass. Hoping to preserve all that and drop down to 10% body fat before the end of the year (putting my around 65kg lean, 7kg fat). I'm shooting for 0.8kg per week fat loss.

    My training is with weights, and some intense cardio. My diet is 40p/40c/20c ratio at 2,100 calories or there about. This is around TDEE - 20%.
  • Welcome to our mission brocej, your profile is completely private btw lol
  • brocej
    brocej Posts: 24 Member
    Whoops. Should be visible now, although not much there
  • abs / Cardio session, i HATE CARDIO!!!

    So we did a ramping 5 min warm up, followed by 5 100 m sprints on the row with 20 seconds between intervals then did a fitness test.

    2 min warm up into speed 8 incline 0 increasing the incline every minute. i lasted to incline 6. my two friends having never smoked and do cardio both lasted to incline 13/14. i should be embarrased but the way i see it the lower the starting limit the higher i can climb on improvements.

    we then did abs, another weak point of mine... lets just say this session was hard work but a shambles really.
  • what reps where you doing the deadlifts at?
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Great to have you on board Dibsie! I checked my scales properly thi morning. after day one of healthy eating i am 102.8kg.....

    I am the same this AM (but I was up due to a refeed) I generally do low carb (not keto) today is my total body plus hiits
  • brocej
    brocej Posts: 24 Member
    Good work everyone!

    How you feeling after those deadlifts ;)

    I started the day with a lovely scrambled egg pitta wrap, then put together my meal plan for the day. Also need to head to the gym for day 2 of my routine which is always an adventure.

    Weigh-in: 88.3kg.
  • Hi everyone! I have about 40lbs (18kg) to lose. I am down 10 from my current start weight. I have been tracking my food religiously and walking/running daily. When it starts getting too dark to run in the evenings I plan to start going to the gym for the weights more often. :-)

    I would love to have any motivational friends that I can get. Hopefully I can help keep you all motivated too!
  • great job everyone! love to hear more about your work out regimes!

    mine today is shoulders, if they dont feel like they are dropping off by tonight i didnt do it right!
  • Lythy89
    Lythy89 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone, the names Matt.

    I have dropped around 2 stone and am now trying to shed a bit more using MFP as I am a bit stuck!

    I currently weigh 13st 10 (about 190lbs) (i am 5ft 6) and want to get to 175ish. Stuck on around 1860 cals as MFP suggested over the past 2-3 weeks and ive put on about 2 lbs so ive dropped it to 1510 (then eating back exercise calories). My clothes are looser and people say I look thinner but im weighing heavier! makes no sense to me.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • Hi lythy nice to have you on board, this could be mutiple things, as long as your clothes are loser then you are on the right track, weight can be affected by lots of things.

    change in exercise patterns, more or less cardio, weights etc all effecting things differently.
    change in food, extra sodium carbs etc.
    time of day you weigh in or even having that little cheat the night before your weigh in.

    id say 1500 calories plus any exercise calories at your height and weight is a good shout personally, but be sure to eat back all calories burned and to have that occasionally refeed day as it can keep you mentally keep on target for the lifestyle change and it also confuses the body a little and can aid in over all fat loss. which after all is what we are all after.

    If you want any advice please feel free to ask here or message me directly. and il try my best to explain or help where possible.
  • Lythy89
    Lythy89 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi lythy nice to have you on board, this could be mutiple things, as long as your clothes are loser then you are on the right track, weight can be affected by lots of things.

    change in exercise patterns, more or less cardio, weights etc all effecting things differently.
    change in food, extra sodium carbs etc.
    time of day you weigh in or even having that little cheat the night before your weigh in.

    id say 1500 calories plus any exercise calories at your height and weight is a good shout personally, but be sure to eat back all calories burned and to have that occasionally refeed day as it can keep you mentally keep on target for the lifestyle change and it also confuses the body a little and can aid in over all fat loss. which after all is what we are all after.

    If you want any advice please feel free to ask here or message me directly. and il try my best to explain or help where possible.

    Hey, thank you for the advice! it is much appreciated. I sorta thought dropping my cals was the best move if it wasn't working. Do you think a reefed day once a week is to often? I looked at your profile! well done on everything you've achieved, very inspiring stuff man! I am trying to not focus on my physical weight TO much but it's annoying seeing that + sign when I should be losing it, no matter how loose my clothes are haha.

    I mix my workouts up a fair bit between boxing/body weight circuits/weightlifting and change it every few months/mix workouts together on the same days etc. I do something called Krav maga which is hard for me to record on here so I just "roughly" over eat my daily limit on those days.
  • awesome stuff! a refeed conists of eating you normal daily calories for a day, so im guessing arounf 2500 calories for you roughly. maybe do this once a week since you have cut 300 calories from previously the other 6 days a week anyway. this would still net you a significant reduction in calories compared to previously. if after 3-4 weeks your weight loss does not level out re adjust a bit more.
  • brocej
    brocej Posts: 24 Member
    Well done on your 2 stone drop!
  • Start weight: 103kg
    Week 1 Weight: 101.5kg

    First week over, now need to focus ont he weekend which is my hardest part when dieting