Lost 4lb this week(only time this happened)

My average weight loss since I first joined has been roughly 2lb a week, I just weighed myself today and learnt I've lost 4lbs and I haven't really changed my routine at all this. What I want to know if this would this have any detrimental affect on me? And has this happened to anyone else before?


  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    It does happen from time to time. You may find that next week you don't lose anything, or maybe it'll go back to a pound or two. Sometimes even being "perfect" in regards to eating and working out you may gain a pound one week, and lose it plus another on the next or do all sorts of weird things (and yes, I know the word "perfect" may make me catch some heat but I use it here to mean that you're following your personal plan to the letter and eating a well balanced diet).

    That's one thing about weight loss that many people don't understand: it isn't linear. So long as the scale is moving in the right direction overall and you're eating enough to provide appropriate nourishment to your body, you're good to go.

    There could also be factors like the amount of food in your intestines, or the amount of water you've excreted, etc. Bodyweight can fluctuate a couple pounds just over the course of a day.
  • It's water weight. 2 lbs didn't evaporate. You're a big boy and you can move big weight. I can make the scale read 2 lbs lighter after a solid 30 minutes of cardio - it doesn't matter. What does matter is what I'm eating, the number of calories that represents against my TDEE and how consistent I am. Stop weighing yourself every day. It's a meaningless number. I see that counting kcals didn't work for you. It happens to everyone.

    For me to accurately count calories it means that I had to simplify what I was eating and plan ahead. I basically eat meat, green veggies and beer. It's quite easy to track.

    The next level beyond that you start weighing and preparing food in advance. For instance, if you cooked up 10 services of 3 oz chicken breast (about $5) in advance and left them in the fridge for meals and snacks it would be very easy to track and you would immediately be able to satisfy any hunger pains in the best way. Burned out on chicken? Fine, any lean meat works. Burned out on meat? How about cheese? If you can find an efficient routine to deliver the correct amount of food to your body for a few weeks you'll find that you really don't want to eat crap anymore.

    One funny thing about good food is that you can't eat near as much as crappy food. You'll fill up quickly and generally be well below your TDEE. It then becomes a new fun challenge of how can I consume the correct amount of kcals without making myself sick.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    No it won't have any detrimental affect. Don't worry about it. It's not like 50 lbs in 2 months. You're fine.
  • Thank you very much everyone for the prompt answers :3
  • Also to the second poster I only weigh myself once a week, today was my weighing day
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    I think it's a result of consistency. Like some times you will plateau but the results will definitely catch up with you when you least expect it and you will be like whoa 4lbs ...lol At least that's what happened to me YESTERDAYYYYY *in my Oprah voice*
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The rate at which your body burns fat will vary from week to week due to TOM, exercise, water retention from sodium, stress, bowels, hormones, medication, etc. Since you have been losing prior to this last week then continue as you were and your body will catch up. This is the reason it helps to weigh in under the same conditions once a week and look for a trend about every 4 weeks. As long as the trend is downwards then don’t worry that you didn’t consistently lose the same amount every week.