No Sugar?

Has anyone eliminated fructose from their diet as advocated in the book "Sweet Poison"? Has it worked for you? There is so much information out their it is hard to see the dust from the dirt.


  • patricepeop
    patricepeop Posts: 50 Member
    I have eliminated almost all sugar from my diet. I know that it sounds crazy! I had tried every diet and nothing had worked for me. I started reading Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure and jumped right on the bandwagon. I have lost 50 pounds and really have had no trouble maintaining. I am not a BFC purist (I still use some artificial sweeteners, but not much) and it has been a great change for me! Good luck to you!
  • mkw122680
    I haven't cut out all sugar, as some natural sugar I think is necessary. I have started avoiding as many foods as possible that have high fructose corn syrup listed as any ingredient, and it's for sure out if sugar or frucose of any kind is in the top 5 ingredients. The one exception I've had is the Kashi cereal, because I wanted to try it. But I will probably drop that brand as well due to 9 grams of sugar per serving, even though it's not corn syrup but evaporated cane sugar. It's nearly impossible to find cereal that doesn't have sugar added.

    Basically, my plan is to avoid as much processed sugar as possible, but not try to cut it out entirely.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I really really try to limit sugar, especially the fake stuff. I try to only get my sugar from natural sources such as milk, raw fruits, honey/maple syrup and of course, my little bit of super dark organic chocolate. I know I can't live without it, but I do make sure it comes in its natural form when I eat it.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    I do as little processed sugar as possible and is works well for me. everything tastes more intense to me now, particularly my spicy stuff.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Sugar has been on my mind today too. I heard about a new Tropicana Orange Juice that had only 50% of the sugar in regular orange juice. I looked at the label and sure enough - half the sugar but guess what? They added sodium. Salt in orange juice? What gives?

    There is a huge difference between "added" sugar and natural sugar. A glass of orange juice, some berries, an apple or pear (all things that should be in your diet every day) will definitely put you over your sugar levels. I only count added sugar.