Vyvanse for ADD/ADHD


I was recently diagnosed with ADD (super lazy so no ADHD :tongue: ).) I was prescribed Vyvanse 30mg and am only on day 2. I was wondering if anyone has been on this medication and others like it (Adderall, Ritalin, etc) and if it has effected your appetite?

I have read on different forums that weight loss is a side effect and that people have to remind themselves to eat because they just aren't hungry. Yesterday wasn't too bad, I did eat less, but today I went through lunch without eating and didn't realize it. I had to make myself eat a Larabar, and even then I couldn't eat more than that. Thoughts??

Thanks in advance for your feedback! :happy:


  • Tinydancer91
    Tinydancer91 Posts: 17 Member
    I was taking Vyvanse for a short while a year ago. 30 mgs as well. If you take it on an empty stomach the effects work better. Enjoy the appetite thing, as this side effect surely won't last forever ^.^
  • JenInAustin
    JenInAustin Posts: 53 Member
    I just completed a medical study and was on vyvance for 8? weeks or so. It was a study for those with binge eating problems. I had to eventually take 50 mg a day. It affected my mood at that level so that was a drawback. But I lost weight for almost 8 weeks straight. It gave me just the added wilpower I needed to resist binging.

    Once I was off the study I went to my dr and am now on a different kind and on 10 mg/twice a day. I still have to constantly watch myself but again it's giving me that little extra leverage to help me over the hump and not binge.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Two of my kids take Vyvanse. Not only do they not feel hungry at lunch, they struggle even to force themselves to eat. It's a real problem, but so is the struggle to focus. :-(
  • born2discover
    born2discover Posts: 4 Member

    I know you posted this a long time ago so I am going to assume you already have reached your conclusion on your question but maybe this will allow others who find this threat to make some use from my experience with Vyvanse.

    I do have AD"H"D, have had it since I was at least 8. Tried every medicine I could think of and the doctors finally put me on Vyvanse which is basically the same things as Dexedrine was for those of you who have been on it. It has worked miracles on my ADHD and as you noted about the side effects, I have used them to my advantage.

    I think I should make mention as well, I take Adderall (10mg) and Vyvanse (40mg). Originally my doctor suggested that I take the Vyvanse in the morning and then the Adderall as a booster to finish off my day. Well I didn't like that too much with the crash experience when using Adderall so I switched them, Adderall in the morning and Vyvanse about 3.5 hours later. It is amazing. I was a high school drop out who is now an honors student with a 4.0 at Mizzou.. MIZ!

    Okay now that thats out of the way, lets look at the side effects of Vyvanse and I am speaking about Vyvanse itself before my doctor prescribed me an Adderall booster.

    Side Effect = Weight Loss

    This is indeed an indirect result of Vyvanse causing the body not to send the message its hungry. As you had mentioned before I went almost an entire day before I realized I hadn't eaten anything. Now notice I did not say before I was hungry, I can honestly say I have never felt hungry with Vyvanse, but I do watch the time and eat even though my body is not letting me know its not eaten.

    To my benefit I can say this, I used to eat sweets like no tomorrow, I used to drink almost a gallon of milk a day. Now with this appetite suppressant, I eat in moderation and it is almost a cake walk, to avoid eating cake "pun intended". So while you will indeed not realize you may have just missed lunch, as long as you put eating times in your mental schedule youll be just fine with it.

    Side Effect = Dry Mouth

    This is really self explanatory and anyone who has been on it knows what I am talking about, this side effect has actually been the best for me because my water in take has increased greatly and is now at a very healthy level.

    If anyone has any other questions about Vyvanse, please feel free to message me and I would be glad to help you understand what I have learned about it, not a doctor, but I have certainly done my homework!
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I'm ADHD diagnosed at 5 took Ritalin till i was 13 and Adderal till I graduated at 17 with a year thrown in where we tried some all day stuff. Vyvanse didn't work for me when I took it but meh it works for some people. Adderal I was fine on as a teen but I took it for a semester of college when I was about 22-23 and it screwed me over big time couldn't eat, couldn't sleep but it did control the adhd and I lost like 40 lbs in 2 1/2 months. I DO NOT recommend this by the way that was just my experience that time. That being said I'm doing the college thing again but with Ritalin this go round which does not last all day and I only take it on school days. I can say this be very careful with these drugs they are powerful they are addictive and the way you loose weight on them may not be healthy or sustainable I was on the entire time I was in the public school system and my parents watched what I ate like a hawk to ensure that I didn't develop an eating disorder. The best way to control that side affect maybe to set an alarm with snack time and specific snacks made up like trail mix etc. My experiences are not the normal though and I'm highly controlled when I'm not on medication I take it now sole because I still come close to vibrating out of seat from time to time.
  • cocorosalie
    cocorosalie Posts: 27 Member
    Vyvanse was a HUGE contributor to my Anorexia. I was an overweight pre teen, and after the first few pounds came off, I was addicted to the weight loss. After 6 months I was eating about 400-600 calories a day. I dropped 32 pounds, but started getting sick often and I always felt weak. After I got off the Vyvanse, my eating disorder persisted. It seriously took my 17-19 years away from me. Plus, while in recovery, I gained ALL of the weight back. It isn't a solution. It's a shortcut that leads right back to the beginning.

    Diet, exercise and self-love will get you where you want to be. As far as the ADD goes, try more exercise, GABA and fish oil and maybe even some behavioral management classes. Drugs NEVER fix problems, ask the addict. I know.
  • born2discover
    born2discover Posts: 4 Member
    It is crazy how Vyvanse completely removes your body's alert system that its time to get some nutrition. Vyvanse works phenomenally for my ADHD and I basically just set myself reminders that indicate its time to eat!
  • crazydogchick
    crazydogchick Posts: 5 Member
    My son takes it, too. That's really the only side effect he's had that has not gone away. We make sure he eats a big, healthy breakfast before he takes it in the morning. He basically grazes during the day - AM snack, small lunch, after school snack. He eats a reasonable dinner, then he has a bedtime snack. Granted, he's six, but the frequent snacks may work for you as well.
  • deadlybeth
    deadlybeth Posts: 4 Member
    I've have ADD since elementary and have been taking adderal for about 10 years..wow crazy long time. I stopped taking it though and have been off it for half a year now. And yeah throughout those years it did help with weight loss. When I first started taking it I loss 8 lbs when only 7 yrs old. But it always affected my personality where I would be quiet for long periods of time and didn't talk to many kids without even noticing. I'm a better person off the medication.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Im have never taken Vyvanse but I do take 20mg of AdderallXR daily for my ADHD. It does NOT suppress my appetite at all. I wish it did. BUMMER!! :sad:
  • ryanrieb
    ryanrieb Posts: 25 Member
    I can really relate to you Born2Discover. I have been taking Vyvanse 40 for about 2 years now. I too was ALMOST a high school drop out. I hated high school. My parents didnt believe me when i told them i had trouble focusing in school and because of that my grades suffered and i basically skirted by. Not until I took the initiative myself was I diagnosed with ADD. My doctor told me that many times it goes unnoticed if you dont have the typical behavioristics of children with ADD/ADHD... troublemakers, too talkative etc...

    Not only have i excelled academically now that i can concentrate and focus, but i have always struggled with my weight and binge eating. Now with Vyvanse, my school is under control, and thanks to the side effects of the vyvanse i have lost about 40lbs and still going... sure i can still make bad food choices but i no longer binge eat because of the appetite supression.
  • hetx2mommy
    i was recently diagnosed with adhd (i'm 32!)
    been taking 15 mg adderral xr since sept 8. I've lost about 12 lbs.
    My diary is open - it seriously is hard to eat. Some days I get 1000-1200, others 600 :(
  • Sevendust912
    Sevendust912 Posts: 122 Member
    It will make you better in general. You will eat less, move more, and be more productive in work/school/whatever you do.
  • Steve__McD
    Steve__McD Posts: 27 Member
    I'm getting lots of attention benefits from Vyvanse (60mg) and have zero appetite (though can eat when I decide to do so).
    If anyone is still following this, I'd love to make some ADHD friends. Please send an FR if you are interested!
  • xmissbehaved23x
    xmissbehaved23x Posts: 4 Member
    I take 10mg of adderall twice a day and when I first started I went from 132 lbs to 113 at 5'6 in the span of 3 weeks. I would forget to eat(most days not eating at all) and when I did try to eat I felt full after a few bites. I was working as a nurse's aid in an eating disorder clinic at the time and my patients thought I suffered from an ED. Some of my patients abused stimulants to maintain their low weight. After about a month I started to feel hungry again and haven't really had issues keeping weight on (125 now) two years later. I would set reminders on your phone for when to eat so you make sure you're getting enough calories. Also, make sure you drink more water than you did before the Vyvanse since stimulants can be dehydrating.