So Frustrated, Gluten Free Dairy Free Diet



  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    First, re: the weight gain.
    I couldn't say for certain, but a possibility to speculate on? It could be celiac disease rather than gluten sensitivity. Did the doc actually test you for that? If so, I'd honestly get the test results to see. If the doctor didn't test you for that, one has to go back ON the gluten diet for 4-6 weeks to accumulate enough damage for the test to properly register. And even then, there's a 20% false negative rate.

    The reason I ask is this. It's a very common scenario for celiacs to be unable to lose weight, and then when they go gluten free, they start gaining. The body has previously been unable to absorb nutrients properly, and when it heals, all of a sudden it goes kind of gonzo. I've heard some doctors speculate that it's like the body has been in starvation mode and suddenly, it can access the calories and so you start gaining weight. Most celiacs I know kind of even out, though, eventually.

    But one reason it's important to know if you do have celiac disease is that if you do, and you are just now going gluten free, it's a BAD time to limit your diet at all in terms of calories. The body is damaged enough that it needs at least 6 months to heal back up, if not longer, and it is still not absorbing nutrients completely until it has healed. So any nutrients you can pack in will be used by the body for healing, at this point...if it was celiac disease. A little of this also applies to gluten intolerance, potentially, but seems to be a matter of a few days or weeks for inflammation to calm down, from what I've read. So not such a big issue.

    Some places with good recipes for this sort of thing
  • Ferrous_Female_Dog
    Ferrous_Female_Dog Posts: 221 Member
    The issue is if you can't have gluten or dairy a lot of the foods are made with carbs in them.

    Does not compute. If you can't eat gluten you should probably wind up eating fewer carbs since you can't have wheat and other carb sources.

    Put more meat in your diet. Tofu, beans, avocado, fish, beans, nuts, lentils, fish, things like that.
  • bethanytapp
    bethanytapp Posts: 79 Member
    I am gluten & dairy free.... Some of my favorite snacks are:
    - almonds & 85% dark chocolate
    - fruit
    - veggies with hummous
    - coconut flour cake in a mug - lots of recipes on pinterest
    - popcorn
    - almond milk and PB2 'ice- cream'
    - avocado
    - tuna
    - boiled eggs

    I end up being about 40% carb, 30% fat and 30% protein. For meals I eat lots of veggies, quinoa, sweet potato, beans, fish & chicken.

    Hope that helped
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    a common thought is that eggs are dairy free but they are not. I never asked what in the eggs are not dairy free or how they are not dairy free but they do have egg substitute that I use.

    I don't understand. How can eggs possibly have dairy? Are we using some unusual definition of dairy? (I don't really care, as I eat lots of dairy and love it, and it makes me feel great, but this is just puzzling.)
    Do others count the caloric intake from their drinks? i.e. starbucks passion tea lemonade silly question i guess but I am thinking maybe that I should be counting something like that since I do drink them twice a day sometimes. Thanks

    If there are any significant calories, of course. I don't count black coffee, though, even though there are a few, or plain tea. No real reason for that except that I tend to drink partial cups and it would be a pain and not especially helpful to try to log them.

    I don't think it matters how many carbs you eat, although I do about 40%. I can't tell how much of what I eat your doctor might think are dairy based, but I eat eggs (whole, from a farm), vegetables, fruit, and meat (including fish), in addition to the starchier carbs like potatoes and sweet potatoes and quinoa. Are you vegetarian? If I cut gluten and dairy my diet would probably get a lot lower in carbs, without any effort.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You aren't losing weight because you are eating too many carbs. You aren't losing weight because you are eating too many calories.

    I eat gluten free and dairy free (with the occasional cheese).

    You can add me and take a look at my diary! I eat lots of chicken, salmon, turkey, nuts, seeds, etc.
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    I don't eat Gluten or Dairy (however I can tolerate high fat greek yogurt). I am also sensitive to eggs, and it's weird but I build up a tolerance to them over time, and then all of the sudden they start passing through me too quickly - as if I cannot tolerate them either. So then I cut them out and work back up to them again- slowly.
    My snacks are lactose free cottage cheese and gluten free oatmeal. Raisins in the oatmeal, frozen fruit in the cottage cheese and aforementioned greek yogurt.
  • one of my favorite things to eat is chicken salad with grapes wwrapped in a romain leaf or tuna salad wrapped in a romain leaf! its really good. :-) Im supposed to be gluten free and dairy free as I have an intollerence, but sometimes its hard, especially when you are out and about or low on money. I like to eat carrots and maybe a side of dressing to dip them in or some celery with a little peanut butter.. a handful of grapes when I need a sugar fix.
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member

    I'm Coeliac and I can be sensitive to dairy (I can't eat Greek yogurts or cream, I can only stomach skimmed milk and thin, fat free yogurts) and soya is a no no for me too (so no dairy replacement options for me).

    I eat fresh fruit, veg, fish, meat, I love quinoa, I have gluten free pasta; I love gluten free rice cakes, corn cakes, I have peanut butter, I also have shelled hemp and add it to porridge (I make mine with skimmed milk for added protein, but it can be made with water) or sprinkle it on salads.... Look up protein rich seeds (such as Flaxseed & shelled hemp)

    Try eating oily fish, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and nuts as they're good sources of protein.

    I'm in the UK, so depending where in the world you are, some of my favourite brands are:

    Nature's Store (Available in Tesco)
    Kelkin (widely available)
    Kallo (widely available)
    P28 protein spread, banana, peanut, chocolate (Tesco and online)

  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I just discovered Splitz crisps. They are made with split peas and have 100 calories, 7 grams of fiber, 7 grams of protein.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    turkey with taco seasoning, 5:1 egg whites/egg, rice. lots o' protein
  • cuteypolice
    cuteypolice Posts: 32 Member
    The issue is if you can't have gluten or dairy a lot of the foods are made with carbs in them.

    Does not compute. If you can't eat gluten you should probably wind up eating fewer carbs since you can't have wheat and other carb sources.

    Put more meat in your diet. Tofu, beans, avocado, fish, beans, nuts, lentils, fish, things like that.

    This is a good point but a lot of stuff that is gluten free do have carbs and as I was driving today I was thinking to myself about how hard it is for me to actually digest complex carbohydrates like pasta. I can't even digest gluten free pasta most anyway. The only one recently that I have been able to handle is the quinoa dream gluten free pasta.

    Thanks so much everyone for your feedback because I am writing it all down. I am definitely going to put more protein in my diet and I have been tested for celiac and it has come back negative. My PCP was the one who told me to go gluten free for 4-6 wks and then try eating something with a little bit of gluten and he said if I do get very sick than that is another way of telling if I have a gluten sensitivity and sure enough I felt very nausea and sick.
  • I am just starting the gluten and dairy free lifestyle upon recommendation from my doctor. Can anyone recommend a good resource book or app that can help me adapt? Thank you!
  • catic32
    catic32 Posts: 105 Member
    Gluten free junk food is still junk food. Eat more protien, veggies and fruit.
  • catic32
    catic32 Posts: 105 Member
    I am just starting the gluten and dairy free lifestyle upon recommendation from my doctor. Can anyone recommend a good resource book or app that can help me adapt? Thank you!

    Grain Brain is a good read, Wheat Belly .
  • tr3kkie9rl
    tr3kkie9rl Posts: 144 Member
    ...Do others count the caloric intake from their drinks? i.e. starbucks passion tea lemonade silly question i guess but I am thinking maybe that I should be counting something like that since I do drink them twice a day sometimes. Thanks

    Of course it counts, unless it is water. ;) I even log Coke Zero, although no calories I try to watch how much I consume.

    A quick search on the nutrition database here on MFP shows a "tall" starbucks passion tea lemonade comes in at 70 calories unsweetened, 100 calories if sweetened. So yep, if you're having 2 a day with sweetener, that's 1000 extra calories in a work-week. Yikes. Also make sure to count condiments like ketchup, mayo (okay maybe not if you're dairy-free), soy sauce, olive oil, etc. etc. It all adds up.

    This is also helpful to see if you are consuming too much sodium (in the case of diet sodas at least, I don't know how much sodium is in a starbucks drink)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'm vegetarian and low dairy and no gluten....just throw in a dairy-gluten free protein shake once a day. Problem solved.
  • cuteypolice
    cuteypolice Posts: 32 Member
    I'm vegetarian and low dairy and no gluten....just throw in a dairy-gluten free protein shake once a day. Problem solved.

    Any suggestions on the dairy- gluten free protein shake because I have looked at some and they haven't been tasety at all.
  • check out the "eat well" cookbooks (paleo--very good ideas), and "it all starts with food"--easy excellent recipes. You sure it's gluten?
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    You are way too high in carbs. You should be at a 40/40/20 ratio or thereabouts. And unless there's some reason why you're dairy free, you need whole fat from milk and dairy products. Only a tiny fraction of the population has a need to go gluten free.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Thanks so much for the feedback, just wanted to comment about the egg being dairy free. When I went to my gastroenterologist she told me a common thought is that eggs are dairy free but they are not. I never asked what in the eggs are not dairy free or how they are not dairy free but they do have egg substitute that I use.

    Your gastroenterologist believes that eggs come from the mammary glands of mammals like cows, sheep or goats? :shock:

    Your gastroenterologist is wrong ...eggs are not dairy

    Are you allergic to eggs? That's different

    Are you personally allergic to dairy and gluten? Or are you trying to figure out if you are by cutting them out? Just curious.
    If not, you don't need to cut these things out.