Hate working out. :)

BzNova Posts: 66 Member
Ive used this site before to lose 50lbs!! After having a child, and now after a few years the weight has creeped back on!! Stress binge eating, my major problem, and soda. Ready to use this wonderful site all over again!

Im a mom of three, divorced, but currently seeing a wonderful sweet funny man!

Im SOOOOOO lazy, I HATE working out. HATE it!!

I hate that the results arent instant, im so impatient with weight loss ! lol!!



  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Well....at least your honest. I would encourage you to not see exercise as only a way to lose weight. Exercise is so much more...way to feel empowered about your body, a way to have fun (hiking, swimming, etc). Really, once you are in better shape you will find that you enjoy and look forward to exercise. Focus on being healthier(weighing your food, eating moderate portions) and the rest will take care of itself. Do not focus so much on the weight loss. That will come along with the better habits you are establishing.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Well....at least your honest. I would encourage you to not see exercise as only a way to lose weight. Exercise is so much more...way to feel empowered about your body, a way to have fun (hiking, swimming, etc). Really, once you are in better shape you will find that you enjoy and look forward to exercise. Focus on being healthier(weighing your food, eating moderate portions) and the rest will take care of itself. Do not focus so much on the weight loss. That will come along with the better habits you are establishing.

    Funny i was just thinking this yesterday..I fractured my ankle so my ability to excercise has been limited...at least on the cardio side..and as ive gone through adjusting to m current conditions, i realised that while i could lose weight by diet alone, having an active routine has really motivated me to adhere to a sound nutritional plan..and without that motivation, i really have to be more concious of what im doing
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Ive used this site before to lose 50lbs!! After having a child, and now after a few years the weight has creeped back on!! Stress binge eating, my major problem, and soda. Ready to use this wonderful site all over again!

    Im a mom of three, divorced, but currently seeing a wonderful sweet funny man!

    Im SOOOOOO lazy, I HATE working out. HATE it!!

    I hate that the results arent instant, im so impatient with weight loss ! lol!!


    Keep looking for something you enjoy doing. Walking, hooping, skating, yoga, dancing, anything that keeps you active.

    Weight loss without exercise will be slower. Weight loss without exercise puts you at risk for muscle loss.

    I workout because I CAN. I'm over 50 and can't afford to lose (more) muscle. Start small....10 Minute Solutions DVDs have 5- 10 minute workouts. Check youtube or your library. Schedule 10 minutes.....mark a calendar when task is completed....make yourself accountable. Add sessions.....soon working out will be a habit. Baby steps........:flowerforyou:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Really? Have you tried different things or do you force yourself to do the things people/magazines tell you that you MUST do? Sorry, to me it's like people saying they hate veggies - have you really tried all veggies and tried cooking them in different ways or just eating them raw? I just find it hard to believe someone can hate all parts of a whole category of things.

    I used to say the same thing but then I sucked it up and tried a bunch of stuff and found a few things that I like enough to keep me going. And I still whine some days, I think we all do. :) What I REALLY love to do is walk so I mostly do that this time of year. However, I hate the treadmill so in the colder months, I do workout DVDs or hop on the elliptical or stairmill and do some weights. I know I "should" be more consisent with weights and get back to running but I'm happy with what I'm doing right now and would rather stay consistent than force myself and be miserable. As long as I'm moving, that's a good thing.

    I have to agree with TeaBea too. I look at some of my relatives as well as random people who look far too young to be using those scooters or walking canes and wonder if they were too careless with their physcial fitness. I'd rather be like my father who walks at about 4mph for 3-4 miles every day at age 71...you'd think he was 10-20 years younger with the way he walks - I have a hard time keeping up with him sometimes!
  • abigail659
    abigail659 Posts: 63 Member
    I hate working out too... I will have a "mad face" throughout the entire workout but funny enough when I'm done (when the nausea goes away) I feel energized and great. Then when I don't workout my body or subconsious misses it. The fact that you've lost 50 before is impressive - I'm sure you can do it again.
    BTW - I love your profile pic - vintage and cool!!
  • RealtorJamie
    RealtorJamie Posts: 12 Member
    Hey girl!
    This has helped me lose weight in the past as well :)
    Im also a mommy of three, married and it be great to make friends.

    I need motivation and i HATE to work out too.. its the worst lol


  • SparrowGal2014
    SparrowGal2014 Posts: 33 Member
    I HATE it too, BUT, it does make you feel so empowered! I like the bragging rights too! (7 miles yesterday-4.5 mile run!) I love the fresh air when I take my dog out. It's great for everything-muscles, joints, heart, and it's a really great example to set for your children & I think that it may help increase familly together time. Do things with them-bring a ball or frisbee to the park.

    A little aside: I was thinking how my mom was never overwt until she was maybe in her late 40s early 50s-she ate & didn't exercise. And in turn, as a kid I was overwt & didn't exercise. I started in HS & w/ great eating habits, lost 50 LBS. I'm experiencing a really tough time now. But I'm working on it. My point goes to the children...I never exercised, hate it to this day, I "can't" play an organized sport b/c I have no skill. I have no desire to learn the skill, but I can walk & run. So, I buy great running shoes, invested in a treadmill that I adore and I walk the dog outside for 3-6 miles a day (couple of different walks) and I run inside with my 400 channels. I also started doing half marathons. I think it teaches them coordination, how to be a team and that YOU want to be healthy. You can always walk!!! I see that your hair is a cool red-get running shoes to match!
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I use to hate working out when I was doing endless hours of cardio a day to lose.
    Start lifting heavy weights and I guarantee you will fall in love with it.

    Also, don't rely so heavily on exercise as your only means to lose weight.
    Losing weight happens by creating a calorie deficit. Exercise helps make that deficit bigger, but is more for fitness.
  • SparrowGal2014
    SparrowGal2014 Posts: 33 Member
    I hate working out too... I will have a "mad face" throughout the entire workout but funny enough when I'm done (when the nausea goes away) I feel energized and great. Then when I don't workout my body or subconsious misses it. The fact that you've lost 50 before is impressive - I'm sure you can do it again.
    BTW - I love your profile pic - vintage and cool!!

    LOVE THE "MAD FACE!" I don't talk to anyone if I go to the gym. I hate it that much I don't want to make friends-and I am a really, friendly, out-going person!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I think most people hate working out. It's the "work" part of it. This is what I tell my sister (who also hates working out): use your calories to lose weight and your workouts to get in shape or "earn" a reward. So... if you get a deficit in food alone... you don't HAVE to work out to lose that weight... but you can go for a run so you can have a glass of wine.... and of course lifting helps your body recomposition and you'll be much happier with the results you see. Welcome back... make it stick this time! Good luck :)
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I have never regretted finishing a workout. I always regret skipping one.
  • abigail659
    abigail659 Posts: 63 Member
    LIGHTBULB! That's why no one talks to me at bootcamp! It all makes sense now. haha. Thanks! Yes, I'm the same way, friendly and outgoing (outside of the gym) and once you get to know me.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    I too hate working out. I've lost about 30lbs in the past 4 months and have been to the gym a total of 3 times. I love walking, and have been going for walks with my fiance as often as I can to drop this weight. Seems to be working well so far - feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Hello HWO - I try to talk myself out of going to the gym every time, but thankfully, I succeed only 10% of the time. It takes a while, but you will get to the point where you just know you feel better when you engage in an exercise routine. Even though you're young, and don't worry about this, working out helps you to tone up as you lose weight. The best exercise routine is the one you stick with, according to my doctor. Doc also said if one doesn't workout regularly, it will negatively affect the quality of your next decade.

    Neville Goddard quote -- Change your attitude - change your destiny.

    Sorry about throwing a quote at you, but this is a good one. Good luck to you. You may as well give in and adopt a healthy physical exercise routine. Your brain and body will thank you. :flowerforyou:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I use to hate working out when I was doing endless hours of cardio a day to lose.
    Start lifting heavy weights and I guarantee you will fall in love with it.

    Also, don't rely so heavily on exercise as your only means to lose weight.
    Losing weight happens by creating a calorie deficit. Exercise helps make that deficit bigger, but is more for fitness.

    I'm the opposite.....love cardio....weights not so much. But weights are sooooo necessary for me. I don't enjoy going to the dentist either, but I would like to keep my teeth.
  • I am in the same boat. I despise working out. I would rather sit down and relax when I get home from work. I enjoy my sleep so to see me up at 5 am working out is well impossible lol. I was doing 60 minute zumba classes and half way through I would be panting and nauseated and ready to give up. But I ended up having so much fun that the hour went by very quickly! I am now trying things at home since I can't seem to ever get myself to the gym. Here's to motivation!!
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I feel ya, I used to be like that. I would force myself to go. I would look at my couch and then look at my pj's and would catch myself already trying to make an excuse to not workout. Then, I would look in the full length mirror for a reality check and then throw on my workout clothes like a robot and head to the gym, or outside to run. After I saw my results I started getting more and more motivated. Now, I can hardly stand to miss my workouts.
    May I suggest getting some really cute workout clothes? I love feeling and looking good on the outside as well as the inside. It helped me !! Good Luck!
  • BzNova
    BzNova Posts: 66 Member
    thanks for the warm welcome back, im starting to remember why i loved this site so much the first go round.