Feeling stuck



  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    I really don't think it is rude at all. If you get along with them like you say and they love you than they should respect the fact that you are trying to make a positive change for yourself. I would tell your hubby that he can feel free to entertain them while you take care of yourself if he thinks its rude. ayou need to do this for yourself. I say don't let anybody tell you that you that you should not take time for yourself to do something positive.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Not sure why that would be rude - it's only 20-30 minutes. If you feel bad about missing a little time with them you could always do it in the morning before they're up/or at night after they go to bed. I'd be willing to bet they'll be proud of your dedication.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    My husband says he's supportive of my journey and he's even a MFP member but I'm not sure why he thinks it so rude to take care of myself for 20-30 minutes while they are here. I guess I am trying too hard to please everyone. I would love to get up before everyone and do exercise but my father in law gets up at 5:30am or earlier EVERY day.
    Thank you to everyone for their input. It helped make my decision. I am going to just do it, If they think it is rude maybe they are just a little jealous because I am finally doing something about my problem :tongue: