
blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
Hi!!! My profile is slightly out of "date." Anyways I could really use some friends. I started my weight loss "journey" last july. Between July 5th and Sept 5th, I managed to lose 34lbs! We were planning a wedding for April,2015, but I found out I was pregnant Sept 29th,2013... so plans have changed. We set the wedding back a year, and our third little boy was born June 4th :D. Granted I gained back almost all of the weight I lost. Im about 240 now. I was planning on getting right back to it after the baby, but ended up needing to have my gallbladder out two weeks ago today! LOL So NOW Im finally starting to get back to it. Before I got pregnant I had worked up to walking/jogging about 20 miles/week (not all at once lol) So I would really love to get back to that. I would love to have more frends, to #1 hold me accountable, and #2 to make mfp fun! All but one of my friends deleted me after I hadn't been on for 8months, I know, my own fault! But I would love to meet more people and would be happy to support/encourage/motivate and hold you accountable as well! :)


  • kimikat91
    kimikat91 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm here girlly...n how in the heck did u walk that much ..? Before i got pregnant with my only child i had lost 60 lbs but i was never eating..only lik a sandwich a day..but i knew i had to eat more for him.
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I was very motivated LOL. I would run a mile early in the morning before the kids woke up (before hubby left for work) and walk a mile back, then in the evenings I would walk or run 2-3 miles, usually run one mile walk two...We live out in the country so there are sooo many hills to walk! Yeah, at one point Id starve myself- waaaaaayyyy back when.. Im talking like 7 years ago or so, but doing that isn't healthy and you know I find I los e more weight when I stick to a certain number of calories per day and eat back whatever I burned through exercise. It may seem weird but it works, and I can eat things I like! When did you have your son?ts cool that you were able to los 60lbs. I bet it will be easier doing this way, since you can actually eat lol
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    You can add me if you like! :)
  • kimikat91
    kimikat91 Posts: 24 Member
    I had him in goin to do it the right way now..n even more with all you supportive people. ????
  • jspanman
    jspanman Posts: 686 Member
    I'm always up for an add!