The daily struggle

kscm02 Posts: 24 Member
Proud of myself today that I was able to log everything I ate and stayed within my calorie goal. I've been trying to have a day like today for a while now. Most days I try at the beginning of the day but by mid afternoon I start having cravings and start raiding anything not nailed down even if it starts with trying to eat healthy snacks it always slips downhill to the point I give up logging for that day. I started taking Lexapro, an antidepressant a couple months ago and gained 10lb on top of the weight I was already struggling to loss. I so want to get this weight off. Tomorrow I will endevour to have another good day like today.


  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    log it all anyway, even the really bad days. click the button that tells you what you would weigh in 5 weeks if everyday were like today. that really helped me a lot. not saying I don't have cravings just keeping that in mind helped sooooo much
  • I also log everything...I went to Ribfest last week - ate waaaaaay too many ribs, logged it, and even though I was like 600 calories over for that day, I could see it in black and white, and I was still accountable for it. I have my food diary open to my MFP friends, so when I know people will looking at what I'm eating, that keeps me motivated to stay on track!
  • MarvelousMrs
    MarvelousMrs Posts: 197 Member
    I log the bad days, too. As frustrating as it is... this is a journey and we'll have our ups and downs along the way.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Press on....keep your eyes on your goal. You will get there.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    Great job. Day by day. I hear you. I pre-log my day in the mornings and sometimes I find myself taking off the good stuff I planned to have and adding lots of not so good stuff (Goldfish are my Kryptonite... LOVE EM!).
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    This is me too! I find it so hard to stay on track t the moment! Gaining and not losing too! I try to log all my food, but on the bad days I lose heart! I have lost 22lbs in the back to 7! Argh!
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Ok, so I feel off the wagon for about a month (But that was doctors orders to stop trying to lose weight while some issues got resolved). He also upped my calories to 2500 a day. To me, that was like a golden ticket to eat and eat and eat... and not log. Now getting back into the swing of things I find I hate logging bad days where as before I just did it and that was it. Now, it feels like a failure to go over calories but I remind myself that it's a slip... nothing more. In fact, I had to remind myself of my own motivational saying and that's been helping me to get on and get going as well!!

    "Failure are just pot holes on the road to success, sometimes you can't miss them but you got to just keep on going"

    Forgive yourself and keep going. None of us got heavy overnight and none of us will become skinny overnight. Every day is a new beginning and a chance to be the change we want to see!! Good Luck!!

    FYI- I find preplanning snacks to take with me to work helps a ton too!!
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    Great job. Day by day. I hear you. I pre-log my day in the mornings and sometimes I find myself taking off the good stuff I planned to have and adding lots of not so good stuff (Goldfish are my Kryptonite... LOVE EM!).

    Doing this helps me a lot too. As does putting the crap that I want to eat in my journal prior to actually eating it. Then I kind of have to face what I am about to do to myself. Easier said then done though. Good luck.
  • adaffern
    adaffern Posts: 161 Member
    I also fill my food diary in for the day. I add as I need to if I have something unplanned. If I have a craving for something, I'll put it into my diary and see how it affects my numbers. if it throws me too far out of whack then I don't do it. Seriously craving some French Vanilla FroYo right now, but it's no worth the impact for today. I'll wait until I really need it...maybe as a celebration when i reach a goal!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    I agree with those saying to log anyway even if its a bad day. It holds you accountable and could help stop you if you log before/while you are eating something that may push you over your calories for the day. Just take it one day at a time, but accept that the journey is not a straight line - there will be a lot of highs and lows but if you stick with it you will see the results you want! Some days you will go over your calories - special events, a bad day, etc - but other days you just won't be as hungry. Its all a balance! Good luck!
  • TonchoS
    TonchoS Posts: 3 Member
    I also try to log in as much as I can for the day for while I am at work. I also plan for my nightly snack (a piece of chocolate, for example). This way I know how many calories I have for my dinner and I try to stick by it.
    When you log it it, it counts, even if you go over. I only have 1200cal/day and it's not easy, but when you start seeing results, its definitely worth it.
  • LolaKarwowski
    LolaKarwowski Posts: 217 Member
    Great job. Day by day. I hear you. I pre-log my day in the mornings and sometimes I find myself taking off the good stuff I planned to have and adding lots of not so good stuff (Goldfish are my Kryptonite... LOVE EM!).

    I seriously thought I was the only one on earth who loved Goldfish. Like, LOVVEEEE them.

    With that said, I remember someone told me to drink water before eating my meals (or snacks). More often than not you are just thirsty. Also, it helps if you tell yourself that you can't eat anything else before your least favorite thing to eat. Pick something you least like but can eat (for ex. Broccoli) and say 'before I have this granola bar, I will eat a few cups of broccoli). That usually stops me and if it doesn't, I end up eating less of the what I wanted to eat.

    Hope that makes sense and it helps.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Buy - and eat! - better food. Spend all morning chewing down, have all the strawberries, grapes - whatever low-cal food you want.

    Do you know how many strawberries you'd have to eat to get to 300 calories? Make a point of getting protein in lower-cal ways: tuna, egg whites, bakerd chicken breast.

    Try low-cal snacks like Special K popcorn chips with salsa.

    Do yourself a favor and get the Nature Valley Crunchy Granola bars. Very tasty and they fill you up like eating an entire meal.

    The whole, "Don't eat healthy food! Just adjust your portions!" works really well for some people. Give eating tons and tons of food - healthy food - a try. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But you should try stuffing your face all day and see how you like it before dismissing it. IMO.

    That's my advice.
  • tr3kkie9rl
    tr3kkie9rl Posts: 144 Member
    I also try to log in as much as I can for the day for while I am at work. I also plan for my nightly snack (a piece of chocolate, for example). This way I know how many calories I have for my dinner and I try to stick by it.
    When you log it it, it counts, even if you go over. I only have 1200cal/day and it's not easy, but when you start seeing results, its definitely worth it.

    I like this method - "pre-logging" - and I do it a lot too. I have been slacking off on the weekends though, that's where I need to be better.
  • jnelson1028
    jnelson1028 Posts: 13 Member
    You mention by afternoon you have huge cravings and cave and end up having a bad day.. Just curious if you are eating enough in the morning and afternoon...? I notice if I haven't been having snacks during the day by the end of afternoon I'm starving and will eat anything in sight...
  • Never give up. I read an eye opening post the other day about accountability and responsibility and it was speaking to me. I always had an excuse or someone else to blame for my cheats and overeating. It was a harsh post (I Will look for it so you can read). made me think that I just need to start saying no to certain foods, even if I say it out loud, it helps. I am learning to say No, I don'T want that instead of No, I can'T have that and it makes a big difference that I am c hosing to say no and not feeling bad because I can'T have it....try it, might help. Good luck.