Starting a 200+ pound weight loss journey



  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    Just take it a day at a time. :) Stay strong and stick with the plan. :)
  • KrisN30
    KrisN30 Posts: 19
    You can add me too. I have 200 pounds to lose as well. It's tough but you have to get started somewhere. i've already lost 60lbs (without the setback it would have been 95)
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    Some great motivational posts in this thread. If anyone wants to add a rather erratic Irishman to their friends list then look no further. I've about 250lbs to lose but have lost 33 in 2 months. I've an open diary which is sometimes great, at other times an absolute clusterf**k and an embarrassment. But I'm here every day and will try and motivate people as much as possible
  • Alli4Chocolate
    Alli4Chocolate Posts: 139 Member
    You can do it!!!
  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    your reasons list looks a lot like mine. add me to your list of friends I recently went on the first hike in years where I wasn't the one everyone stopped and waited for. It felt amazing
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Congrats on being ready to change your life. Take it day by day and you will have success with it.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Good for you! I know exactly how you feel, because I was right there. I started at 322 pounds. I feel SO much better now, and I know you will too. You can do it!
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    My big thoughts are
    1. You are important and need to do this for yourself, your food needs, scheduling and all that sort of stuff as you build a routine for yourself is critical
    2. Preplan food and have emergency meals ready in the freezer for those days that don't work well
    3.. Keep walking. Small steps are the start of any journey. I started with 10 to 100 steps at a time because of foot and knee pain. Each time gets easier and each pound off makes it easier to walk further. For me the Fitbit has been a real motivator. I love watching the numbers go up
    You will make it. It sounds like you are ready please feel free to add me on as a friend. LOL
  • tljones63
    tljones63 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Tammy , and im taking it five pds. at a time. would love to support you on your journey.:smile:
  • puddy29
    puddy29 Posts: 77
    congratulation on your new beginnings sounds like you are ready to do this and i am right there with you we are in this together.
  • ilovedolphins73
    ilovedolphins73 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey sis, I'm Tanya. CONGRATS on this step and the ones to CAN do this! I have over 100 lbs to lose and I can relate to a lot of what you've posted. I'll be praying for your journey and hope to read more of your posts soon.
  • becka9266
    becka9266 Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on making a good decision! Feel free to friend me. :)
  • focused4health
    focused4health Posts: 154 Member
    Congratulations. You have nailed the reason to do it and the way to do it. Now do it. Start slowly. I started walking 300 meters around the park. At your weight a slow walk will burn heaps of unwanted calories. Remember, its supposed to be hard! Other wise everybody would be doing it.
    If you are looking for friends then add me.
  • lmseil24
    lmseil24 Posts: 2 Member
    You are very brave to come forward with your desire to change and lose weight. It is not easy to get to this point. Self esteem and lack of motivation go hand in hand. But, you have what it takes to succeed. Desire. That is the most important step. I believe that everyone of us on this site have the desire to do something about our health. Otherwise we wouldn't bother. 200 pounds is a tall order. It is attainable. My only advice to you is try to concentrate on little goals first. You can't do it all at first. Hell, when I started six years ago, I couldn't even bend over to tie my shoes. Talk about humbling. After a year, I was running 5k races and even placing in my age group! In 2011, I ran a half marathon in under 2 hours. I always remember where I came from and how difficult it was to change my lifestyle. It takes time, committment and most of all desire. Keep the faith, the mission and don't give up even if you have a slip here and there. Best of luck to you!:smile:
  • takethatTM
    takethatTM Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, good for you to recognize that it's time to take action. I just came back here to get myself on track a few days ago, so I'm just starting out, too. I have about 110 lbs I want to lose, so I will be in it for the long haul. If you want to support each other, feel free to friend me.
  • stacynoell
    stacynoell Posts: 41 Member
    one day at a time; one pound at a are worth it!!:smile:
  • LessofBrian
    LessofBrian Posts: 44 Member
    I know you can do it! And great choice on giving up the soda. I quit in December of 2012 and never looked back. I've found that water is now the only thing that really quenches my thirst. (I also drink tea and almond milk.)

    Little steps, little steps, and eventually you'll notice each step is a little bigger and a little stronger.
  • kodiak1957
    kodiak1957 Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats for taking this first step. I know how you feel. I was 326 and was mortified that I had let myself get that large. When I started I knew the gym would be pointless, so I just walked. At first it was just around the block one time. Then after a week, it was twice. I kept adding more, then joined the gym and used the treadmill. I started increasing the incline on the treadmill and before I knew it I had worked up to walking uphill for an HOUR every night! I cut carbs back to 30g per meal, and logged everything I ate. I lost 130lbs over a year and a half. I no longer need to shop in the plus size section! I can not only get in an airplane seat, but i can get in a kayak! I can ride a bike! My sister commented that I am younger now than I have been in 20 years. I still have weight to lose, but I am enjoying life now and can't believe how much I was missing before. I was able to stop all my meds. My sugar levels are now normal. Was it worth the things I had to give up? A millions times over, Yes!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Sounds like you are off to a great start! I started at 325, and I still have a long ways to go, but with the right mindset (like it looks like you have) it can be done! Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Sounds like you are medicating with food. As obese people when we are bored,sad,tired,happy,angry,grieving,broke,hired,fired,excited we eat. It is our default activity. In order to stop this there are 2 rules. #1- you must love yourself 100% exactly as you are right now as a fat person. Or you will never have the strength to follow rule #2. Which is be bored,happy,sad,angry,tired,broke,fired,celebrating or grieving. Just be. Feel the emotions. Don't run to food pleasure to suppress or improve your feelings. If you do, an amazing thing happens....they pass. You felt it, you dealt with it, you did not eat and you moved on. And you feel AMAZING!! When you quit medicating with food after a few months you won't even think about food until it is time for your next healthy meal. You will choose normal portions of healthy food because you love you not food. That said I still had to let go of my trigger foods. I had to let go of wheat,rice,potato and processed corn. They are Kryptonite for me and send me right back to food prison where I am locked into carb obsession for a day after I eat them. Identify your trigger foods. Like an alcoholic it is best to leave them be. You can do this. You are so worth it.