the story of the man who didnt cut back

there once was a man who didnt cut back at all. he ate and he ate and ate some more. till one day he broke his scale. then with a sigh he ate some more. Deep fried french fries were his favorite. The man ate and ate till he couldnt even order clothes from king size magazine. tahts what happens when you are an XXXXXXXXXXXXL. Then man was so large he couldnt walk normal. He walked like a penguin or a women who is nine months pregnant. Kinda side to side side to side. So this man got into an accident. Hes in the hospital in wisconsin. His leg is broken in several places. The doctors are afraid of infection setting in. The man is so large they cant do surgery and even if they were able to, he still couldnt walk. The man might loss his leg and his ability to walk. dont be like that man. do whats best for your body.


  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    This makes me sad. :( One of my best guy friends I work with is quite large and has to order from king size, can't walk well ,etc. I hope he joins me in working out on our work breaks!
  • danaaaaa
    that's sad. :frown:
  • nubreeze33