Metformin for weight loss?

Hi, I'm fairly new here. I recently started a program through my doctor called WeCare, it's a medically supervised weight loss program. I've been on it since July 16th and have lost 10+ lbs. They took some blood tests and it came back that I have high insulin levels or "insulin resistance" according to my doctor. She mentioned Metformin for treatment of this. I have a Factor V Leiden blood clotting problem and therefore cannot usually take hormonal medications such as birth control. I consulted with my Hemotologist about the drug and they said I'd be fine. I'm also meeting with my Ob/Gyn next week about it.

My purpose of this post is to see if anyone else has taken this for weight loss purposes and treatment of high insulin levels/insulin resistance? I see it on the web as mostly a fertility treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom, which I haven't been diagnosed with yet.

If you have taken it for any reason, did you lose weight? was it beneficial or did it cause problems?



  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Metformin is a diabetes drug, not a weight loss drug.

    Exercise and getting to a healthy weight usually clears up insulin issues.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It's not for weight loss or for fertility. It's for regulating insulin. You still have to eat below your calorie goal and exercise to lose weight.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I took it for PCOS related issues. It suppresses your appetite somewhat so, yes, it can help you lose weight simply because you will not be as hungry. My only caution for you is that it can have unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects for the first few days or first week. After that, no problems.
  • Lefty634
    Lefty634 Posts: 56
    I take Metformin and my ovaries are fine ;)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new here. I recently started a program through my doctor called WeCare, it's a medically supervised weight loss program. I've been on it since July 16th and have lost 10+ lbs. They took some blood tests and it came back that I have high insulin levels or "insulin resistance" according to my doctor. She mentioned Metformin for treatment of this. I have a Factor V Leiden blood clotting problem and therefore cannot usually take hormonal medications such as birth control. I consulted with my Hemotologist about the drug and they said I'd be fine. I'm also meeting with my Ob/Gyn next week about it.

    My purpose of this post is to see if anyone else has taken this for weight loss purposes and treatment of high insulin levels/insulin resistance? I see it on the web as mostly a fertility treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom, which I haven't been diagnosed with yet.

    If you have taken it for any reason, did you lose weight? was it beneficial or did it cause problems?


    It's normally prescribed to help keep blood sugar levels in check. That's what I'm on it for. It's never helped me in the weight loss department, that came naturally with lowered blood sugars & a calorie deficit :wink:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    And yes, it is used for fertility issues. Specifically, it is used to help start ovulation through the lowering of insulin.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I take Metformin and my ovaries are fine ;)

    I am sure you have lovely ovaries
  • MzTanya77
    MzTanya77 Posts: 79 Member
    Metformin has very strong side effects. Even diabetics don't like to take Metformin, so I would definetly not take it if not required.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I was prescribed it for diabetes but it can affect your kidney function so make sure your doctor does regular follow up tests. My EGFR dropped 20 points in 3 weeks so I had to go off it and start glipizide instead. My kidneys and liver are functioning perfectly now.

    ETA: I just noticed that my ticker looks like I have a fly on my nose.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I've taken it and I did lose weight that being said I lost weight because it makes me too nauseous to eat anything. And I can control my blood sugar just as well without it by cutting out sugary drinks and cutting back on the Reese's cups.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Metformin is a diabetes drug, not a weight loss drug.

    Exercise and getting to a healthy weight usually clears up insulin issues.

  • meliapple
    meliapple Posts: 5 Member
    Metformin is a diabetes drug, not a weight loss drug.

    Exercise and getting to a healthy weight usually clears up insulin issues.


    I understand this. However it was recommended to me. Like I said, I will be double checking with multiple doctors to verify if I should bother taking it.
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    Metformin can be very helpful for weight loss because it is known to cause severe bouts of constant diarrhea. It is a drug for diabetes and is very harmful to your kidneys. Take it if you must for control of diabetes (or "insulin resistance"), but get your weight under control through diet and exercise and get rid of that drug.
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I was diagnosed insulin resistant in Feb. and am treating it with a proper diet (no simple carbs) and exercise.
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    I took it for PCOS related issues. It suppresses your appetite somewhat so, yes, it can help you lose weight simply because you will not be as hungry. My only caution for you is that it can have unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects for the first few days or first week. After that, no problems.

    This. I was also prescribed metformin for insulin resistance (I was trying to get PG). I did lose weight - I was so sick from the metformin I didn't have an appetite and when I did eat, I felt sick or had GI issues. I haven't taken it since.

    It is tempting to be offered a drug to help you lose weight - but it is no magic pill and if a doctor suggested I take it again I would explore other alternatives first since I had such an unpleasant experience.

    I wanted to add, that the weightloss I experienced was not significant (maybe 15 pounds, I was 230 at the time) and definitely not worth it me from a weightloss perspective. I can't remember how long I was on it, maybe 3 months?
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Have they done a Glucose Tolerance test yet? I wasn't aware that insulin resistance was usually diagnosed through insulin levels.

    Metformin CAN lead to weight loss, but it is usually not very much and the weight loss effect wears off after a while as you get used to the drug.

    Exercise and diet are the best treatments for both insulin resistance AND being overweight. Don't rush into the drugs if you don't need them!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I have a insulin level of 76 when the normal range is 0-25.

    I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and hypoglycemia last year and prescribed Metformin. I took 1000 mg of the regular version and it worked wonderfully. I was no longer having to eat every hour to keep my blood sugar up. However, after a couple months I began experiencing very bad diarrhea and nausea after taking the medication. I switched to the extended release version and have had no problems. I do not feel it is as strong as the regular version so some have to take a higher dose on the ER in order to get any benefit.

    *Note: Diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea are common side effects of Metformin although they typically go away after 1-2 weeks.*

    Losing weight with insulin resistance is very difficult. Most are unsuccessful losing weight without a medication (although it really depends on how bad your IR is). For some, Metformin helps them lose weight. For others (like me), it hasn't helped me lose weight at all.

    When insulin resistance is left untreated, it can turn into diabetes. So either way, you are going to need to change your diet drastically whether you take Metformin or not.
  • jchurch9
    jchurch9 Posts: 20 Member
    I was on Metformin 2 yrs ago for insulin resistance. I had to stop taking it after 2 months, I had horrible gastrointestinal issues from it. I lost 12 lbs on it, i'm sure it was because of the constant GI problems. After I stopped, I gained the 12 back plus 8 more lbs. I finally realized that as much as I hate to admit it... diet and exercise are the only true way to get healthy, it will never come from a pill.
  • meliapple
    meliapple Posts: 5 Member
    I'm mostly concerned because (TMI) I have had other symptoms related to PCOS so I wanted to consult my Ob/Gyn about it.

    I'm not so much concerned about the weight loss as I am about whether or not it's worth the side effects to treat the problem at hand.

    She also mentioned that my thyroid level is slightly elevated but that's a lifetime commitment and I don't know if I'm ready for that, or if it's worth it.
  • My sister has PCOS therefore some of the insulin issues as well, though she is not a diabetic. She could give a better medical explanation than me because she has taken metformin and is a Physicians Assistant. But to vaguely answer your question, by controlling your insulin level, metformin will also possible cause weight loss and/or help you maintain your weight. She felt significantly better when taking metformin and i believed lost weight. she also watched her diet closely and exercised. The metformin did balance something out in her body. I wouldn't take it specifically for weight loss, but if you have the symptoms of PCOS which I am sure you researched it should make you feel better and healthier.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Metformin can be very helpful for weight loss because it is known to cause severe bouts of constant diarrhea. It is a drug for diabetes and is very harmful to your kidneys. Take it if you must for control of diabetes (or "insulin resistance"), but get your weight under control through diet and exercise and get rid of that drug.

    Metformin is one of the safest anti-diabetic drugs on the market. It CAN affect the kidneys but that side effect is not common and does not affect everyone.
  • Don't mess with your thyroid unless you have too. Once you mess with it, it's a life long issue
  • meliapple
    meliapple Posts: 5 Member
    I have a insulin level of 76 when the normal range is 0-25.

    I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and hypoglycemia last year and prescribed Metformin. I took 1000 mg of the regular version and it worked wonderfully. I was no longer having to eat every hour to keep my blood sugar up. However, after a couple months I began experiencing very bad diarrhea and nausea after taking the medication. I switched to the extended release version and have had no problems. I do not feel it is as strong as the regular version so some have to take a higher dose on the ER in order to get any benefit.

    *Note: Diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea are common side effects of Metformin although they typically go away after 1-2 weeks.*

    Losing weight with insulin resistance is very difficult. Most are unsuccessful losing weight without a medication (although it really depends on how bad your IR is). For some, Metformin helps them lose weight. For others (like me), it hasn't helped me lose weight at all.

    When insulin resistance is left untreated, it can turn into diabetes. So either way, you are going to need to change your diet drastically whether you take Metformin or not.

    My insulin level is double what is considered "healthy" I don't have the number in front of me unfortunately.

    I may skip it for now. I'm concerned about the GI issues.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm mostly concerned because (TMI) I have had other symptoms related to PCOS so I wanted to consult my Ob/Gyn about it.

    I'm not so much concerned about the weight loss as I am about whether or not it's worth the side effects to treat the problem at hand.

    She also mentioned that my thyroid level is slightly elevated but that's a lifetime commitment and I don't know if I'm ready for that, or if it's worth it.

    My TSH is high but I do not take medication for it because I don't want to. So you don't need to unless your doctor tells you do absolutely need to.

    If you are worried about the side effects of Metformin, ask your OB/GYN to prescribe the extended release version. Around 32% of people taking the regular version experience gastrointestinal side effects. And only 7% experience it on the extended release version.
  • meliapple
    meliapple Posts: 5 Member
    Don't mess with your thyroid unless you have too. Once you mess with it, it's a life long issue

    My thyroid is only slightly elevated, so I don't know if it's worth it.
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    Don't mess with your thyroid unless you have too. Once you mess with it, it's a life long issue

    My thyroid is only slightly elevated, so I don't know if it's worth it.

    My daughter was started on metformin because of fibroids and was told it is given to help shrink them and her thyroid is also slightly elevated the dr told her it can also help with weight loss. I've been on metformin for 9 yrs and did did help with weightloss in the beginning but not now.
  • Kiwi_Billings
    Kiwi_Billings Posts: 76 Member
    Metformin is prescribed "off label" for weight loss and it works by keeping your insulin & blood glucose more steady.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    MY doctor told me that its primarily used for diabetes type issues but ALSO can be used for other things like chronic constipation weight loss and the others mentioned above!! i took it for about a couple of months and decided against it and she then put me on something else to help with problem
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    I take metformin as an appetite suppressant because my antidepressants caused an insane hunger. It's an off label use but psychiatrists do it all the time. It's been a lifesaver. I've gone from putting on weight to losing a kilo a week.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,242 Member
    Metformin is used for diabetes and also pre diabetes, which OP has. Insulin resistance is pre diabetes.
    Metformin can help such patients lose weight by keeping glucose and insulin levels more steady.

    This drug has been around fir a long time and used for this purpose for a long time - of course, there is a risk of side effects,as with any drug, but Metformin has a long track record and most people taking it have no side effects - kidney function side effects are not common at all.