Does anyone else have a "dream outfit"?

deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
Not sure where to post this, but I was just wondering if anyone else is holding on to an outfit or article of clothing that ABSOLUTELY doesn't fit anymore, but they can't bear to get rid of because maybe, just maybe, it will fit again someday?

I have this bikini. It's a white, sexy, little number that I wore for a hot second when I was 19 before I gained my "freshman 15" in college. I got 3 phone numbers at the pool the day I wore it (seriously). Anyway, I've held onto it because I loved it so much, but it's pretty ridiculous. I'm 34 now, so the chances of it ever fitting again are slim to none. I dieted down to 148lbs last year, which is very thin for my 5'11" frame, and it still didn't fit because I didn't exercise at all and was "skinny fat". I've since had another kid and it is farther out of reach than ever, but I just can't bear to get rid of it. A little voice in my head keeps saying "well maybe... if you work REALLY hard..."

Anyone else have a dream outfit?


  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I have a pair of jeans that I wore right after highschool before I had kids. Size 1. I am 5'8" and about 135 lbs now and I wear between a 3 and a 6. I am in the best physical shape of my life right now and I can't get those jeans to fit. I got hips when I had children, but I can't bare to throw them out or get rid of them because they were that "one pair" of jeans that fit just perfect and made my "assets" look fantastic.
  • Don't give up. :)
  • I never fit in to it - I bought it to inspire me. It's an adorable tennis outfit - tight skirt and form fitting top. Can't. Wait.
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I don't own anything I want to fit into, but my "dream outfit" Is actually a bathing suit. Id love to wear a two piece but I have stretch marks from my kids, like bad ones, so idk if that is a tangible goal. A one piece should be though :D
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I have a bikini I would love to wear - I remember when I would wear it before and thought nothing of it but damn it I was hot :love:
    I would give anything to get back to that size.....

    It took me almost 3 years to finally give up bags of clothes that I will probably never fit into again - but this one bikini is still in my drawer daunting me!
  • ZeloHello
    ZeloHello Posts: 19 Member
    Just this pair of jeans that a friend had me try on... Almost fit, but couldn't do them up. I will get there!!
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    My Green Lantern costume. Need to get into it for Halloween.
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    I bought a catwoman costume that I lied to myself and said "it's for halloween" but really it was for fun, any day really

    It's all latex, so very unforgiving.

    Some day.
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    my dream outfit would be my birthday suit
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I don't have an exact outfit in mind, but I've seen hundreds and hundreds of fantastic fashionable (and very inexpensive!) feminine clothes on ebay that come from Asian countries, and their XXL (usually the largest size any of them carry) is a US size 8. So my goal is to get down to a size 8 so that I can buy and wear those adorable little outfits! I live in a smaller town, they'd look so unique and I'd absolutely rock them, I just know it! :P
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    I have a little black dress, with big pink roses embroidered on the left side of the skirt, and a jacket that I wore a little over 10 years ago to a Christmas dinner Hubby and I went to. I looked awesome in it, but gained a bunch of weight and couldn't get into it much less zip it. So last fall I gave it to a friend who had recently lost alot of weight and was looking fabulous. She didn't feel comfortable in it, but held onto it... well, she recently gave it back to me now that I've lost weight again, and guess what? It is loose on me now!!

    Guess I need a new dream outfit now because that one is going to be too big for me soon! I'm thinking something that shows off my legs and boobs!
    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    I have a pair of pants that was the smallest size I've ever worn. I was so FREAKING excited when I tried them on in the store, because it was the first time I'd EVER been able to fit clothes in the "junior" section of a store before (this was when I was around 15.) All my life I'd been forced to shop in the women's section and completely bypassed the cute, teen clothes, but I'd managed to lose quite a bit of weight during the summer just before my freshman year in high school. I was so proud in those pants......then I started gaining weight.....and gaining and gaining and GAINING. But I still have those pants.... I look at them now and I think "wow....i actually used to wear these. i was really THAT SMALL once!" They may be faded and out of style by the time I can put them on again, but DAMMIT I'M GONNA ROCK THOSE PANTS AGAIN!
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    I bought a mint green bikini from Victoria Secret when I could actually fit into their cups. I am waiting for the day I can try it on, look in the mirror, and think "DAMN I look slammin'"
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Anyone else have a dream outfit?

    This is such a power suit. Love the tie.

  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    ok, so everyone has to come back and post pictures in their dream outfits once they reach their goal. Except the person that said their birthday suit... I'd be fine with it but that probably violates some terms of service. lol.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    sometimes i like to wear a skin suit

    *NP American Girl- Tom Petty
  • raisealittlehell
    raisealittlehell Posts: 341 Member
    I bought a little black bandage type dress for a concert I went to a couple weeks ago. It had an open lace back that cut into the side. I felt horribly uncomfortable (I do not normally wear skin tight clothing) but I don't think it looked half bad.

    Is it sad that I think I look better in my head than I do when I actually look in the mirror? lol.
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    Nothing exact, but being comfortable in a bikini, shorts, skirts, or dresses that show some thighs, not worrying about shirts lifting up and wearing tank tops underneath, or tank tops or things that show off the back and shoulders.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    ok, so everyone has to come back and post pictures in their dream outfits once they reach their goal. Except the person that said their birthday suit... I'd be fine with it but that probably violates some terms of service. lol.

    ^^^ this is great!
  • ccg1232
    ccg1232 Posts: 90 Member
    you look amazing!