Squats made my butt smaller



  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I just want my booty back help!!!!!

    Ooo 3rd account of the OP?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Is there a way to un-tighten my butt though? I made it tighter and smaller by doing squats and I do not want to do more squats because I am not interested in gaining muscle, I want the soft, squishy butt I used to have back.

    Then . . . why did you start doing them in the first place? :huh:

    DAMMIT!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • 030 you can have my big round bout ( even tho is boy has a large butt)
  • What do you mean by troll... I don't get it
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    What do you mean by troll... I don't get it

    A troll is a person who says things they don't actually believe (or that they made up) in order to rile up the community.

    Example-- going to theknot.com and posting a thread about how marriage is about oppressing women and anyone who gets married is basically a slave.

    That's ridiculous and I don't believe it, but it would likely cause a giant stir, because the knot is a wedding community. Understand?
  • Okay, so first of all.. All the people calling you trolls are either hating *kitten* women who aren't happy with their bodies or homosexual men, who apparently think women with no fat on her body at all is sexy.
    I have lost 100lbs in 4 years, I still need to loose about 30 more, but last year after I had gotten down to the weight I am now I started lifting weights because everyone told me that it was going to tighten the loose fat I have on my stomach and also give me the big booty I wanted.

    So I started going hard on the squats. HEAVY ones. I'd also tried light ones, which kept my bottom firm but still small.
    About 3 months after doing heavy squats, other weights and running HIIT... I had NO BOOTY! At all. My loose skin looked WORSE than it did before, my arms were big and BUFF... lol wtf!?!? and my self esteem was depleted completely.
    I was devastated.
    So I gave up on EVERYTHING. I didn't run any more, I stopped -to a DEGREE- watching what I ate. I still ate healthy but I stopped counting calories. I would just bike, walk and clean/cook. I did that for about 2 months. Then I wanted to try to lose my tummy fat again... So I tried the KETOGENIC diet, where you eat 60-70% fat 20-25%protein and 5-7%e carbohydrates.
    From October 2013 to January 2014 I had GAINED 10lbs of FAT... IN MY BOOTY!!!
    The stomach didn't go away though.. still working on that lol.
    So in the 3 months I did Keto.. I ate CHEESE, especially cream cheese, BACON, ALL types of meat, VEGETABLES and blackberries were my only fruit, to treat my self daily I had 3 squares of 85% dark chocolate per day.
    I don't do that diet anymore because well, in the long term... it's not healthy.

    Now for you... I would recommend first to STOP listening to the monkeys that post on here being straight up weird about you wanting a big ol' butt. I'm right there with you.

    So you've gotta first cut SOY, CANOLA, GLUCOSE-FRUCTOSE, and all other processed crap out of your diet.
    What worked for my booty was FAT, you gotta eat FAT. I ate cheese, cashews, dark chocolate, bacon, salmon and veggies, lamb and eggs, loooots of spinach, asparagus... no fruit or any SUGAR.
    I didn't really work out aside from biking to work, and other daily living activities.
    I started working out in February this year and by april I was looking pretty good.
    When I work out now. I don't do ANY butt exercises. I run 1 mile in 8-9 mins or 2 miles in 15-17 mins...
    I just work out my arms, core and leg exercises that don't tone the booty.
    And I get jealous stares from women trying to get big butts while they're on the squat bar and I don't touch that..
    If you have muscle, and you STOP working that muscle, it turns to fat...which gives you a faaaaaaat booty.

    Sorry for such a long posting, I just felt like you needed advice that I needed when I was trying to get my butt big.
    I just ended up realizing how unintelligent people are haha.
    So I hope this helps, good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Solid first post.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    Again :noway:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    damnit- we got necroed-

    quality over quantity.

    perk/tighter booty is better than size.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Okay, so first of all.. All the people calling you trolls are either hating *kitten* women who aren't happy with their bodies or homosexual men, who apparently think women with no fat on her body at all is sexy.

    LOLOLOLOLLLLLLLL!!! You have to be kidding (aside from the fact you made an account JUST to revive a zombie thread).
    So I started going hard on the squats. HEAVY ones. I'd also tried light ones, which kept my bottom firm but still small.
    About 3 months after doing heavy squats, other weights and running HIIT... I had NO BOOTY! At all. My loose skin looked WORSE than it did before, my arms were big and BUFF... lol wtf!?!? and my self esteem was depleted completely.
    I was devastated.

    You lost a 100lbs - that's the reason for the loose skin. And then you started lifting after you lost the weight rather than beginning as soon as possible. So you had probably already lost a good amount of LBM versus minimizing that loss - and I bet you probably weren't getting enough protein to also minimize the loss too. Not saying you wouldn't have gotten any loose skin..that's just how the draw works at time but it could have helped. It also could have helped you in regards to working on your butt at the same time but by the time you were down, I bet you didn't have an *kitten* already. You just started noticing it more when you decided to focus on it and it tightened up instead of remaining flabby.
    So I gave up on EVERYTHING. I didn't run any more, I stopped -to a DEGREE- watching what I ate. I still ate healthy but I stopped counting calories. I would just bike, walk and clean/cook. I did that for about 2 months. Then I wanted to try to lose my tummy fat again... So I tried the KETOGENIC diet, where you eat 60-70% fat 20-25%protein and 5-7%e carbohydrates.
    From October 2013 to January 2014 I had GAINED 10lbs of FAT... IN MY BOOTY!!!
    The stomach didn't go away though.. still working on that lol.
    So basically, despite your restriction diet...you ate at a calorie surplus. Okay then.
    So in the 3 months I did Keto.. I ate CHEESE, especially cream cheese, BACON, ALL types of meat, VEGETABLES and blackberries were my only fruit, to treat my self daily I had 3 squares of 85% dark chocolate per day.
    I don't do that diet anymore because well, in the long term... it's not healthy.

    Not sure how you figure that.
    Now for you... I would recommend first to STOP listening to the monkeys that post on here being straight up weird about you wanting a big ol' butt. I'm right there with you.

    So you've gotta first cut SOY, CANOLA, GLUCOSE-FRUCTOSE, and all other processed crap out of your diet.
    What worked for my booty was FAT, you gotta eat FAT. I ate cheese, cashews, dark chocolate, bacon, salmon and veggies, lamb and eggs, loooots of spinach, asparagus... no fruit or any SUGAR.

    Errr. Wrong. Just wrong. You don't have to cut any of that out. You just have to be mindful of your consumption.
    I didn't really work out aside from biking to work, and other daily living activities.
    I started working out in February this year and by april I was looking pretty good.
    When I work out now. I don't do ANY butt exercises. I run 1 mile in 8-9 mins or 2 miles in 15-17 mins...
    I just work out my arms, core and leg exercises that don't tone the booty.
    And I get jealous stares from women trying to get big butts while they're on the squat bar and I don't touch that..

    HIGHLY DOUBT THIS. They are probably too focused on PRing their squat to notice you at all. At. All.
    If you have muscle, and you STOP working that muscle, it turns to fat...which gives you a faaaaaaat booty.

    LOLOLOLOLLLL again. What you said is IMPOSSIBLE. I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E. Scientifically impossible.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I just ended up realizing how unintelligent people are haha.
  • TaiFitness
    TaiFitness Posts: 2 Member
    Just eat, and eats and eat until out can't eat anymore. Don't exercise and I'm sure you're backside of fat will return quickly! Good luck!

    Lol!!!! This though!

    You probably did a lot of body weight squats. Which makes your butt flat not rounded. Getting nice Glutes is from an overall leg workout, and heavy weights. I built a butt doing very heavy leg press, squats, lunges, leg extensions and more.

    Just eating will not get you results in your butt you must be crazy to think so. You can't control where you lose or gain weight from.

    Now that I type, maybe the first girl was right.. This is a troll type of question!
  • Listen before anyone thinks I'm a troll like u did the other girl I'm 10000% real n this is getting to me
    About 7/8 months ago when the squat challenge game out I decided to do It, before starting I had a butt that girls were jealous of and men jus wanted to grab, I liked it but always wanted a little bit bigger, my man likes a fat *kitten*
    Started to do it because everyone was saying this is how u get that Kim k nice round fat *kitten* but after like 2 or 3 weeks I lost it my *kitten* was shrinking instead of getting nicer it jus got smaller not tighter just smaller so I stopped as that is not why I started
    Recently I have been having problems with my weight ...not huge problems but I was 10st with a nice *kitten*, I soon dropped down to 9.5st but assumed that's just because I wasn't eating as much but my *kitten* is not how it was - far from it, I got pregnant n started to put weight on again. But a month ago I had a missed miscarriage for those who don't know this is when your body continues on like the baby is still developing, so my body was still expanding my belly still grew, had to have operation to end everything...
    Im now 9st and probably losing weight still I try not to weigh myself. too much

    My *kitten* is still small and yes I am still depressed about what's happened so my appetite is definitely not the same as before

    I obviously can't change what I've lost emotionally but me n my man r trying again, we were looking forwardto becominf parents a lot, I would love to be able to give my man what we were expecting and hopefully I can soon but I'd also really like him to be able to grab my *kitten* like he used to, he still tells me he loves it cuz it's mine, he still tells me it's fat but we both no it's not how it was

    I need help and this is one of the things I am trying to do right now in my pursuit to be happy again it depresses me and I already have enough of that on my head
    As I said my appetite isn't really what it used to be I've never lost anyone close to me and this hit me hard people force Fed me for the first 2 weeks in order to make me eat ...how can I get my bum back :( n without adding to my belly which is still a bit bigger than usual due to obvious circumstances
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    totes legit first post.
  • LOLZ, just now reading this. Total troll, and quite brilliant too.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    edited October 2014
    I actually almost posted something similar to this thread. I have a similar issue and suffer from no a$s. I personally love my bubble butt, however as OP stated in the 'black' community, my butt isn't as accepted. It's like a 'thigh gap' thread. Certain communities are more approving of certain things and people go crazy trying to obtain it. That's why butt implants and padding are so popular. It's a first world issue, but an issue some people have non the less.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    someone's always gotta play the race card.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    someone's always gotta play the race card.

    I hope that's a joke. "Race Card" is more to show racism, this isn't the case. The OP was just stating something that's accepted in her community.
    RISEOFPATRIOTS Posts: 52 Member
    Possible there was a lot of fat in your butt which is why. Seems the most logical.