I have returned

Hello. I was on here a while ago (about two years ago) and could probably do with some encouragement. Long story short, I started working twelve hour shifts, stopped going to the gym because I didn't have time, and wound up putting a load of weight back on from my original effort. I'm now only 7lbs lighter than my heaviest weight.
I think I chubbed up again for the following reasons:
- Sedentary lifestyle. Spending twelve hours a day glumly staring at spreadsheets isn't going to do much for your metabolism.
- Some mental health problems resulting in drinking too much to deal with stuff and eventually meds that have weight gain as a side effect
- Having a partner with absolutely no concept of portion control who just can't understand why I might not want to consume most of a tub of icecream in one sitting
- I'm lazy and have no willpower. That's mostly it, really.

So anyway, I'm tired of making sure I don't look at a mirror when getting changed. Oddly, I'm not too bad in terms of stamina (I power walk most places, and can easily carry heavy loads), so there's that I guess. I've joined a gym (first session in a couple of days), and it's open 24/7, so no excuse for not squeezing at least an hours workout in after work, and updated my profile on here with more recent photos and goals and the like. I'm also going to keep an eye on how many calories I actually consume; I'm awful when it comes to snacking, I tend to just aimlessly pick at things and forget about it.

Er... hi!


  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Welcome back, then.... hopefully this time you find the way to stay on track. There are probably lots of other folks here who will be of better help to you, since I don't follow (or believe in)any diets or routines or programs. I just work a lot, drink a lot and run a lot.... But I do like encouraging people to accomplish their fitness dreams and goals.... even if I don't set the best example...lol
  • Itslozzamate
    Welcome back :)

    I have just returned from a similar kind of situation, feel free to add me
  • ONEILS13
    I so feel you! i did the same thing and put on not only the 50 I lost but them some. Stress is the workst and having someone in your life that has no sense of portion control is hard. my husband is the same way. When I told him it was time for me and I needed to get my health and weight under control he said great and then the very next came home and said " here I got you something..." a big tub of my favorite ice cream....Really! thanks for the sabotage :-( although I know he was just trying to be nice it's not easy when you not only have to change your way of doing things but also change the people around you to start thinking healthier. You can do this. Always remember if you do not make time to take care of yourself, you won't be around to take care of all the things you want to. And when we make time for ourselves we are much better at handling the daily curves that life throws our way. have a great day.
  • Piperx222
    Piperx222 Posts: 68 Member
    I so feel you! i did the same thing and put on not only the 50 I lost but them some. Stress is the workst and having someone in your life that has no sense of portion control is hard. my husband is the same way. When I told him it was time for me and I needed to get my health and weight under control he said great and then the very next came home and said " here I got you something..." a big tub of my favorite ice cream....Really! thanks for the sabotage :-( although I know he was just trying to be nice it's not easy when you not only have to change your way of doing things but also change the people around you to start thinking healthier. You can do this. Always remember if you do not make time to take care of yourself, you won't be around to take care of all the things you want to. And when we make time for ourselves we are much better at handling the daily curves that life throws our way. have a great day.

    THIS! Every word!!! Sugar is weak spot and it's hard to stay true to your mission when your not the only person in the house :) My husband is an amazing man and very supportive of me just as I am and anything I do BUT he has a hard time realizing that bringing home milk duds because he's happy I had a good weight loss week kind of defeats the purpose a bit LOL.

    You can do it. Stay strong!
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    Well welcome back not let's kick some butt. You can add me if you want.
  • Boomshakalaka01
    Boomshakalaka01 Posts: 65 Member
    I have returned as well! However with a lot more weight than when I was on last -roughly a year ago. In light of this gain I intend to lose and get healthy again. My boyfriend offers a lot of support which helps hitting the gym and I didn't realize how much MFP offered in terms of micro-managing food intake. Best of wishes in finding workouts you enjoy doing on the daily and feel free to add me for moral support if you'd like. :)