Having trouble wanting to eat healthy

there are a few veggies i like
Sweet potato
Raw spinach
Sometimes bell pepper
and fruit

I just dont know where my motivation is... i think i lost it somewhere lol...
im very picky
can you tell me if there are any veggies that you think i would like judging from what i already kinda like...
maybe some new flavors would help me get back on track


  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Spaghetti squash
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    winter squash -- butter nut squash, acorn squash
    swiss chard
    romain lettuce,
  • catcalledjinx
    I am quite impressed with your list - you have all the ones I used to dislike but can now eat (the dark green ones). I have found that you can get used to new foods and end up loving them, so the best thing is just to take every opportunity to try them.

    I love beetroot. Easy to cook and peel. Very sweet (but it does make your urine pink :P). Delicious with a teaspoon of Tzatziki.

    What about tomatoes?
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    I like tomato sauce but most of it is a texture thing for me ... like tomatoes they are slimy and its gross lol
    I went to this nice restaurant one time and they cooked these green beans some way that where so good i ate them before my steak lol... i wish i knew how they cooked them...
    I need some motivation to start cooking again... ;-)
  • catcalledjinx
    I tried to do a search for side dishes on my favourite recipe website and am pasting the link here for you. They are not all vegetables but I am sure there must be some inspiration in there somewhere for you. Happy hunting: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/search/recipes?query=sides+dishes#query=sides+dishes&path=course/side-dish/diet/vegetarian
  • mathmatt
    mathmatt Posts: 58 Member
    I've found a lot of people don't like most veggies because they only way they've had them is pretty lame.
    I hated brussels sprouts because the only way I had them was boiled. Then I had them halved and roasted with a little salt pepper and olive oil and now they're one of my favorites. Try that especially if you like cabbage.

    Try butternut squash the same way.
    Wilted Kale with a dash of salt, pepper, olive oil and balsamic vinegar

    I know it's not what you asking but to get motivation to eat more veggies try foods of different cultures. With the list you have you could make some pretty good Thai or Indian meals.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Bok Choy.
  • marie3221
    marie3221 Posts: 77 Member
    an easy way to get the veggies in is to juice them. I like to do 2 cups of spinach (or kale) with a Fuji apple, It is very good and a quick way to get the veggies in until your palate changes. Let me clarify, I do not juice to try to loose weight, it simply helps me to get in more veggioes.
  • marie3221
    marie3221 Posts: 77 Member
    and spaghetti squash is good too!
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Jicama. Love the stuff, although it's hard to find. It's a brown ugly thing, but you peel it and it's got white, watery flesh with a slightly sweet taste, somewhat like a giant water chestnut It's great plain, or with ranch dip, or hummus, or whatever.
  • Asparagus... so yummy!
  • bhbekc
    bhbekc Posts: 3
    Being unmotivated is just natural, it is how you pick yourself up that is the important thing. If you continue to be unmotivated for too long then you probably will just keep going in circles with this weight loss thing. Having mental talks is really important when you are unmotivated. Seriously keep telling yourself that this is something you have to do if you every want to be extremely happy in your life. Keep telling yourself that this will get easier, it will just take practice and persistence. That is my advice and what I have been doing, working well for me. Good luck girl!

    Based on the veggies you like, I think you will love these;

    -Cucumbers (they are so good for you, it's not even funny)
    - Kiwi
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Asparagus is really good baked in the oven with a little olive oil and sea salt.

    I love taking broccoli and cauliflower and cutting it into bite size pieces putting it in a ziploc baggie with some olive oil, ancho chili powder, and smoked paprika and mixing it all up til the veggies are coated. Then baking them for about 20 minutes, so yummy!

    Zucchini, squash, and mushrooms are good sauteed with some olive oil and seasonings. Or, you can try slicing the zucchini and squash then dipping them in milk and then panko bread crumbs before baking them for about 20 minutes.

    I like sweet potatoes and butternut squash cut into small chunks, coated lightly (or spray with Pam) with a little bit of olive oil and cinnamon then placed on a baking sheet to bake for about 20 minutes. After they have baked, I like to drizzle a little bit of honey over them to have a sweet snack.

    I add chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans to various soups and chilis. Sometimes I will add black beans to tacos or quesadillas.

    I get a lot of ideas for eating healthy from Clean Eating magazine and you can find some recipes of the magazine online at www.cleaneatingmag.com I wasn't a big fan of veggies before I started reading this magazine and after trying several of the recipes I eat veggies everyday gladly! I think for me I had to find a tasty way to eat veggies instead of boiling them to the point of mushiness in order to be motivated to eat them.