35 & 500+ pounds



  • And that's the hard part. Walking more than 5 minutes causes so much pain. I know, because I hear it all the time, just walk more. And I always want to buy them a backpack filled with 300 pounds of extra weight and see how far they get.

    I feel your pain. Right now I'm 465, and my feet kill me when I have to walk more than 10 mins. I would love to see my doctor grab that 300 pound backpack and walk for 30 mins. It is not easy.

    I'm starting my journey over today. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    And that's the hard part. Walking more than 5 minutes causes so much pain. I know, because I hear it all the time, just walk more. And I always want to buy them a backpack filled with 300 pounds of extra weight and see how far they get.

    I feel your pain. Right now I'm 465, and my feet kill me when I have to walk more than 10 mins. I would love to see my doctor grab that 300 pound backpack and walk for 30 mins. It is not easy.

    I'm starting my journey over today. Feel free to add me if you want.

    No one said it was easy. The more you move your body, the easier it'll get.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    You don't have to walk more than 5 minutes at a time. Try just walking for 5 minutes a day. When that gets easier, then add a minute each day. Keep adding time as the previous sessions get easier. I know it hurts, and I think it's amazing that you're so ready to tackle your weight. You can do this! Each pound you lose will make walking easier. Each minute you walk will help you shed the extra weight.

    Side note - log EVERYTHING. Each bite you take, be honest with yourself and you'll find yourself shedding weight much more easily. Many many hugs and motivating thoughts your way.

  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    I really admire you. I watch a lot of those TLC shows like "My 600 Pound Life" and "My Weight is Killing Me" and it always makes me feel so sympathetic for people suffering with morbid obesity. I especially admire anyone who tries to lose the weight without surgery, although I don't look down on those who do. Surgery is not a magical pill and if you don't change eating and exercise habits I don't think it works long term. As far as hurting when you walk, have your tried swimming and water aerobics? It seems like that would be easier on your joints. Also, focusing on arm exercises and ways to work out sitting down might be good. I'd also recommend finding a good support group. MFP is great but there are others out there. You might want to attend Overeaters Anonymous meetings or join a group online. I'm a recovering alcoholic in addition to having weight issues and AA was a wonderful place to find people I could identify with. Good luck on your journey. I would love if you would add me as a friend so I can cheer you along!
  • Hey everyone,

    Thanks so much for all the positive messages and many friend adds. (As well as geek love!) I didn't have time to respond but did read on my break at work and just really felt inspired by it all. I'm going to go through and attempt to reply to at least a few of you which, at this point, will keep me from eating before my wife gets home with rice cakes.
  • Scrap the weight, go for inches and how you feel and your clothes fit!! Numbers not important... Keep up what youre doing and slowly youll find out can do even more. Sounds like you are doing fantastic so far!! Going to be a slow transformation but if you keep what youre doing youll get there!!!! :) Excited to see you transform and read your post!!
    Goodluck you so got this!

    Thank you. I saw the inches tracking on MFP app earlier and am going to try tracking it. Kind of excited about doing that actually.
  • Check out CyberEd312 thread. I think he high was 560lbs. very inspirational.


    Great mindset you have. You can do it!!!!!!!

    This is very awesome. A 'there is hope' moment.
  • Dude, I admire you for putting yourself out there and working on it. I've always been a proponent of "slow and steady wins the race." This stuff is hard. And I imagine it is even harder for you. Forget the scale right now. Focus on eating right and moving a little more each time.


    Best wishes.:heart:

    A lot of people shared your sentiment and to you and all of them I am humbled by the response. Its nice to see people understand how hard it is sometimes to even say, "I realize I have a HUGE problem." Pun intended.
  • casimorris
    casimorris Posts: 3 Member
    You can do this. And you're going about it the right way. This isn't a diet. This isn't a reboot. This is gradual change over a lengthy period of time that will slowly transform your lifestyle. And this is why you're going to succeed!
  • Please keep in mind, the more fat stores your body contains the more water you can retain, that 13lb jump could very well have been from water, by introducing the Mio or anything with artificial sweetener it can cause inflammation in your body and cause you to retain more water. I am not saying stop drinking Mio, Mio is better than anything with sugar carbs at this point in your journey.

    As much research/study as I've done over the past year (lifetime?) on obesity I did not know this one. Thank you for the info and I agree on the Mio. I'm slowly trying to introduce more plain water a day as its a double edged sword, I still need the caffeine and boy water isn't as tasty as soda.

    On a side note to that, however, I have been amazed at how SWEET tea and soda taste after you've been off of them for so long.
  • You can do this. And you're going about it the right way. This isn't a diet. This isn't a reboot. This is gradual change over a lengthy period of time that will slowly transform your lifestyle. And this is why you're going to succeed!

    AHHH (Fanboy scream) Miss Casi. Thank you so much for the encouragement you've given me recently. You rock.
  • My Dad was roughly your size when I was growing up. He lost a significant amount of weight by just changing his eating habits and watching his calories. Once some of the weight was gone he was able to challenge himself more and more with activity. I know it was hard on him as I too have been overweight my whole life and struggling at over 300 lbs.

    This totally hits home. I used to be able to do quite a bit of stuff with my son but when I finally got to visit him again recently (long story) I knew we couldn't do anything that would be really fulfilling like that. And I don't want any of my other kids to have to deal with that for the rest of their growing years. And when I think back to having been 300 and able to do so much more than I can now I just think, man, if only... I would be doing all kinds of stuff.