If I would Have Quit

If I would have quit just because things got tough I would back at 300 lbs when I started . This journey has been educational , stressful , emotional , inspirational , and all the above. I've been over weight my whole life that I could remember. I would find myself eating when I was bored, stressed , and anytime I didn't want to face my problems . In till one day I decided to end all that wishing and hoping , and got up and started my first step to becoming healthy . For me it started with learning about healthy foods . What foods was good for my body , and then it was exercise. Which is a major roll in weight loss , long story short . If I would have quit every time I fallen down and remained on the ground . I would not be where I'm at today at 208 lbs . I do not judge success by how many times you've won . I judge success by how many times you've fallen and got right back up . We all fall , but we can decide to remain on the ground or we can stand up dust our selfs off and try again.
