New to M.F.P.

Hey all :)

I have just joined M.F.P. ( about 10 mins ago!! ) and really looking to not only losing weight but for this to be a change in my way of living.

I was always a naturally "skinny" girl until around 5 years ago, I took ill and things changed. It was a rough 5 years but got the all clear now and life needs to get back on track :)

I want my weightloss to be slow as I want it be consistent. Looking for friends to be with me on our shared journey :)


  • Welcome to MFP! I just sent you a friend request. I just it daily. It's so helpful!
  • JouerLeFoot
    I just joined today too! I used to be pretty active but since I've gotten married, life has thrown some health issues my way, so now I am looking to be healthy again and lose weight.
  • pelaccioiniraq
    true that pimp. i am with you all the way. hoping to drop about 75 in the year to come. well year and change. like 2016 new year id like to be better off.
  • marykator
    Hello! Feel free to add :)
  • akgreen324
    akgreen324 Posts: 74 Member
    add me!!! Love to give support and helpful tips :-)