Just joined, would love support

Hi, just joined MFP today, at my husband's encouragement. He has been doing great with it. I have had some health issues the past year and have gained quite a bit of weight. Am looking to get healthy for my husband, future family, and myself. Would love any support/encouragement/tips!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    God for you and your husband...working together! Add me for support!
  • Peaches160
    Peaches160 Posts: 78 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first step! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
    Good Luck on your journey :)
  • purplemama28
    purplemama28 Posts: 52 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • MikeLAdams
    Just remember to be happy with your own self no matter what your physical condition is. You are lucky to have such a supportive and loving husband!!! I wish you all the best in your journey - I am sending my positive thought waves in your direction. Can you feel them? No? Ok, let me try harder.... grrrrrrrrrrr, uh hmmmmmmm, GRHMMMMM (pant pant pant) GHHHHHHRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

    Did you feel the positive thoughts THAT time? NO!?!?!?!?!? WTF, I'm going to bust a blood vessel in my eyeball if I try any harder. OK, last time (deep breath).... POP!

    :) You'll do great, no matter what me or anyone else thinks!!! Believe in yourself.
  • LunaDoll08
    LunaDoll08 Posts: 9 Member
    :) you can do this !!!! you can add me
  • MikeLAdams
    :) you can do this !!!! you can add me

    Is your profile picture fairly current? I ask because I saw your goal is 120 lbs, and if your profile pic is current - you already look good. I would think 120 lbs is excessive weight loss for you, but that is just my opinion. I also like women with some curvyness, so I am not a neutral opinion on that matter. Either way, best of luck to you as well!