All things in moderation.. or none at all?



  • nrida
    nrida Posts: 31 Member
    good Q. I see everything in moderation...even moderation...Its ok to binge once it a while...only human....just need to balance out like someone...good tip
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    good Q. I see everything in moderation...even moderation...Its ok to binge once it a while...only human....just need to balance out like someone...good tip

    I know exactly what you mean by binge! But be careful with that word on here. People get really defensive and crabby about it!
  • eurochick64
    eurochick64 Posts: 60 Member
    Once every now and again is the way to go..lets face it.....are you NEVER EVER going to eat the things you like to eat , EVER AGAIN?

    Because lets face point giving things up to lose weight, then once the weight is lost you go back to eating those things!!:huh:

    So i'm not on a diet, I have just changed what i eat, and i eat lots & lots Of fruit & veggies, and some times,,,, Pizza & Ice Cream:laugh:

    I from time to time, go to Sanders ice cream parlor , I have Pizza....... but the rest of the time, I joke because I consider my junk food is Hummus ha ha ha

    But the point is, I could happily live the rest of my life eating what i eat now !!, :bigsmile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I eat all the things. Sometimes I go a bit overboard but overall, I don't want to give anything up (except the stuff that just can't fit easily in my calories).
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I'm on day 50 I think. So far I try to eat healthier all the way around. Though if I really want something like I craved cheese cake the other week. I like a little cheese cake with my chocolate in I don't care for plain. I looked at the calories in a slice at the store and then went and picked out a weight watchers smart ones dessert instead.
    I try to make better choices but if I want some potato chips I'll eat the one serving of 11 chips.

    Right now I've been thinking about sausage gravy or just pepper gravy. Haven't found a healthier alternative yet though. :(
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    We don't buy junk food so I don't worry about it.
    When I stopped drinking pop it had to be complete and cold turkey, I've tried other ways in the past and it didn't work. I usually don't crave bad foods or anything so it's not a big deal to me. I never crave chocolate or desserts or candy. Sometimes I crave pizza, or pop but for now I'm staying away while I work on myself. I don't want to reward myself with food or even worry about it. Out of sight out of mind for now. If one day I'm out and decide I want a slice of pizza that's not homemade I'll probably go ahead, but I don't personally need those types of foods in my diet. And my husband and I don't want to teach our kids it's necessary to have unhealthy foods just because it's a norm for society, it's worked so far. We've never been the types to have dessert after dinner anyways.
    I personally do better just forgetting those foods exist and there are plenty of things I don't plan to ever eat again. This is a life change, I think I can live without some of these over processed junk "foods", I get plenty of pallet pleasure from the food we pick from our garden :)
    Good for you, teaching your children to have healthy habits! Wish to God my parents had. It is hard to switch to healthier food when you're raised eating and drinking crap.

    I think you're doing it the smart way. If you make lifestyle changes to healthier food, the whole weight loss experience is easier, IMO. It is for me, anyway. Your cardiovascular system will thank you, too.

    People who say you can't lose weight without eating junk food are wrong. Maybe they can't, but some people CAN make lifestyle changes. It's been done before and will be done again.

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm no good with cutting something out completely - as soon as it's off the list, it's all I want. Plus there's nothing I want to go without forever (except cilantro, but I never ate that stuff before - yuck! LOL).

    Moderation for me. I still eat burgers, pizza, ice cream, cookies, chips, beer, wine, margaritas, etc. It all fits into my goals (most of the time), and there's NO WAY I'm giving those things up forever. :noway:

    I lost the fat and reached my goal while still eating these things, and I've kept it off for over two years now. :drinker:
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    And my husband and I don't want to teach our kids it's necessary to have unhealthy foods just because it's a norm for society, it's worked so far.

    I know you mean well, but you can take this too far and have it backfire. I can tell which of my kids' friends aren't allowed "junk" at home because they come over to my house and clear out my pantry. :laugh:
  • TheBookSiren2316
    We don't buy junk food so I don't worry about it.
    When I stopped drinking pop it had to be complete and cold turkey, I've tried other ways in the past and it didn't work. I usually don't crave bad foods or anything so it's not a big deal to me. I never crave chocolate or desserts or candy. Sometimes I crave pizza, or pop but for now I'm staying away while I work on myself. I don't want to reward myself with food or even worry about it. Out of sight out of mind for now. If one day I'm out and decide I want a slice of pizza that's not homemade I'll probably go ahead, but I don't personally need those types of foods in my diet. And my husband and I don't want to teach our kids it's necessary to have unhealthy foods just because it's a norm for society, it's worked so far. We've never been the types to have dessert after dinner anyways.
    I personally do better just forgetting those foods exist and there are plenty of things I don't plan to ever eat again. This is a life change, I think I can live without some of these over processed junk "foods", I get plenty of pallet pleasure from the food we pick from our garden :)

    I don't think it's quite fair to ban your children from having a treat, or something sweet. I would feel terrible to do that to my kids, as it is a part of being young, and a fun childhood, but that's just my opinion! And I don't see ANYTHING wrong with a slice of pizza nutritionally speaking. Infact, it can be quite healthy if it's homemade. :)

    There are plenty of healthy foods in life that are sweet. Where did I say my children never get anything sweet? Of course we consider treats something much different than many pop culture parents. Im fine that my kids dont know what a pop tart is and dont have a high fructose sugar filled "treat" with every lunch. My kids are not animals, they dont need "treats" or to see food as a reward. But that is just my opinion. Id feel bad if I were the type of parent who thought they needed candy, desserts, or ice cream to be a healthy well rounded child. :)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    right now? nothing is off limits! lol!!! I eat what's around and do with what I have. I try to eat healthy, but if there's something delish around, it's mine!!! lol!!!
  • xixshaiyaxix
    xixshaiyaxix Posts: 83 Member
    everything is open, just in moderation, for instance: mozzarella stick? i would only eat one, and savor it, where in the past i would eat a whole package. have to create those good habits while in the "breaking bad" period.
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    I've lost 100 lbs in the last 9.5 mos. by eating whatever I want...

    Just not whenever I want.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    TL;DR - Moderation. And my moderation may not look like your moderation. YMMV!

    For me there are no off-limits foods. As others have said, there are foods I don't keep in the house. I love having movie popcorn and coke classic when I go to the movies. It's wonderful. I've also *never* kept soda or buttered popcorn in the house, so I don't feel deprived, if that makes any sense? For me it would be a weird new thing to do and I don't see the point.

    Chocolate is something else I'm not used to having around. Again, I prefer to eat it rarely, while out. There are lots of successful folks here who have a bit of chocolate daily or nearly so, and for them my approach would feel very restrictive. To me it doesn't feel that way b/c those aren't foods I've ever eaten regularly.

    Oddly enough, I would swear tortilla chips make me feel hungrier an hour or so later. Likewise, a cereal breakfast (even steel cut oats) leaves me much hungrier by lunchtime than a breakfast that includes an egg or meat of some sort. Scientifically illogical, but I have to live with me when I'm hangry, so I don't need proof, just a few too many experiences ;-) -- I also know for sure there are folks whose breakfast experiences are VASTLY different!
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    That being said, there are certain things that I will not keep in my house, one of them being Nutella. If I bring a jar of that stuff into my house the next thing I know I'm waking up in an alley somewhere with a spoon and the empty jar wondering what happened and how I got there.

    Hah, this sounds like me and cookie butter. I just read the cookie butter thread and am so sad because if I bought it, it would be gone in a day.

    I'm an "everything in moderation" person in that no food is off limits for weight loss purposes, but I have to manage HOW it's eaten. Single servings from a vending machine are OK because I'll stop after one. A big bag of Cheetos (or jar of cookie butter), not so much.
  • jmmurray203
    jmmurray203 Posts: 13 Member
    Nothing wrong with a cheat meal once (maybe twice) a week. Just don't turn them into cheat days. All I can think about is this burger, fries, and beer I am going to consume on my upcoming birthday. Until then, I am hitting the gym, getting my proteins, complex carbs, and stuffing my gullet with carrots and spinach.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Depends on the thing.

    Some things I build in to my regular diet.

    Some things I eat rarely.

    I know which things.

    I know it works for me.

  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Moderation. Nothing is off limits. I do however have to be careful with a delicious homemade cookies are my downfall.
    I have been successful over with MFP for 15 months because I didn't restrict food, I just learned portions and moderation.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    Everything in moderation... Although I have cut out a lot of unnecessary crap including diet coke and a lot of processed stuff, and am staying away from gluten when possible for what it does to my stomach... But I don't believe in cheat days or cheat meals... If it is something I really want I make it fit! This is a lifestyle change... Got to be able to eat this way for the rest of my life...
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Are you someone who eats things in moderation(treats, etc), or do you just avoid them completely? What do you avoid? What do you eat every day in moderation?

    To answer this, I have to quote my Father. He was in a car accident, when he was about 80, and wound up quadriplegic, and very confused. He lasted about 18 months like that. So, I was visiting him, in the hospital, and trying to make conversation, asking him questions about his service in the Marines. I guess he knew what I was doing, because his response was....

    What, are you writing a book?

    This is what immediately came to mind, when I saw your post.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    My original plan was to get rid of all sugary foods. That plan lasted a good 3 days, until I picked up a container of cookie butter.... Why would I get rid of the foods I love? Especially when I DONT HAVE to!