hello and healthpointe

Hi I thought i'd introduce myself as I've just been using the diary privately so far. I am following healthpointe and am interested in what other peoples experiences are with the program. I've got lots of questions about it too.


  • ameliajane75
    ameliajane75 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Akimajuktuq..I'm actually on healthpointe 2 ..which is an eating program I got through the gym I joined (at the start of my ..OK gotta do something about my weight and health epiphany) It basically involves keeping carbs under 100g per day eating 100g protein and 60g fat per day..and has worked pretty well for me..although its a bit excy and I have basically worked out that formula from the eating plan..its not really stated but I'm trying to work out all the principles without needng to continually pay for the program :)
  • ameliajane75
    ameliajane75 Posts: 5 Member
    I tried to comment on your post but MFP wouldn't let me for some reason