anyone overcome/trying to overcome emotional eating????



  • turbojanem
    i am an emotional eater. pretty much done with it, but it will always be something that i battle (just like an alcoholic or drug attic has to fight the urge to drink/use.)

    for me, when i realized my eating was an addiction and that when i got stressed, lonely, happy, sad....i was able to work on my emotional eating. i did not attend any, however i do know that there are over-eaters anonymous eaters groups that work on the emotions of eating. for me, i personally focused on my faith/walk with Jesus. when my focus and daily walk is aligned properly, then i am able to take my emotions to Jesus and not have to carry issues alone.

    i pray that you find the source of your emotional eating so that you can live a healthy lifestyle. today and always.

    cheering you on!
  • samanthad2u
    I have struggled will emotional eating my entire adult life. Still have not overcome it.