30 day shred and Zumba

Hi, i have done 13 days of the 30 day shred and i have not lost any weight. My family said they can see that my belly has gone down a little bit but when i use the measuring tape it says that i have gained inches. I'm getting bored of the 30 days shred and if it isn't really helping then should i still continue? i have also read on zumba and would like to try that, but i don't know how long i should do it a day and how many times a week. can anyone help me? i am 5'3 197 pounds.
thank you.


  • MonR85
    MonR85 Posts: 4 Member
    I would say keep going, results are different for everyone. You can't say it's a failure, you have't even finished it! keep going :D
    And you may be losing inches and not seeing it on the scale.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    Probably building muscle and losing fat
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    I've seen before and after pictures from several people, and I have to say, the results around day 10-15 are just not that shocking yet. Just keep going, it's always hard to tell for yourself since you look at yourself in the mirror every day. Agreed that you are just building muscle, at least you see some sort of change! Just keep going until the end and check again!

    Also, are you watching your diet while doing this? And make sure to give it your absolute all doing those 20 minutes :)
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    I got 15 days down on 30 DS, and I've been sweating buckets. I've been using different hand weights (set of 10 lbs dumbbells all through level 1, level 2 with 5, 7, and 10 lbs), and I'm trying to go as heavy as possible on the exercises. My muscles are responding nicely, but I still won't burn more than 220 calories each time..... I have lost about 1/2 inch on my waist. I'm not trying to lose weight, though, just some fat. And it seems to be working.
    You have to give it all during this short workout, and you have to watch your calorie intake.
  • digee101
    digee101 Posts: 13
    I am into week 2 of the 30 day shred and also gained weight (3 lbs in the first few days, which I know is water because it was sudden and my rings are tight). It's come down 2 lbs now but from what I understand, with any new workout the muscles go into a shock and repair mode because glucose (with water) rushes in to help repair the muscles. I am also sweating bullets and come out of the workout dripping. I am staying positive, logging all my foods, trying to watch salt intake and flooding my body with water. I know this dam is going to burst within the next 2 weeks. Don't give up!!!

    I have been taking one day off a week from the shred to give things a rest and I am doing Leslie Sansone's 2 mile power walk. It's a pretty good cardio and not intense on my ankles/knees.