I cant lose weight without "starving" myself

I have been trying to loose weight for a few months now but I have not been able to. I was eating an average of 1000- 1200 cals a day and was slowly gaining weight. I tried cutting down to 700 calories and I was able to maintain my weight. Finally I was able to lose weight after eating only 300-400 calories a day for a few weeks. I try to be healthy by excersising 4-7 times a week throught these months. I also dont eat breads or cereals (except if they are very high in fiber and low in sugar/calories) but I do have a sweet tooth, so I do eat a lot of chocolate/cookies. I eat lots of fruits and yogurt and try to have lots of vegetables. I know it is unhealthy and I do not enjoy eating so little. Does anyonw else have a similar issue or advise?


  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Seems to be a trend on VLC eating today. :noway:

    My advice is to eat more and stop starving yourself.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    have you seen your doctor to rule out issues like diabetes, PCOS, hypothyroid etc?

    also your diary is closed so it's going to be hard to give nutritional advice without knowing how and what you're logging now
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Please get help.:flowerforyou:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Resource page for people who are struggling with food or exercise issues: https://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/1575987-eating-disorder-resources
  • Don't yo-yo diet! You need to stay consistent - don't give up and it will come within time. Exercise, eat healthy, drink lots of water and get a good sleep each night! You aren't eating enough calories, your body needs nutrients to function properly. Keep at it :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    False. You HAVE to lose weight while on a deficit. Science and mathematics dictates it. It is impossible not to.

    That said, you may not have been logging accurately enough. On a "1200 cal diet" it is very easy to miscalculate and overeat your goals without realizing it, thus blowing your deficit. Only when you dropped to your "700" calories did you start seeing results, because you were funally at a deficit, (even though it wasn't actually 700 cals).

    Start weighing everything with a digital food scale in grams. Stick with it and be consistent, and you'll lose weight.
  • courtneysusername
    courtneysusername Posts: 5 Member
    Lately I have been measuring all of my food with measuring cups, spoons etc. I dont have a digital scale so I try my best to measure my foods in different ways. Lately I have been trying to include everything in my food diary- even things like ketchup- that I wasnt including before. Is there any different/ more effective ways to measure food without a digital scale?
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I got a simple scale from walmart for like 10 bucks. It's been working fine for me. You don't need expensive fancy items to take care of what you need to do. The digital scale is nice but if you can't afford anything else or don't want to spend much money on it, you can improvise. Something to help you weigh is better than guessing.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    You don't need a food scale to lose weight. You don't need to count all the calories, do all the math, learn the acronyms or starve yourself.

    Eat healthy food, not junk food. Wait until you're hungry to eat it and stop when you've had a normal amount. Fruits and veggies - eat all you want.

    Do some exercise.

    You will lose.

    Absolutely see a doctor. They can make sure there isn't anything wrong with you and will be able to recommend a healthy way to go about your food choices and exercise choices.

    Good luck.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Lately I have been measuring all of my food with measuring cups, spoons etc. I dont have a digital scale so I try my best to measure my foods in different ways. Lately I have been trying to include everything in my food diary- even things like ketchup- that I wasnt including before. Is there any different/ more effective ways to measure food without a digital scale?

    measuring cups and spoons are faulty, so odds are you are eating more than you think

    i dont weigh or measure my food at all, so it's not absolutely necessary to lose BUT i also assume that i'm eating 200-300 calories more a day than i think. in addition MFP databases are kind of faulty, i've seen some really crazy stuff on here and some crazy ranges. for instance an avocado ranges from 100 calories - 250 calories, tortillas (the same brand and size!!) range from 1 at 100 calories (what's actually on the package) and 3 at 100 calories, large eggs range from 70-150 calories. those little things can add up over time if you're doing what ive seen some people who cant seem to lose weight do which is to choose the lowest calorie estimate.

    if something is too good to e true it usually is. for things that aren't packaged that i can easily check i chose the higher number to be safe.
  • hello have you try to plan the food you will be eating for a week and put them in packs so you know if it is not gone you have not ate what you need. if it is to much for me I would cut back 500 cols. and see how that works. but before you do anything you my need to go to the Dr. and ask them for help to. I hope this help a little.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have been trying to loose weight for a few months now but I have not been able to. I was eating an average of 1000- 1200 cals a day and was slowly gaining weight. I tried cutting down to 700 calories and I was able to maintain my weight. Finally I was able to lose weight after eating only 300-400 calories a day for a few weeks. I try to be healthy by excersising 4-7 times a week throught these months. I also dont eat breads or cereals (except if they are very high in fiber and low in sugar/calories) but I do have a sweet tooth, so I do eat a lot of chocolate/cookies. I eat lots of fruits and yogurt and try to have lots of vegetables. I know it is unhealthy and I do not enjoy eating so little. Does anyonw else have a similar issue or advise?
    It sounds like you need to see a doctor because you should not be eating so few calories and gaining or maintaining.

    Setting any medical conditions aside, if you were truly eating so few calories you would be losing weight.

    I suggest you look at your logging habits. Make sure you are weighing all your food, log everything that goes in your mouth, including condiments, calorie beverages, etc. If you exercise and use MFP for your calorie burns, do not eat all your exercise calories back because they are grossly overestimated.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Lately I have been measuring all of my food with measuring cups, spoons etc. I dont have a digital scale so I try my best to measure my foods in different ways. Lately I have been trying to include everything in my food diary- even things like ketchup- that I wasnt including before. Is there any different/ more effective ways to measure food without a digital scale?
    Really, measuring is not the same as weighing. Digital scales are cheap- around $20.

    Did you know that four bananas of the same size most likely have different weights, thus their calorie range can be anywhere from 100 to 120 calories?

    Did you know that generic entries like small, medium, large are useless because we all have own perceptions of these measurements?

    Did you know that 2 tablespoons of peanut butter actually weighs more than its assigned 32 grams, therefore it has more calories?

    The truth is the cup and spoon measurements are never equal to grams or ounces.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I was eating an average of 1000- 1200 cals a day and was slowly gaining weight. I tried cutting down to 700 calories and I was able to maintain my weight.

    Unless you're 4'2", your calorie counting is completely broken. 700 calories is less than concentration camp victims were being fed, it is physically impossible for an adult to eat that little and not lose weight.

    You are eating more than you think. A lot more.
  • jmmurray203
    jmmurray203 Posts: 13 Member
    What is your height/weight? Do you exercise? Do you know your body fat%?


    Be completely honest when entering your information and goals. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

    Without knowing your info this is just a broad guess but 1200 calories seems low, unless you live a completely sedentary life. It is highly possible that you have been under-estimating things. Measure everything on a scale, they are very cheap and easy to use. It is also possible that you have been losing fat, but you are retaining water as your body adjusts to a new diet, too much sodium, too many processed carbs, etc. Extreme caloric deficits are not recommended outside of morbidly obese people. They are tough to maintain, lead to muscle loss, unhealthy habits, and other negative side effects. It is recommended to eat ~500 below your TDEE to lose body fat. Nobody cares about how much it shows on the scale except for you, they don't look at the numbers on the scale when they see your body.

    For example, an actress was having trouble losing weight, she went to a dietitian and was told to record everything she ate. They also followed what she ate and calculated it themselves. She then came back and showed that she calculated her daily calories to be 1200 calories, when in actuality she was eating 3000 calories!
  • courtneysusername
    courtneysusername Posts: 5 Member
    I used an online body fat % calculator. I ended up with 13.34% but the website disclaimed that this measurement was only an estimate and could vary +/- 3% (I beleive it could vary much more) I am 5"6.5 at my highest height (when measured soon after I wake up in the morning). My weight will range from 116 lbs ( in the morning after a healthy previous day) to 122 lbs (at the end of the day after eating heavily/ drinking lots of water) I am usualy 118. I play seasonal soccer and hockey as well as working out at least 2x a week. I will usualy jog, do strength training (focusing on my upper legs/butt/abs) I also attend a yoga/palates class at least once a week.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    You are almost to "underweight" according to your BMI at that height / weight and if your body fat percentage is correct you are below "athletic" levels of fat.

    May I ask why you're trying to lose weight? It looks like you really, really don't have anything to lose Without it being detrimental to your health.
  • courtneysusername
    courtneysusername Posts: 5 Member
    I am trying to lose weight/ get in shape to boost my self confidence and improve my preformance in sports
  • Get your thyroid checked.!!