Work, school, timing my meals?

I have just recently started working at a fast food business, name I won't reveal. But my work schedule isn't anything like a 9-5 setting, it's more of an all-over-the-place type of deal. For instance, my schedule tonight will involve me working during dinner time.

I'm not quite sure how to time my meals and even though I do get discounts and a break, I'd prefer not to eat there as one whole meal could be over a 1,000 calories. (Their food is good but the calories!)

Pretty soon, I will be starting school again and along with working, I'm not quite sure how I should time my meals and what to eat as I won't have time to prepare anything healthy and eat it and be on time! :frown: :frown: :frown:

Besides frozen meals like lean cuisine, what are other foods that you guys would happen to know of that is quick and healthy? (Not just calorie wise either)

Thanks!! :smile:


  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    Whats your definition of "healthy", the word "healthy" is nebulous here.
  • pamelagw12
    Sorry on such the late reply, my definition of healthy is anything that isn't chemical-laden or SUPER processed. Or things that are purely just sugar.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    "Timing" your meals isn't such a biggie. Eat when you have a break, it's not important when. What you eat is tough when you work in fast food. Bring healthier choices and don't rely on what's at hand. My favorite? Turkey sandwich and a Greek yogurt, but figure out what works for you. Good luck in school and your new job!
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Take time out each week to make and freeze meals that you can take to school and work to heat up and eat when you want. IF there's no microwave at your school, make salad or sandwiches the night before (won't go stay if you wrap them in clingwrap). If you made a dinner that doesn't really make for good leftovers (i.e. schnitzel or steak), they are great in a salad.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Many fast food places, have some low-ish calorie options like yogurt, fruit, salad. The good news is that they have all of their nutritional information on line. If you work at Wendy's that would be cool. I like their baked potato.
    Or bring your own yogurt or cottage cheese with nuts or fruit.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    i use protein shakes and luna bars - i have like no time most days at work. and like another poster said, most fast food places are starting to offer healthier options - wendy's baked potatoes are great. taco bell has some of their fresco stuff that isn't horrible, and most places offer salads - you can always bring your own dressing.