If its beige or white then its not right??????

carlyannabelle87 Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so going with this saying........what am i then supposed to eat before I go to the gym? Surely I need a good hearty meal before a work out. Would pasta/spaghetti be bad then? coz i guess that comes under the white/beige category doesn't it....but i thought it would be good before the gym as they are slow release carbs which are needed for energy.

Oh gosh I am so confused. Anyone care to help.....

Also, what foods contrain sodium so I know to stay away.....Thank you


    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    White bread bad, Brown (wheat) bread good
    White pasta bad, Brown (wheat) pasta good

    BUT what I wonder ......... how can grilled chicken/pork/shrimp be bad lol

    They seem pretty white/beige to me!
  • Trafty024
    Trafty024 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm interested to hear responses as I've never heard that phrase before and it doesn't make sense to me... what about bananas, onions, milk, etc? What is the theory behind beige or white not being right?
  • LLP1225
    LLP1225 Posts: 21
    I was put on a low sodium diet due to heart problems so I know what to look out for. Soups have a lot of sodium and packaged foods that you simply pop in the microwave and then eat usually are very high in sodium. If you stick with the natural foods like fruits, meat, and vegetables you will do well. I usually eat pasta the night before the exercise as it makes my tummy feel too heavy to do anything if I eat right before exercise. A great snack about 20 minutes before exercising is an apple with peanut butter. The peanut butter gives you calories and protein and the apple is just something healthy to help you feel full. The natural sugars in apples will give you a little boost as well. Oh and stay away from microwave popcorn! I love it and it is loaded with sodium. If you can't stand plain popcorn try putting butter flavorings on air popped. You may still have calories, but the sodium will be lower. Hope that helps a bit.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    omg i thought you were talking about poop
  • No white sugar, no white potatoes, no white bread, no white pasta. This is what my Dr. told me.
  • ksimms
    ksimms Posts: 31 Member
    omg i thought you were talking about poop

    Bahahaha, probably the best answer I've ever heard. I'm still cracking up.
  • "omg i thought you were talking about poop " - daniface! seriously how old are u. CHILD.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Can we lay off the name calling? Her comment didn't hurt anyone. If it bugs you just ingore it. Period
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    its valid! when your poo is white it means you have a digestive problem!!!!!

    but i guess you wouldnt have read that in Tiger Beat.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    There's no such thing as a "good" or "bad" food but there are better nutritional choices depending on your needs. The beige or white reference is to highly refined sugar and flour products not to whole foods. So, to be clear, potatoes are highly packed from a nutritional point of view, but white bread is not. Milk, cheese, eggs, chicken, chick peas, hummus all white or beige and are great for you.

    At the same time a chocolate cake from the vending machine is not white or beige but contains highly refined sugar and flour and is, therefore, not a good nutritional choice.

    It's never a good idea to look at your diet in terms of absolutes, everything is ok in moderation.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    The best time to have carbs (when you want the energy for workouts) is the night before so that your body has time to digest it.
  • CJWirth09
    CJWirth09 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you JennS19..... I agree with you... her comment didn't hurt anyone (was kind of funny) and this is not a site to call names and be rude. Please leave it that way. Thank you!
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    The theory of the white/beige plates being bad comes from the child obesity studies that have found that plates are becoming more and more pale.

    I dont think it means you cant ever eat white or beige foods, but your plate should look bland.

    Chicken nuggets, french fries, and a roll make a colorless beige plate. Processed foods and unhealthy carbs often fall into the colorless realm.

    You need a variety of protein sources, lots of colorful veggies and fruits, and healthy carbs to keep your plate colorful and get a healthy diet.
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    "omg i thought you were talking about poop " - daniface! seriously how old are u. CHILD.

    And honestly, not to be gross, but your "poop" can tell a lot about the quality of your diet. Oprah did a WHOLE show on nutrition and that was a huge chunk of it.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    thank you marie! haha
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