
Question: I exercise 4-6 days a week (run when my body lets me, weight lift when it doesn't), eat 1500-1700 calories a day, I'm at 5'4'', 124 pounds, and cannot drop another ounce.
Advice, anyone?


  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    How long has this lasted?

    It sounds as though you're at maintenance. You need to either eat less or exercise more (or a bit of both) in order to create a calorie deficit.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    For her height it's probably in the middle of her BMI range. I can understand her wanting to lose a little bit more.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    One thing that sometimes works is eating more for 3-4 days, healthy food only, but between 2500-3000 calories... then return to your current calorie level, it will sometimes jump start the metabolism, and get you losing again.
  • bonbons324
    Kick up the calories for a few days and just go for a moderate walk on those days. Then return to your current plan of eating healthy and staying active. Sometimes our metabolism needs a jump start.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Have you tried swimming?

    You get cardio AND resistance when you swim and it burns calories like nothing else. Easy to do, doesn't make you feel hot and sweaty, clears your mind (hard to think when you swim) and just makes your body hum.

    The only downsides to swimming are that you're wet when you're done and it ruins your hair (if you swim in pools or the ocean.). Everything else is a plus.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Because you are already in the healthy weight range for your height, any further loss will probably be super slow. I am about your height and at 135, I am losing around a pound every 3 weeks. Patience really is a virtue when you are this close to your goal!

    Also, please make sure your goal is a realistic one. None of us know your body type, but sometimes we get a number in our head and can't let it go, even if we are healthy, happy, and a great weight right where we are.

    Regardless, good luck to you!
  • AlmostAislinn
    What /is/ maintenance? Does it mean I eat more??
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    What do you mean by when your body lets you? Do you have an injury/disorder or do you just feel sore from the previous workouts?

    Weight lifting - Switch up the way you lift, take fewer/shorter rests between reps and sets when lifting, speed up each rep.
  • AlmostAislinn
    Thank you so much for the advice!!! As for when my body lets me: I have a not-so-good knee, I'm also occasionally too nervous to run--I start and then get so scared that I'll have to stop that I really do have to stop.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    What /is/ maintenance? Does it mean I eat more??

    Maintenance means eating the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight. Some people recommend diet breaks like this every so often. They aren't really necessary for weight loss, but sometimes they can help with the mental battle if you're feeling fatigued or struggling to stay in a deficit for long periods of time.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if you're not really sure where you want to go then maybe its time for maintenance.

    regardless, i recommend a food scale if your not using one so you can be sure your not over/under estimating amounts.

    would also suggest you make your weight training scheduel more regular, but wouldn't expect much extra weight loss from that alone.
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice!!! As for when my body lets me: I have a not-so-good knee, I'm also occasionally too nervous to run--I start and then get so scared that I'll have to stop that I really do have to stop.

    Ahh I got ya. Ive got 2 bad knees from sports so I know how you feel. I would suggest switch to the pool if you arent too self-conscious. I am researching now good routines for when I am cleared by my surgeon to return to the gym. Otherwise even though I feel elliptical is a waste of time since it uses mostly momentum it is better than nothing and is low impact. Some people do stationary bike if they have bad knees but that bothers mine more than sprinting does. Or try the row machine(do 250meters in 60sec or so) you dont have to use your knees though it is better to.

    How I do cardio is MWF i do 8-10 sprints for 30 seconds with 2-3 minutes rest and aim for about 20 minutes(plus 5 warm up) then the rest of the week I just walk for 30 min on the treadmill then ice my knees right away when I get home. Be sure you have good running shoes not just tennis shoes. Once I made the switch to my asics it made a HUGE difference. I like the asic nimbus, i feel it keeps my knees from getting too sore.

    Feel free to add or message. Always willing to help.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Is there any fat to lose? My instructor is your height and weighs 140, but she is so tight, she looks like 120. There isn't a 1/2 inch of fat on her body. So may want to consider with all of the exercise you do, you are now at set point.