I've just had it.......



  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    show us your before and after pics? I too am a mom .iam 22 I used to be looked at and wowed over too, I was 120 5'2 hour glass shape ,now I year after my daughter and iam 146 and I got lucky with very faint stretch marks, but everyone keeps telling me you HAD such the perfect body and when you were skinny you looked like... ect ect and it hurts because I try, not to the extream but I do what I can I don't indulge in a bunch of bad foods , I eat scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast, no sugary drink strictly milk or water. lunch ill have tomato sandwich or any sandwich, than supper ill have salmon or chicken with rice or potato, snakes will be crackers with cheese and tea and cookies about four. with that I still don't get 1490 calories. I always go under it for some reason plus iam still breastfedding my 11 month old and that minus's 300 cal so it says. and I still don't lose, I post questions on here about it but no one asnwers me ?I need help too. what can I do to get from 146 to at least 120

    My wife is the same way... Caloric defecit isn't enough for her; but she gets great results from the lifting and cardio program she's been following, and she's now losing about 2 pounds a week steadily...
  • fit4myfamily11
    fit4myfamily11 Posts: 13 Member
    You guys are awesome... I had debated posting this for a couple weeks now.... I'm glad I did today...

    I am ready to do this... I'm ready to get my sexy back ;) I know I used to have it......and I wont lie, I loved all the attention ;)

    YOu are all so motivating..... and encouraging...... I am ready for this...... I really am..... I will use the boards more to get the support......and motivation.. thank you all.!!!

    Please if anyone has anything to add. i will take all the advice you all have to offer for me.........

    and btw, how do you stop all the voices in the kitchen telling you to eat.. I spend alot of time in the kitchen and baking for the family....and its like the fridge , the pantry is just calling my name... how do you resist when you feel gravity pulling you to look for food at random times of the day???
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I feel your sadness because I feel like just giving up because I don't have a good understanding to what I need to do, if I did I would be loseing. So I feel ya...

    Do you use a food scale?
    Do you log consistently? (i.e. daily and everything you eat whether it's good or bad)
    Do you exercise?
    Do you take measurements?
    Do you drink enough water?
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    To me, junk food and fast food is just not always worth it... The only way I'm having pizza is if I'm visiting friends in Brooklyn, I'm not going to just eat any pizza... Chips and candy are for children.... The other day, I had like 600 calories left to eat after working out, I ate it up worth of ice cream, without any guilt! Why? Because it fit my macros!!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You guys are awesome... I had debated posting this for a couple weeks now.... I'm glad I did today...

    I am ready to do this... I'm ready to get my sexy back ;) I know I used to have it......and I wont lie, I loved all the attention ;)

    YOu are all so motivating..... and encouraging...... I am ready for this...... I really am..... I will use the boards more to get the support......and motivation.. thank you all.!!!

    Please if anyone has anything to add. i will take all the advice you all have to offer for me.........

    and btw, how do you stop all the voices in the kitchen telling you to eat.. I spend alot of time in the kitchen and baking for the family....and its like the fridge , the pantry is just calling my name... how do you resist when you feel gravity pulling you to look for food at random times of the day???

    Like I said, mind over matter.

    If you just ate an hour or two ago, it's not true hunger. But if you NEED to chew on something, eat veggies… carrots, celery, cucumber, etc. If you ate over 3 hours ago, have a little something because your body probably needs it. When you feel the need to eat, drink a big glass of water, go read a book, go on a walk, do yoga or pilates, draw a picture, paint a picture, paint your nails, take a bath. Do something to take your mind off of food.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Here are some things that have or are helping me:

    1. Pick a date one month from now. Put all your "I'll just have one, I need it, I'll start tomorrow" thoughts on that one day. Commit to this one month that you will not eat over your calorie goal and you will not eat anything that you know is going to make you hungry and cravy and put you over your goal. When that day you picked comes, you can decide if you want to abandon your hard work even for one day or if you're okay with continuing on as you are.

    2. As hinted at above, stop putting anything in your mouth that makes you crave or makes you hungrier. Only eat foods that make you less hungry after you eat them.

    3. Think of the food your kids bring into the house as their food, not yours. Not even if you have to prepare it for them. You have your food, they have theirs. I fix food for my son (high time he makes his own, but he's a bit spoiled!) and I don't eat it. It's not my food. It's his.

    4. Cook from scratch if you don't already. That lets you control what goes into everything.

    5. Weigh or measure every bite and log every bite, even if you go over. Even if you go completely berserk. At least that way you know how many calories you're setting yourself back.

    6. Get moving. Go walk, run, dance, learn a lethal martial art, bike, anything to replace wandering into the kitchen and staring at the fridge. Plus endorphin highs are great and legal and they don't make us fat.

    7. Get mad, get determined, get fired up, think about this every day because frankly to succeed you may have to get a little bit obsessive. I find it helps to be less crazy obsessive if I at least think more about nutrition than about calories in and calories out. Or at least it makes my obsession nice and well-rounded!

    8. Know you can do it. You might choose not to, but you can do it. It's up to you.

    9. Use MFP. It's a great resource, by being here, you're making great strides already toward your success.

    10. Learn everything you can, try every which way there is to try as long as it's not likely to put you in a pine box, until you find what works best for you. Sure, it's all about calories in calories out from a physics standpoint, but compliance is obviously a big deal. Find the way of exercising and eating that makes compliance easiest for you.
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    You guys are awesome... I had debated posting this for a couple weeks now.... I'm glad I did today...

    I am ready to do this... I'm ready to get my sexy back ;) I know I used to have it......and I wont lie, I loved all the attention ;)

    YOu are all so motivating..... and encouraging...... I am ready for this...... I really am..... I will use the boards more to get the support......and motivation.. thank you all.!!!

    Please if anyone has anything to add. i will take all the advice you all have to offer for me.........

    and btw, how do you stop all the voices in the kitchen telling you to eat.. I spend alot of time in the kitchen and baking for the family....and its like the fridge , the pantry is just calling my name... how do you resist when you feel gravity pulling you to look for food at random times of the day???

    Try not to keep processed foods and snacks in the house! If you eat a lot of protein, from chicken or lean steak or whatever source you prefer, it tends to keep you full, so your less likely to have cravings!
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    Think of it like this: You eat a crappy snack, and say F it to the rest of the day because it's already ruined right?

    If you dropped your phone on the ground, would you say "F it" and stomp all over it just because of ONE LITTLE PROBLEM?

    No. You wouldn't. So why would you do it to your body?
  • I just started this a little over a week ago, and I have found that logging every morsel I eat keeps me going. Most days I feel slightly hungry all day long (I am trying 1300 calories/day, but usually get to 1400 or 1500), but each day it gets a little easier. I never had a problem with weight until I was about 48, and started working in Silicon Valley, sitting at a computer 12 or more hours a day. Having to log my food intake is really keeping me from overeating. There was one day that I went up to 2000 calories, and the little blurb at the bottom of the screen reminded me what I would weigh in 5 weeks if I ate that way every day. I know that if I introduce exercise at some point I can consume more calories, but one step at a time for me.
  • I understand where you're coming from. I struggled (and still do) with cravings and just completely eating everything in sight. I also used to eat based on my emotions, so if I was sad I'd go get a bag of chips and eat it all. But, I've found a diet that works for me and suits my needs. For me, that diet is the keto diet. And when I say diet I mean LIFESTYLE. This is a commitment you have to make. You can't just cop out when it's inconvenient for you. You have to keep fighting.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Think of it like this: You eat a crappy snack, and say F it to the rest of the day because it's already ruined right?

    If you dropped your phone on the ground, would you say "F it" and stomp all over it just because of ONE LITTLE PROBLEM?

    No. You wouldn't. So why would you do it to your body?

  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    Are you logging?? You can have your snacks, just reach your caloric goal.. Why is it so difficult? Do you train?
    its difficult because food is a drug and the addiction we have to it is more powerful than the will to lose weight. youre on mfp you should know this. I don't mean to come off as being rude but some people ask why is it so hard and they are on here for the same reasons that we are. or are they? anyway I know what this all feels like because I have done the same thing. always say tomorrow is the day and then the next day I eat like a pig and put it off for the following day. its not easy at all. its one thing to be honest and give it to people straight and another to just be rude and not understanding. maybe you were neither but that's how I took it
  • fit4myfamily11
    fit4myfamily11 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok, thank you Caesar, I need to go back and read exactly how to get started here... Ive seen alot about Macros, and it doesn't make sense to me.... I need to educate myself on all this.... so I know what I need to do for myself.....
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    You need to remember that a life-time of poor eating choice WILL NOT go away over night. You will make mistakes, and you will continue to make mistakes until you are dead. Learn from them, make adjustments and move on.

    And for crying out loud! DONT HAVE COOKIES IN THE HOUSE!
  • fit4myfamily11
    fit4myfamily11 Posts: 13 Member
    Really appreciate all your thoughts/ideas and advice.....
    THANK YOU......... I needed this.......not going to look back, only forward......
    I have before picts on instagram and my meals (well, my healthy meals )
    if you have account, follow me.... its the same as my username here.....
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    Think of it like this: You eat a crappy snack, and say F it to the rest of the day because it's already ruined right?

    If you dropped your phone on the ground, would you say "F it" and stomp all over it just because of ONE LITTLE PROBLEM?

    No. You wouldn't. So why would you do it to your body?
    some just don't get it. people are rude. I don't see anything NICE about that analogy

  • ....

    and btw, how do you stop all the voices in the kitchen telling you to eat.. I spend alot of time in the kitchen and baking for the family....and its like the fridge , the pantry is just calling my name... how do you resist when you feel gravity pulling you to look for food at random times of the day???


    Read this blog. It motivated me so much.
    We want what we see, if it is not around it's less temptation, and will not be calling your name...
    And for the things you have to keep in your house, if you resist the temptation, you will feel 100 times better than if you give in.
    After a while, believe me, it is true, you will not hear the "voices calling you" because you will be stronger than those voices.

    Follow his blog too, he has some great things to say.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    1) The first thing I will tell you is that you must relax. (I know it is easy to say and hard to do.) This whole thing works much better if you settle into an attitude of, "I'm on this journey to health--by my own choice!" You must learn to relax and enjoy the journey. When you think of it as a journey marked by hard work and deprivation, that takes all the pleasure out of the trip. And, believe it or not, it can be intensely pleasurable to see those numbers change because of the commitment you've made to the journey. That kind of satisfaction is waaayyy better than any momentary pleasure you can have in food. Feeding your body properly and exercising (which is another form of nourishment for your body) is a pleasure in itself. Focusing on negatives ("don't eat that" "get off you rear and go exercise!") will NOT go the distance. Instead, focus on the positive--"I have found a type of exercise that I love and I can't wait to have the satisfaction of having put in the effort--and I'm seeing results!" "I nourished my body well today--didn't eat too much or too little. I ate lots of vegetables and other nourishing things. I can feel myself getting healthier." This is the spiritual / emotional part of the journey and unless it begins here, there can be no long-term success. If you believe in God, He will help you to make that commitment and stick to it--otherwise you are stuck with willpower alone and often that is not enough. Strength wanes.

    2) The physical part of the journey is to avoid starches and sugars (especially if you are pre-diabetic). They are contributing to your health problems. They are your enemies because high blood sugar is your enemy and starches and sugars are very good at raising your blood sugar to unacceptable levels and doing it very quickly--setting off metabolic derangement. Fats, proteins and vegetables are your friends because they have high satiety and do not raise your blood sugar quickly (because of the amount of time it takes to digest them--among other benefits). They will keep you from being hungry and help you to resist the impulse to "just grab something." You must plan for the temptations that are thrown in your path. You should have foods on hand that will build your health--at all times. Eventually, you will retrain your palate to prefer health building food. I take pleasure in foods that I NEVER thought I would--and you can too. :smile:
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    and btw, how do you stop all the voices in the kitchen telling you to eat.. I spend alot of time in the kitchen and baking for the family....and its like the fridge , the pantry is just calling my name... how do you resist when you feel gravity pulling you to look for food at random times of the day???

    Before you eat it, take a look at how many calories are in it. Put it back in the fridge, and take a short walk around the house instead.

    I was craving Fritos the other day. Caved and bought a bag from the vending machine at work. Took a look at the calories, and put the unopened bag in my food drawer, for a day when the calories might fit.

    You have to want this bad enough to succeed.
  • fit4myfamily11
    fit4myfamily11 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't buy cookies from store.. today I made oatmeal raisin cookies to put as a treat in the kids lunches... i put half the amount of sugar than the recipe called for..... but i hadn't had cookies in so long.. I ended up having "just one" then 5 cookies later..... I felt sick to my stomach..... I do bake for the family, and don't get alot of processed, but, hey, I am great about teaching the kids about portions, and only allow them to have 1 cookie at a time.. and tell them about being healthy... I feel like such a hypocrite.... because I teach them about portions and being healthy and there I am when they are out of eyesight, eating so many.. and over doing the portions......... I just like food as most of us do......... and all concept of portions goes out the window for me...... I know its my weakness........ something i need to figure out why and how to manage that......i need to fight this demon, this addiciton.....