Need help with a routine.

Hello everyone.

I'm really new to working out, having done nothing since high school 7 years ago.

I just started up again this week after finally getting tired of my sedentary lifestyle.

Basically what I have been doing is jogging for 30 minutes then crunches and push ups until i can't do anymore.
Which is not much maybe 25 crunches and 10 push ups.

Obviously that is not a proper work out as I'm not exercising all mucked groups.

However I know little more than that.

Wound anyone be willing to help me build a routine for overall fitness?

I currently have no access to weights, but will be getting a gym membership once I get paid.

Thanks so much,


  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I would recommend a kettlebell. They are relatively inexpensive and you get a cardio as well as an overall muscle workout all at the same time. 20 minutes with a kettlebell and you will feel it the next day. You can find all kinds of moves to do on YouTube, etc.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Google "Nerd Fitness". Do the beginner's program every 2 days, and run or play sports on most of your non-lifting days.
  • SpencerGJackson
    SpencerGJackson Posts: 40 Member
    Both seem to be good places to start.

    Thank you both for the input.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Several free workouts on pinterest and youtube. I use and for weight training programs. If you have On Demand, there are free workouts on it as well.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I'm 53 and had never lifted in my life. So when I was nearing my goal weight I wanted to start. I Googled weight training for seniors, and found a few workouts on You Tube. I took the parts from several of them that I liked, and worked with them until I had found a good balance of exercises. I bought weights at Walmart, since I couldn't find any good used ones. Each month I add 2 1/5 pounds to each dumbbell. I've spent about $75 for 75 pounds of weights so far.

    If you have space to spare, there are lots of used equipment to be found at thrift stores and yard sales. I have four or five machines, none of them costing over $25. I only keep the gazelle and stationary bike inside, with the rest of them on the front porch or in the barn. {which means I can only use them in the spring and fall}
  • I used Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (you can find it on YouTube) two years ago. I stayed on Level One due to my disability and paralysis in the lower part of my back. But, I lost over 45 pounds doing that. Now, I've given up with proper routines. I play sports I like (soccer) for a while, ride my bike and recently have been doing yard work. That right there is just about the best you can get! Trimming trees, pulling weeds, dragging limbs, etc. It's hard work... But you can do it!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I recently have been doing yard work. That right there is just about the best you can get! Trimming trees, pulling weeds, dragging limbs, etc. It's hard work... But you can do it!!

    I spend a lot of time in my garden. I count 40 minutes of every hour toward my daily exercise. The same with mowing or any other kind of work work.

  • JoshLikesBeer
    JoshLikesBeer Posts: 88 Member
    It's a bit old school, but I still recommend The Weider System of Bodybuilding by Joe Weider. That guy used to train Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, and a bunch of other famous bodybuilders back in the day. This book explains all of the basics for getting started. I just looked it up on Amazon and you can get a used copy for almost nothing.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding is a good second book. It's huge book full of hundreds of exercises.

    Those were the books I started with, anyway.
  • MsTT80
    MsTT80 Posts: 59 Member
    I am just starting out with fitness activities. I can't afford gym membership, so I walk and swim (my city offers free swim sessions at certain times). I have also purchased a second hand Wii Fit and use a "game" called My Fitness Coach which develops a work out for you as an individual. Tried it for the first time today and I must say I was can choose what type of work out you want to do ultimately, but it suggests what is best for you.
  • CandySugar500
    CandySugar500 Posts: 19 Member
    Try you choose what you want to focus on whether it's strength, toning, weight lose, yoga and much more. You can also choose the amount of time you want to spend exercising and they will provide videos with those exercises and the amount of time you want with or with out exercise equipment. Also they have exercise programs you can follow.