I need to stop stopping!

Hello -

I have a terrible history of stopping and re-starting workout programs/ healthy eating/ use of MFP. I get legitimately busy and then I don't "get back on the wagon" for months. I can only imagine where I would be, if I would just stop stopping! I feel amazing when I'm working out and I love making progress. MFP is wonderful at helping me track! I just need to keep going!

How do you maintain a program? Do you have any advice on how to keep myself motivated to keep going?

*I use MFP's community for positive interactions and to help work with the "team" to get us all to reach our goals. If you have negativity to unleash, please take it elsewhere!*



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    How do you maintain a program? Do you have any advice on how to keep myself motivated to keep going?

    Discipline. Either it's a priority, or its not.

    There is no other answer.

    For me that translates into "exercise is the FIRST thing I do in the day".
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member

    How do you maintain a program? Do you have any advice on how to keep myself motivated to keep going?

    Commitment. Decision. Stubbornness. Dogged determination. To quote Yoda: "Do. Or do not. There is no try."
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    I'm guessing that you're trying to tackle too much at one time. Make a few small changes that will be sustainable even when you get busy. Allow those changes to become habits and then make some more changes. Build a healthy lifestyle over time.
  • sazzet
    sazzet Posts: 56 Member
    I keep stopping too. Maybe reading the success stories on MFP daily, would be motivating enough. If others can do it, I should be able to do it too.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    the mfp buddies that I have all workout, log in daily, and track their food. having that kind of motivation is what I needed. we "like" each others status and we ask questions, give comments, and advice. I will add you so you can get going. "If you never give up then you never have to start over".
  • RWilliams_Fit
    RWilliams_Fit Posts: 81 Member
    I find it best when i dont stick to one program. I always switch up my meals so i dont get bored, and also switch up the kind of cardio i do as well as weight training. always take 5 mins a day to reconnect with your goals and challenges towards them. i try and make sure i workout at least 4 times per week...so if i havent been in 3 days...well tomorrow is it!!

    good luck !
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Hey there,

    Everyone that has had success has had their own unique ways of doing so.

    Time and time again over the years that I have lurked around MFP, the difference between "Success" and "Hi....I'm back again" people is finding something more lasting than motivation.

    I know that sounds somewhat counter productive and "MOTIVATION" is bandied around as the be all and end all, but motivation is often fleeting.....

    I feel that making the decision to COMMIT to a programme/goal whatever is more likely to sustain you through the lean times.....there will be times where you may be motivated to eat cleanly/under calorie target and get in a session of exercise so you are ready for the half-marathon that you just signed up for.....but what happens when that marathon is over, what happens if you injure yourself and can't get in the exercise, etc etc. This is just a metaphor, an example.

    Then during those times you still have the commitment to eating at a deficit which is the biggest help if weight loss/maintenance is your goal. Also you may be able to substitute in another form of exercise because you have realised there are ALWAYS options and many roads etc, that will still get you to your goal.

    Maybe as someone else has suggested you are doing too much too soon...take this experience in bite sized pieces. Commit to weighing and logging everything you eat for at least 2 months.....make small changes to your overall consumption ie. You want to increase your water and decrease your fizzy drinks, well get that habit under your belt. Maybe new ways of trying veggies/fruits feels like it would be inspiring for you. Get on the Net and look up new cooking methods. Seek out and try all sorts of exercise....find something that you enjoy...if that changes find something else. The options can be as endless.

    I bet you don't even think about the COMMITMENT and MOTIVATION that you show everyday by cleaning your teeth and seeking a dentists help.....it's just ingrained now, part of your life; getting to and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle is just the same. You are worth every positive aspect that being a healthy weight and being fit offers.

    Good luck.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    You will not change your behavior until you learn to see the fallacy in believing that you are legitimately too busy to log your food and to exercise. We all have the same 24 hours a day. Our lives are full of responsibilities. . . jobs, children, homes, partners, friends, etc. I spend 5 minutes a day logging my food and I've done it every day for over two years.

    I do it because I know it works for me and because my health and fitness are important.
  • Jdolphin42
    Jdolphin42 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you! :smile:
    IUSE2BAHEAVYHITTER Posts: 105 Member
    I agree 100%
    How do you maintain a program? Do you have any advice on how to keep myself motivated to keep going?

    Discipline. Either it's a priority, or its not.

    There is no other answer.

    For me that translates into "exercise is the FIRST thing I do in the day".
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    whoops...thought this said "stop shopping". I'm in the wrong place. Good luck!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    You will not change your behavior until you learn to see the fallacy in believing that you are legitimately too busy to log your food and to exercise. We all have the same 24 hours a day. Our lives are full of responsibilities. . . jobs, children, homes, partners, friends, etc. I spend 5 minutes a day logging my food and I've done it every day for over two years.

    I do it because I know it works for me and because my health and fitness are important.

    ^^^This post says it all extremely well.

    The one common theme throughout this thread is that no one talks about the "mechanics" of health and fitness. It all really comes down to commitment and discipline.

    Good luck ... there are a lot of people here who are making progress, and they are eager to share their amazing stories.

    I truly hope that this post becomes the prologue to your success story Good Luck! :flowerforyou: :smile: