trying to prepare dinner meals..

It's very hard trying to come up with a meals everyday when u have young children.. need more options..


  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    I have 2 kiddos and have started making them eat what I eat. Instead of chicken nuggets, I make them eat the ck. breast. My daughter likes to dip hers in honey.
  • YayMe17
    YayMe17 Posts: 62 Member
    I got it for you
    Simple chicken Enchiladas: Shredded chicken, enchilada sauce, little bit of cheese in tortilla
    Hearty soups: Beef stew w/ french bread, southwest chicken soup w/ black beans, tomato, corn & pasta.
    French dip sandwiches
    Turkey burgers
    These are my favorites. I also have recipes if you'd like them.
    Hope this helps.:drinker:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    What do you normally make? Can you start there and try to make the meals healthier (like bekdavis suggested - using chicken breast instead of nuggets)? You can bake potatoes or sweet potatoes instead of eating fries, or cut them up and bake them with olive oil. Use ground turkey or lean ground beef. I think it's pretty overwhelming to try and overhaul your whole diet all at once. For me it's easier to start making smaller changes and gradually add in more and more healthy foods. I quit drinking diet soda and started drinking water and green tea instead. I eat a lot of salads with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I like to saute veggies with olive oil, onion, and garlic. Kids will probably like sliced veggies with a healthy dip like hummus or low-fat ranch dressing. Good luck!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Are you looking for specific meals? Go-to cookbooks? I am a full-time working mom w/ 2 little boys and I HAVE to plan my meals weekly to keep my sanity. I usually have to do 1 or 2 crockpot meals a week due to evening commitments (otherwise we end up eating out...which is probably why I got so overweight to begin with), and then we have a few stand-bys (spaghetti, tacos, steak w/ sweet potato, chicken and rice, etc.) that get put in the rotation, and the rest I pull out of my favorite cookbooks or off of
  • damejennifer
    Hi Yayme17, could I get these recipes from you? Thanks! :)
  • LiveLife73
    thanks for the info.. and would love to have those recipes... thanks
  • LiveLife73
    thank you...