New Here

Hello, I am A 21 year old male (almost 22) and my constant horrible way of life is finally catching up to me. I really need help and hopefully I am able to find it on this site.

I don't own a scale yet but the last time I checked my weight I was 195 pounds, my body doesn't really show it yet but I'm afraid if I keep going on the way I have, bad things will come.

I suffer from pretty bad social anxiety which keeps me locked away in my room most of the time. I only eat junk food, I haven't touched a fruit or vegetable or even vitamins in months. The last time I worked out was sometime last year 2013.

I am in horrible shape and know nothing about nutrition, don't know how or where to begin.

I suppose for now I will take a look at some other threads for people starting out and try and figure out a plan, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading.


  • Everyone's got to start somewhere! All that matters is that you are taking the time and making the effort to begin towards a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to add me, and I will try to give as much support as I can! :)
  • Just keep going. There is a lot of good information out there for you to read. Start slow, teach yourself to read labels, and hold yourself accountable. This is an awesome place to get questions answered. And trust me, you will always have questions. I have been struggling with weight loss my entire life and I still have questions lol! If you are anything like me, then starting to buy food at the grocery store instead of eating fast food all the time is going to be a major lifestyle change. Don't get intimidated. Do what you can with what you can afford. There are a lot of good article out there about how to eat healthy on a budget and simple healthy meals to make for yourself. If you have any questions, i will be more than happy to answer them if I know how. :)
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this. Add me for support!