Has anyone told you to stop losing weight?



  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I think a lot of people believe they are saying it as a compliment. They don't know how to just say well done you're looking great. Instead they say stop losing.

    On a side note you will probably not see your body the same as them because it can take awhile for you to adjust to the news size. Some keep seeing the weight even though its gone.

    And by all means keep going if you still feel you need to. But drives me crazy when people(most often women) say I used to weigh this and I want to weigh that. Well you know what girls bodies change as we age and you probably aren't going to weigh the same from 18 to 80.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Peoples weight perception is way off.
    I get compliments at work about how skinny I am now,..I'm ..not..skinny...
    I have at least 20lb to lose for me to be happy. (and in the middle of a healthy BMI)

    Unless you've always been "skinny" people tend to think you're going overboard when you're just trying to reach a healthy weight.

    I always tell them that officially I'm still considered overweight.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    There's a point in time when your body hasn't fully caught up to the changes you've made. I've seen people go through this and I was guilty of telling them not to lose any more weight too. When I went through it for myself I realized I needed to shut up about others weight because for 3-4 months during the weight loss I looked a bit sickly too. I wasn't sick, was getting plenty of nutrients, exercise, fluids and sleep but my skin hadn't quite snapped back so perhaps that's where you are right now, I was 10-15 pounds heavier than I am right now when I was being told to stop losing and now those same people are telling me I look amazing.

    I'm a firm believer that you'll know when your body is in it's comfort zone, the scale is just a way of putting a number to that.

    By the way in case anyone takes this wrong I am NOT saying you look sickly just sharing what I found for myself.
  • Yes, but I don't overanalyze what people say. I was told by my aunt to stop losing weight when I was 200 pounds. I didn't think she was trying to say something mean.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Nope, but they HAVE told me to stop talking so much, stopp following them around, stop calling and texting them, stop sleeping at their front door, stop sending them love notes, stop wasting time listening to what other people say....etc.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    There's a point in time when your body hasn't fully caught up to the changes you've made. I've seen people go through this and I was guilty of telling them not to lose any more weight too. When I went through it for myself I realized I needed to shut up about others weight because for 3-4 months during the weight loss I looked a bit sickly too. I wasn't sick, was getting plenty of nutrients, exercise, fluids and sleep but my skin hadn't quite snapped back so perhaps that's where you are right now, I was 10-15 pounds heavier than I am right now when I was being told to stop losing and now those same people are telling me I look amazing.

    I'm a firm believer that you'll know when your body is in it's comfort zone, the scale is just a way of putting a number to that.

    By the way in case anyone takes this wrong I am NOT saying you look sickly just sharing what I found for myself.

    Thank you for this! I was actually wondering if my body is still kinda making adjustments and possibly looking a little off while it figures things out.

    I guess I'm afraid of actually NOT going to be able to know when to stop because I see the weight coming off and honestly it's fun.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    my husband keeps saying I am too skinny. He is always commenting on this. I have to asure him that I am not going for skinny just fit with some muscles. Great job on getting under 150. I am almost there too
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    No one has told me that yet. I am 5' 6" and am closing in on 140. How tall are you?
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    I think a lot of people believe they are saying it as a compliment. They don't know how to just say well done you're looking great. Instead they say stop losing.

    On a side note you will probably not see your body the same as them because it can take awhile for you to adjust to the news size. Some keep seeing the weight even though its gone.

    And by all means keep going if you still feel you need to. But drives me crazy when people(most often women) say I used to weigh this and I want to weigh that. Well you know what girls bodies change as we age and you probably aren't going to weigh the same from 18 to 80.

    I actually really agree. And also with the post about your body needing time to adjust to the new weight.

    This post pops up pretty frequently. Usually from people who have lost a chunk of weight quickly.

    Either the people telling you to stop are trying to compliment you... you can usually tell because they are smiling. Or they are honestly concerned. If honestly worried it is because a) you just look different and people don't like change... especially while they are static b) you actually look bad... which might just require you giving your body time to adjust, or you might want to focus on body comp or c) you actually took the weight loss too far and you just still see yourself as bigger as you are and can't see the objective result.

    If your weight is in the normal range or a weight acceptable to your doctor, see a and b.

    If your weight is lower than a healthy range for your frame see c.

    Or just make yourself happy and forget everybody else.
  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    Almost everyone is overweight. No one knows what normal weight looks like anymore.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    All the time but I can see where they are coming from my face is very thin but I'm trying to get rid of the last few pounds on my belly.

    I try to explain I have a BF% goal not a goal weight I think most people find that confusing.

    I have the same issue. I just pull my shirt up a little and slap my belly really loud and shout "This here is the problem!" It tends to make those well-meaning annoying people shut up and go away, at least until the next get together.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    My boss told me to stop losing weight when he found out I was having jogging sessions before work. He said this while munching on a peanut butter cookie. :laugh: ... I told him I didn't want to lose a lot of weight; I just wanted to get back into shape. A lot of people seem to think exercise and eating healthy is for solely for dieting and losing weight, which is totally ignorant of them to think that way...
  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    Yeah, my mom just told me to stop losing weight. It's understandable, though. Even I haven't seen myself at this weight as an adult. It makes sense that the woman who was used to raising an overweight child would think I'm getting too skinny. I have also had a couple brushes with disordered eating in the past, so she's worried about that as well.

    She doesn't have control over what I do with my body, though, so I'll just continue doing what I've been doing until I feel I'm in a good place. C:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Not yet, but my mom has already "warned" me a couple times not to go "too far." I've had more than one person tell me I look a normal size (I'm still 20 lbs away from the top range of what's considered "normal" for my height.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I think you look great as you are, if your pictures are accurate. How tall are you? My mom told me to stop losing weight but I'm still probably around 21-22% body fat so I can afford to lose more.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    EFF them!
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    Yes, I have and I still have 50 pounds to lose to even get to what is considered a healthy weight. They are just used to seeing me as the large person I was. Silliness.
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    No, but then again, i'm 250+
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    My husband told me to stop losing weight. I'm listening to him. I'm at a good weight now, and if he thinks I'll be thinner than he'd like if I dip much lower, his opinion is important to me.

    Anyone else who said anything, I'd laugh. He gets to have a say, seeing he's the one who sees me nekkid and knows if bits are getting bony.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Yes, jealous people, that I don't pay attention to.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    No one has told me that yet. I am 5' 6" and am closing in on 140. How tall are you?

    5'4", but I'm a size 4 on top and have gone down to an A cup I think. I'm starting to see my bones a little between my breasts when I'm working out too. I think maybe that's why. Butt's still a size 10 :)
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I think if you are ever in doubt about appropriate end-points, look at your numbers--BMI or body fat percentage. If you are in the healthy zone, then you can blow off what others say. Those numbers come out of research about health outcomes, not someone's arbitrary opinion about looks or fashion.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I always say it's no one's business what I put into my mouth. ;-) However, I was at my doctor's this morning and she asked if I was still losing weight. To her I said no because it's important that she know.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    I think if you are ever in doubt about appropriate end-points, look at your numbers--BMI or body fat percentage. If you are in the healthy zone, then you can blow off what others say. Those numbers come out of research about health outcomes, not someone's arbitrary opinion about looks or fashion.

    Yeah my BMI is in the healthy zone. My fat is just distributed funny and I have some junk in the trunk to deal with before I stop losing. Hopefully nothing else will come off of my chest.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    No, I still have some more to lose. But I can see that happening within the next 10 lbs or so because everyone is used to seeing me bigger. But I want to get to the middle of the "normal" range and then reevaluate. I might be fine and just want to get in better shape/build muscle or I might still want to lose more to get to a lower body fat percentage.
  • georgemang82
    georgemang82 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh yes this has happened to me. The amount of people who told me that I should stop now or inferred I had some kind of an eating disorder was alarming! People also didn't want to hear that I had done it with healthy eating and exercise. ... weird!
  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    My boss says this to me all the time. I find it really uncomfortable. I haven't made a big deal out of wanting to lose weight to anyone and I am aware that I have obviously lost weight, I find it strange that people feel the need to point it out and ask you are you still planning to lose more. I am, because I am not yet at a normal BMI, but I'm not happy with going into that much detail with people.

    Funnily enough, my family, who are aware (although they never said anything at the time) that I had a previous brush with not eating, have not mentioned it at all. Maybe they have noticed but don't want to discuss it, in case it encourages me down the wrong road. But of course, they are all overweight or obese so maybe there is some jealousy there.

    I'm going to just continue with what I'm doing, happy in the knowledge that I am doing things right.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    Congrats on reaching your goal. Just do your own thing. People get used to you at a certain weight so when you lose a substantial amount they think it's too much. They haven't adjusted to the new you yet.
  • layerstogo
    layerstogo Posts: 5 Member
    I wish that was the case.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    No one has told me to stop. What I have heard is I need to stop lifting weights lol. Never. Cardio stops before weights if anything is stopping.