Sources of sugar - help please?

Hi everyone

I went to see my dr again today as I get sick a lot. My immune system is weak (long story).
My Dr has asked me to exercise and eat a really strict healthy diet and to reduce body fat. For 3 months he'd like me to cut out Sugar, bread and potatoes. I'll be eating them again in moderation after 3 months

I forgot to ask him some specific questions about sugar... hoping someone here can help?
Do I cut out honey? Do I cut out dried fruits and medjool dates?

This is going to be so hard. I love sugar bread and potatoes


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Step 1: Call and ask if he meant fruit sugar. He probably did mean honey. And ask if there is a max number of grams per day (if it's low enough you might even need to avoid some vegetables, such as onions).

    Step 2: If you don't already know how to cook from scratch, now is the time to learn.

    So he said no bread, too? Is there a max number of carbs? If so, you might want to check out Atkins and just deal with a couple weeks of induction. Better to get the misery out of the way quickly and adjust to a lower carb diet than stumble along in and out of ketosis, imo. You can ask if it would be okay for you to do that.
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    Step 1: Call and ask if he meant fruit sugar. He probably did mean honey. And ask if there is a max number of grams per day (if it's low enough you might even need to avoid some vegetables, such as onions).

    Step 2: If you don't already know how to cook from scratch, now is the time to learn.

    So he said no bread, too? Is there a max number of carbs? If so, you might want to check out Atkins and just deal with a couple weeks of induction. Better to get the misery out of the way quickly and adjust to a lower carb diet than stumble along in and out of ketosis, imo. You can ask if it would be okay for you to do that.

    He didn't mention anything about low carb I can still eat rice and pasta....

    Thank you for your help
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    What is his reasoning for doing this?? Is it suppose to strengthen your immune system?? If so never heard of that approach... Did he do blood work to test and see if there is a correlation with you and carbs, sugar, etc?? If your picture is current, to me it doesn't look like you have very much weight to lose, I am questioning your doctors motives until I know alittle more...
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    What is his reasoning for doing this?? Is it suppose to strengthen your immune system?? If so never heard of that approach... Did he do blood work to test and see if there is a correlation with you and carbs, sugar, etc?? If your picture is current, to me it doesn't look like you have very much weight to lose, I am questioning your doctors motives until I know alittle more...

    I'll ask him. ...
  • axenosher
    axenosher Posts: 3 Member
    Wishing you a speedy recovery and a happy and healthy life.

    Well, not wishing to teach my grandmother how to suck eggs but: as far as I am aware, honey and most fruits, including dates, contain high levels of sugar. They all give you a quick fix of energy. Then there are carbohydrates like bread, pasta potatoes etc and these, when digested, ultimately end up as glucose that your body uses for energy, i.e. calories. Without exercise, these calories don't get burned and are stored in your body as fat - i.e weight gain.

    It sounds as though it's very important for the recovery of your health to reduce your calories so I would double-check with your doctor - but it sounds very much that he is advising you to greatly reduce/ cut out all foods containing sugar and carbs (including your beloved honey and dates).
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member

    Wishing you a quick recovery, I too am not sure what your Dr is trying to achieve but I hope his recomendations are acurate.

    Get well soon.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Like others have said, none of us can say what your doctor meant or what the reasoning is, so I'd definitely ask about what counts as sugar. Also, I really don't understand cutting bread and not pasta--they are essentially the same is all relevant respects I can think of. It would probably be helpful to understand why things are being eliminated, as that would help you be able to determine what else is included.
  • Diva_79
    Diva_79 Posts: 66
    Yeah it didn't make sense to me
    I'll have to ring him and ask
    Thanks everyone:happy: