momma's of young kids looking to lose it big time!

lmesser23 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
:drinker: I'm sending a shoutout to all the mom's of young kids who are on here to get healthy. I want to share our struggles and hear your triumphs. Losing weight is hard enough but can be even harder when you have to put yourself second. I think together we can do it. Let's hear it for hot mommas!


  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I know what you mean!! I have an almost 6 year old and a 3 year old
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    I think this has been the hardest thing for me! taking time for myself!! I have 2 kids and a husband that needs care like a kid (LOL) so I'm always thinking of their needs and not mine, but for the first time I am taking time for myself and I'm happier!! It's a challenge but it's a good one! Good luck to u also!
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! I have a 4 yr old!
  • Stina_Marie13
    Stina_Marie13 Posts: 50 Member
    i never put myself first. i havent lost any of my "baby weight" and my daughter is a yr n some months old already. im starting this, as my first diet program, and i am ready for the great outcome!!!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Sending you a request...I have three kids, ages 5, 4, and 1...sometimes feel like there is no time for me!
  • ksh83
    ksh83 Posts: 1
    I have a one year old and it is hard keeping up with him. Trying to keep myself motivated so I can run, jump and play with no problems.
  • I no how it is my kids are 8,5 and 2.
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I find my biggest challenge is finding the balance in cooking healthy meals that the kiddo will eat. I have to get creative in hiding the healthy! My new best friend is my food processor!! I can chop up the veggies and add them in to things like turkey meatlaof and the family ahrdly can notice!!
  • my little girl is 2 in april and i finally have the motivation to want to loose the baby weight!! i put on 3 stone while i was pregnant and i want it gone!!! good luck everyone x
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    I have 8 children 6 mine and 2 step daughters. my biological children ages are 10,9,8,8,6, and 1.and yes I put 8 twicebecause I have twins. I understand the daily struggles and frustrationsthat we have to go through. I too get very discouraged and somedyas I don't want to do any workouts and I just want to eat junk food, but I look at the kids and remember whY I want to be healthy in the first place.
    My current weight is 235
    my goal weight 150
    and I am doing a ton of at home videos for my workouts. Most arenew and fun.
    Good Luck to everyone and I will be checking in weekly to update and see how everyone else is doing.
  • I hear ya! I have 2 toddlers, almost 2 and almost 4. They are alot to handle. I am also a full time student. I have a hard time taking care of myself cause Im always taking care of everyone else first. It wasnt uncommon for me to not eat til the kids lay down for a nap around 2! Im always chasing them away from stuff they shouldnt be playing with, making food cause they are never ending eating machines, or cleaning up all their toys laying around so my poor feet can get a break, not to mention all the lovely art work they put on my walls, homework, couch, etc while Im trying to make them chocolate milk or do the dishes!!!

    I love them dearly and wouldnt trade what I do on a day to day basis for anything in the world. It was my choice to stay home with them, and I LOVE it, but I need to put myself higher on my priority list!

    I am new to this site, just hit my 10 day mark! I dont have many friends on here, feel free to add me :)
  • Yah for hot mammas!
  • I hear you! I have 2 boys aged 5 and 3 and a 6 month old baby girl and definitely dont feel like a yummy mummy just now!
  • I'm sooo in this boat. I started loosing weight last year lost 10 lbs and then household drama took over. Well here we go again!! I'm starting at 267 hoping to loose as much as possible. I have a 5 and 3 year old oh and don't forget the 43 year old that takes more work then both little boys combined
  • Count me in!
    I have four boys ages 10, 3, 1 1/2 and 3 months! The last 3 were pretty much back to back as far as being pregnant or nursing a baby so time for myself the last couple of years has been few and far inbetween. Just as I was getting to a point where I was ready to start working on me I found out I was pregnant again, haha! So this time I decided that as soon as doc gave me the go ahead I was hitting the gym, not waiting around til baby is bigger. So far I am down to about 10lbs of baby weight left (gained 40 this time) but want to loose beyond that, like pre baby #1! I feel like I am truelly motivated this time and MFP has been such a big help. Being able to see what I am eatting and having the support of others going through the same thing is great. I finally realized that I have to put myself on that priority list or all I do for the kids is going to actually make me end up being there for them in the long run even harder. I have days were I wonder how on earth I am going to squeeze in a workout with the chaos of everyday life with 2 very energetic kiddos running around, a baby who wants to stay attached at the breast & a child who needs help with homework or scout stuff or whatever but I have been pretty good about it so far. I just have to not beat myself up for a mistake here or there and know that tomorrow is a new day that I can start fresh!
    We can all support each other so we can feel like Hot Mamas again!!
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    I have a 4 year old and he runs me ragged! I want to give major props to all the mommas with lots of kiddos running around, I don't know how you do it all!
  • Im with all of you. I have 3 kids, (7,5,3) and it seems like i have no time for me anymore. I love my kids so much and of course their needs come first and my needs tend to get lost in the wind. Ive struggled with my weight for as long as i can remember. Now that I have 3 kids and gained a lot of weight during my pregnancies its even harder to get the pounds off. Back in June of 2010 we had some major family issues that happened and because of that and all the stress i was able to lose 25 lbs. Once things started to calm down a little i got myself on a diet. Ive lost about 30lbs to date, which kinda fluctuates now that the cold weather is here and im not out walking as much. Im not only unhappy with how i look but i also have bad cholesterol and no energy to play with my kids like i should. So here and now I vow to get back on track and lose the weight i need to to get back to a healthy point in my life and to get the energy back that i havent had. Among all this I also quit smoking in May 2010. Good luck to all the beautiful moms out there struggling to lose that unwanted weight and for those not taking time for themselves. We can all do this. God will help us through this. Feel free to add me.:smile:
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I am a mom of 8 children. I have a 16, 12, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 11month (r.i.p.). I am here to lose a total of about 20 pounds and am trying to manage meals so that my kids will eat and that are not to fattening. I am also trying to manage the calories throughout tthe day so that I have enough calories left for a decent dinner.
  • hi, I'm a mom of a 4 yr old and 20 month old....when my daughter was born i was diagnosed with PPCM (post patrium cardiomyopathy) and i have had some trouble gaining the weight with my heart meds i have to take. I started dec 31 a new journey to a smaller me, i am changing my life style of excersing daily, and eatting smaller portions so that i can get healther to have annother baby because with my heart as it is i can't have another baby. I am wanting to loose bout 85 lbs and about 18 of those are already i'm keeping my journey going here!! :):)
  • I have a 10 yr.old son and a 5yr. old daughter.I know how it is too when everyone else's needs are put ahead of your own.Even though my son can do more for himself,my little girl still needs more of my attention and time.My husband is just as bad if not worse then our kids.I've always put others first as long as I can remember.I want to be able to do this for myself 1st then for them.I'm really bad about getting pumped up about losing weight ,only to fall back into the same old routine.How do you really get and stay motivated with all the day to day things you have to do in life?That's one of the hardest questions that should be simple to answer for me and I have yet to figure it out.
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