Starting to Slack!!

FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I meet my calorie goals no prob, but its been a week since i have hit the gym!!!! I need to get re motivated especially with a race loomng ahead!!! I am making a serious attempt to get there tonight, weather being a major factor we are supposed to get some serious snow around rush hour and my little car cant do it...I know what I gotta do I just cant seem to wanna do it!


  • You can do it, just think how good you will feel after you finished working out not to mention how sexy you will look when you reach your goal :bigsmile:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    flip your ticker over from pounds to go, to your actual weight. I did it, it was great motivation.
  • flip your ticker over from pounds to go, to your actual weight. I did it, it was great motivation.

    kool advice. I need to try that myself.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    flip your ticker over from pounds to go, to your actual weight. I did it, it was great motivation.

    Agreed! That worked for me, try it.
  • I really understand this because I work 3rd shift. I am not a 'morning' (even though I get up at 8pm) person.. so going when I get up is out of the question. I try to go when I get off work but..let's face it..sometimes that is the LAST thing a person wants to do when they get off work..


    I try to hit it hard on the two days I'm off, which are Friday and Saturday.

    If I could be off everyday, it wouldn't be a problem for me to get to the gym but with working.. it isn't as easy as a lot of people think it is.

    Still.. you can do anything you set your mind to.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Oh, can I relate! Getting to the gym has always been a major issue for me, and winter weather (also a PGH girl) doesn't make it any easier since the road conditions just provides one more excuse! Let's hope the snow they're calling for holds off long enough this afternoon for both of us to get there. :smile:
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