I am drawing a line!

Hi all,

I've been on MFP for a couple of years now, on and off of diets and exercise programs, always finding excuses way too easily to give up... I travel quite a bit for work, and that's been my favorite excuse to fall off the wagon.

Well, it took a vacation with my family and a few good looks in the mirror to notice I'm reaching a point of no return... While in college (some 10 years ago) I gained about 35 kgs (70 lbs) and went from a healthy 90 kg athlete to a 125 kg couch potato, where I stayed ever since. My last effort got me down to 113 kgs before I gave up again.

So, this time I'm doing it all the way! My initial goal is to get down to a 100 kgs and lose as much of this stupid belly flap as possible... we'll see where we go from there.

That being said, I blatantly lack character and I could really use all the support I can get, which I will, of course, gladly pay back. Let's do this together!


  • scoobydooteresa
    scoobydooteresa Posts: 20 Member

    will it looks like you took the first step in achieving your goal and that is to set one!
    good luck!
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member

    I can relate to that, I travel alot for work too. Before I joined this community, after traveling around 8 branches dotted up and down the country the sofa was a great anchor :-)

    Now I am finding even after I have done all that I have the energy to play with my kids and do more around the house, all this motivation is beginning to rub off on me.

    Add me to your list and welcome aboard.
  • melissafortin146
    melissafortin146 Posts: 11 Member
    Find a photo of you that inspires you ..One where you were at a weight you liked. Pin it up where you see it everyday and focus on your goal. Best of luck to you. Keep pressing
  • marylynndrake
    marylynndrake Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, great job taking the first step and drawing that line!! One thing I'd like to offer is my experience with work travel. I travel for work about 2 weeks every quarter. Before, I would see those trips as an opportunity to work extra hard- which meant longer days, later dinners, coffee/ chocolate after that, early mornings and coping with jet lag. While the high of being so productive is addictive, I got fatter and fatter. Now I see those trips as an opportunity to be right on target with my nutrition, exercise more and sleep- really take extra good care of myself. It's a shift in how I use my travel. I usually make a lot of progress during those trips. I figure if I'm away from my family and friends I should make it worthwhile not only for work but for my personal well-being- they are not mutually exclusive, they help each other. You're the one who can take the best care of you. Some other tips that have helped. Take empty water bottles for refilling as you travel through airports, take tea bags to take and use, bring along protein powder, nuts, or anything you find works for you to stay with your nutrition goals. You can do this!
  • sarayewo
    @marylinndrake - that is an awesome piece of advice! Thank you for that... I'm in exactly the same boat you were in, I put in crazy hours when I travel just because I have nothing else to do and I'm bored. It's that boredom even off hours that gets me to binge out. I travel overseas for a couple of weeks every other month, so it's easy to plan around it if I put my mind to it.

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
  • 4SimpleRules
    Your post could very easily have been written by me!! That sums me up to a tee (except I was in college 20 years ago! LOL!) I deleted my old MFP account and started totally fresh today! I would love to keep in contact with you and motivate one another!! WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • njmark72
    njmark72 Posts: 99 Member
    Well, good luck. But, always remember if you stumble off your diet for a day you can always go back on. It's never too soon to get back on track. Be realistic. For me, it took a life change. You can do it...

  • sbergie11
    I don't travel much, but last time I did I packed an electric skillet. That way I could make some healthier meals instead of ordering in ect. Being you travel overseas you could use your down time as an opportuniy to explore, and walk to the local market for veggies and fruits grown in the area. This would help to eliminate eating overly processed or high calorie/fat meals. Also if you are staying in a hotel with a fitness center, bonus, free gym! Good luck. I too am starting my fitness journey once again, and my kids and health are my motivation. Down 4.6 lbs the first week!!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    That was my story, 8 years ago next month. It took a vacation of miserable slogging around with the extra pounds (Disney, with young kids) to finally make me change - for GOOD (I was up and down my whole life). I love that you have a long-term goal, but the BEST thing you can do is focus on changing your life. Make the good habits that you can sustain when you travel and when you're home. Don't try to do everything at once, and remember you gotta live your life sometimes. I think you will be really, really happy with your results!!!

    What kind of changes? Learn to eat better - not diet. Learn to make exercise the routine, not the "HAVE TO." But try to find something you LIKE as opposed to a quick fix. STAY CONNECTED!!!

    Good luck!
  • sarayewo
    How do you turn the exercise into routine? At which point does it become a "want to" or "need to" rather than "have to"?

    I grew up playing sports and I love doing that, but simple running bores me to death and I quit way too easily... A sprinkle of rain is more than enough...

    Any ideas are welcome!
  • kittygrrl15
    For me, for the exercise part, it's got to be something I actually like so that I'll do it. I will never ever decide to go for a run because it seems like the right thing to do, because the idea of running makes me want to die. I've been taking up enthusiastic walks with excellent music. I might have looked like a weirdo, but I went for a 3+ mile walk last week and grooved and lip synched and danced almost the whole way. I got some odd glances, some smiles, but don't you know my heart rate was higher than just walking for all of my arm flailing AND I was enjoying it so much that I even jogged for one 2-3 minute song that was too fast to speed walk. ME! I jogged! And when I didn't want to jog any more, I stopped.

    I also discovered that playing on the playground- climbing the stairs, doing the rock wall, going down the slides, chasing my son- was just as good at keeping my heart rate up as straight walking. I love that I can play and make memories with him AND get my sweat on. I also belly dance once a week with a local troupe where we work towards performances and I pay dues, so I'm dedicated to doing it every week (plus I love it.)

    Point being, I have tried joining the gym and tried getting excited about it, but in the long run, I hate it and quit. You've got to find something you like. You enjoyed sports? Try finding an adult kickball or baseball league, something you can commit to and gets you moving. I prefer things I can do alone, but if you like tennis or other team/partner sports, find a friend so you can encourage each other and not be able to back out as easily.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    How do you turn the exercise into routine? At which point does it become a "want to" or "need to" rather than "have to"?

    I grew up playing sports and I love doing that, but simple running bores me to death and I quit way too easily... A sprinkle of rain is more than enough...

    Any ideas are welcome!

    I love the above post. Try new things! Take a walk with some good music or a friend. Borrow some DVDs from the library or look on Youtube. There are lots of gyms or places that give classes that offer introductory specials. It becomes "want/need to" when you do it long enough for it to become routine. I think of it as I do brushing my teeth, putting on make up. If I think about brushing my teeth for the rest of my life, it is exhausting. If I do it everyday because I should, it is part of the routine. It will take a while ... maybe months. Maybe a year. If you decide to do a 90 day program (there are a lot of awesome ones), just make sure you have something in mind for day 91 or day 92 (we'll let you have day 91 off, ha).

    You don't need to do any one exercise. And besides, once you start, it can take you all sorts of places you would never expect. Just get started. :smile:
  • sarayewo
    So, I'm 5 kgs down and I'm sticking with this! :)

    For this beautiful milestone, I'd like to reiterate my invitation for new friends on here. Let's support each other through the process of changing our lives!