Feeling Guilty

momwifenurse021406 Posts: 27 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been doing good for about two weeks now. Measuring my portion sizes and tracking my food. Exercising a small amout but at least it is something. Well last night I went over my calories by 300! Now I am feeling sort of guilty. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? I have lost 11 lbs and I am trying to lose about 11 more lbs or more. I am just so scared of falling off the wagon and gaining all the weight back! :frown:


  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Meh, not worth losing sleep over. Pick youself up and get back on it right now.
  • You are doing wonderful so be proud of yourself and do not feel guilty! Just keep moving forward and do not worry about going over a few calries extra, I have done it myself and just kept moving on - one day at a time. Keep your goal in site, and remember it is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep up your great work!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    You lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks?
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    300 calories is not bad at all. It would still be within your "maintenance weight" so you would not gain even if you did that every day. Although you wouldn't lose either. I too sometimes feel guilty for going over, but you can't let that guilt derail you and get totally off track. Today WILL be a better day. If it makes you feel better, get in an extra workout today to make up for those 300 extra calories yesterday.

    Congratulations on your 11lb loss and being halfway to your goal! I cant' wait until I get to the midway point.
  • I would suggest more exercise so that your guilty feeling goes away. I usually add extra minutes to the treadmill or workout dvd to make myself feel better about something I ate during the past day or two. And you shouldn't feel guilty. You've lost some weight, and sometimes you just feel compelled to reward yourself :) so now that you've enjoyed the splurge, push onward and forward :) Good luck!
  • I just started and I feel that way too!! I lost 2 pounds the first week and then gained it back! Now I feel like I really have to work even harder to get back on track! You seem to have a great head start so just keep up the good work!
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    Oh, don't you worry!! If you just went over your calorie goals by 300, you'll still have a daily calorie deficit... I'm sure you've got it set to lose at least a pound a week, which would be a 500 calorie deficit per day... if you went over by 300, you're still under by 200 and it'sstill a "losing" day! Even if you went over by 1000, it's no big deal... there will always be days where we will overeat, due to special occasions or whatnot. Just make sure you get back on it as soon as possible.... it's only if you've decided that you've failed and throw your hard work out of the window that you will see anything on the scale!!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    It's very normal. And that's the trick to losing weight. Knowing your mistakes and learning from them and and not ignoring them.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    It is good to "confuse" your body sometimes and go over. 300 isnt a lot either. Just really watch today what you are consuming and get back to your routine and you'll be fine.

    :-) Good luck
  • BreakOnThru
    BreakOnThru Posts: 66 Member
    Happens to all of us. First, 300 extra calories in the grand scheme of things isn't all that much. What you need to do now instead of wallowing in guilt and using that as an excuse to slip again, is to say, "OK, I went over a bit that day. No biggie." And pick up where you left off. Reset and get back to your plan. Good luck!
  • bigcurt61
    bigcurt61 Posts: 51 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, trust me I busted mine by 1000 calories one time (D@m Pizza Hut)!! You'll be fine just stay on track with your calories and you'll be where you want to in no time.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Don't worry, 300 isn't much! It takes 3600 calories over your net to gain one pound!
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    Don't try to beat yourself over it. Eat within today and maybe push a little harder for todays workout. Always makes me feel better.
  • I just posted last night on my wall about how I went over by 213 calories and i wont feel guilty about it.
    I refuse to let food and calories make me feel like a failure, my goal is to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle and eatting habit not be emotionally abused by numbers.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Don't worry, 300 isn't much! It takes 3600 calories over your net to gain one pound!

    3500 over your maintenance amount of calories to gain one pound.
  • I too have been overeating this week........I've been on MFP for nearly a month, and for some reason this week, am finding it really hard to stay on track! Hang in there.........it isn't easy! I too am struggling!!!!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    it's just part of the process. Sometimes you will go over but you can't let it get to you or you will end up quitting. Just accept that it happened and do good today and maybe workout a little more/harder to make up for it. And move on. You are doing good so just keep it up. You are going to have times in life when you eat more and you either have to plan ahead for them and eat better the rest of the week, work out a little extra, etc. or deal with them afterward but if you beat yourself up every time you're over you're just going to make yourself miserable and want to quit, that's how you fall off the wagon. None of us are perfect at this weight loss thing so just relax. Sometimes it's good to occasionally go over just to confuse your body so it doesn't get too used to the low calorie level and stop losing. See how your day of going over affects your process and learn from it. Why did you go over? Were you hungry? Bored? Around too many temptations? Think about why you went over and if it negatively affected your progress. If it did or because of the circumstances surrounding it you are afraid it will happen too often, figure out a better way to deal with the situation next time. Good luck! Sounds like you are halfway there so keep up the good work. You can do it!
  • momwifenurse021406
    momwifenurse021406 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks you. It makes me feel better. And no it hasnt been 11 lbs in two weeks. I have been on MFP for a while but I have just now got serious with my diet for about two weeks.. From my first weigh in months ago until now I have lost 11 lbs..
  • It's ok. Just don't stay down. Start all over the next day. Actually you feeling guilty will probaly help you not go over your calories, because you don't want to feel like that anymore. Keep up the good work.
  • Halochic
    Halochic Posts: 12 Member
    You could do a moderate amount of exercise and not be over 300 calories- even a walk around the block might do it. Or, if you don't want to leave the house, there is exercisetv on digital cable, with lots of workouts where you can do them on your own time, in the privacy of your house.
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