What to ask a doctor?

I've been at this food diary and mfp for only a few weeks, but I've been actively trying to lose baby weight for 3 months. I've been sticking to a 1200 Cal a day with exercise routine. Um within all my nutrition elements except fat, which is the result of olive oil I used to dress my greens. Working o that...

I feel great, my cravings have changed. And while I'm seeing 0 loss on the scales, I felt determined to stay the course.

Then I gave myself a day off of the wagon for my birthday. Yes, I went over my calorie count by 400 calories (which really, I didn't think was too terrible. ..)

I'm up 7 pounds from that one day off. I have thrown in the towel and will be seeing a weight loss specialist tomorrow. Because no amount of water retention, muscle gain, or "starvation mode" or anything else we use to explain away marginal gains (which this is not) can explain my 0 loss, and now 7 pound gain.

My question is, what should I be prepared to talk with the doc about? I don't often feel hungry, so I wonder if rx appetite suppression will do anything for me? Truthfully, I don't think anything can help me at this point. I feel so lost and out of control.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    If you provide your stats then you will get more appropiate advice and suggestions:

    Daily Calories Intake:
    Weekly Exercise Activities:
    Weekly Weight Loss Goal:
    Desired Weight Loss Amount:
    Health Issues If Applicable:
    How are you measuring your food?
    How are you measuring your calories burned?
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think you need to give yourself a bit of a break. There is no way you gained 7lbs in one day, you'd have to eat like 25,000 calories to do that lol. Its probably water weight. You also need to remember after a baby your body is still full of some weird hormones that are going to cause your body to react differently than it used to. Also, is that 1200 calories net or gross? are you breast feeding? (you don't actually have to answer that, its just something that will effect loss), what kinds of food are you eating? with a closed diary its hard for anyone to give you any kind of feedback.

    I would just be honest with your dr and yourself about your expectations and nutritional needs. it would probably even be helpful for them to see your food diary.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    7 lbs. in one day can only be water weight or scale malfunction. I'd rule out the latter.

    Good luck!
  • macrotracko
    macrotracko Posts: 25 Member
    I think you should share your food diary with the doctor and discuss what you've been eating and how you've been logging it. Water retention is unlikely to make that much of a difference, muscle gain is not something you'd be experiencing this quickly and on a caloric deficit, and starvation mode is largely a myth aside from the final stages of actual life-threatening starvation. It sounds more likely that, because you're new to this, you may not be accurately logging your intake and exercise.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    At 3 months post partum (I'm assuming here ... maybe baby is older?) your body is still recovering. And if you are breastfeeding and eating only 1200 calories, it's not going to do either of you any good.

    How do you measure your foods? It's common to underestimate how much you eat if you're not measuring accurately, at that can affect your loss.

    If you give us age, weight, height, how old baby is, etc, and make sure your diary is open, we can help more.

    If you're going to talk to your doctor, take in your food logs and ask for suggestions. I wouldn't jump right to wanting a prescription, most of those have side effects that are, IMO, undesirable.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    OK, so looking at your profile and previous posts, I see you aren't breastfeeding, and baby is right around 3 months old...

    So, I stand with my comments about giving yourself time. Your body is still recovering and adjusting. Beyond that, we need to know height, weight, goal weight, etc before giving more advice
  • mommamandyloo
    mommamandyloo Posts: 19 Member
    Posts: 1,660

    August 11, 2014 7:58
    Age: 31
    Weight: 183
    Height: 5'2"
    Daily Calories Intake: 1200 on a good day, most days closer to 800-1000.
    Weekly Exercise Activities: cardio 3-4 min at target heart rate and 30 min of strength.
    Weekly Weight Loss Goal: 2lbs, but hell, I'd take 2 ounces at this point.
    Desired Weight Loss Amount: 60 pounds
    Health Issues If Applicable: 
    How are you measuring your food?  Meats are premeasured, fruits and veggies by cut cups, avoiding pretty much everything else.
    How are you measuring your calories burned? What the machine says -50%

    I am a surrogate, so u am not breastfeeding. Never had this baby weight issue with my own kids.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    It is very individual. But i can say that I can definately gain 7lb of just water in a day. In my case that is mostky to do with food intolerances. When i eat grains , dairy, sugar I personally find I get extra thirsty and then swell up with fluid as what goes in does not come out until whatever irritated my system has worked its way out. My abdomin gets saw and swollen. I know that I have food intollerances though which for me cause inflamation and fluid retention. I am also a food addict with long standing binge eating disorder. I just kept on eating all the stuff i kind of knew was irritating my system because I was addicted.

    Anyway my point is irritaions like that can cause large amounts of fluid retention in some people. I went on to a specialised diet plan for another unrelated neaurological problem a few weeks ago. It is basically a ketogenic style of eating with my personal food intolerances also excluded. My wieght has been consistently 22 - 23stone thats around 320lb last several months. As soon as i started new food i was peeing loads. I drank loads too but more was coming out than i could keep up with. I lost over 14lb in first few days and had lost over 20lb after 2 weeks. That was nearly all fluid. My abdominal swelling went and abdomin stopped being tender. My face, feet and generally all me lost the extra puffy look from the fluid.

    I am not sugesting you have anything like as an extreme issue as me but food irritations can definately cause fluid retention for some people. Good news is it should come off just as fast as it went on as is not fat.