Can't stop eating



  • Yeah, we're called binge eaters.

    We start pretty thin in our younger years and we can eat how much and whatever we wanted because of our metabolism. But, honestly, this is no issue to me starting today.

    My first day today, and I am not touching the chips anymore already. Woah! I'll friend you and we can help out eachother. I'll tell you some good tips.

    1. These are my calories organization. It's important to be organized. ^.^
    - Breakfast 400 calories max,
    -Lunch 600 calories max.
    -Dinner 800 calories max.

    Depending on how tall you are, you might wanna lower your calories. But my max calories of a day is 2180. That's a lot of food actually, and it's going to be hard to eat 2180 calories in one day, so I don't even care if I hit my max because I won't.
    I'll only be getting around 2020 calories (I think. I need to double check). For shorter people, it's around 2000 to 1900 calories a day. I think you know how to do this.

    2. Eat in a order.
    -Get some sparkling water, or flavored water. Maybe just regular water, whatever you prefer. If you can't stop eating, flavor watered is good. Make sure everything is 0 on it. It's not water unless there's no calories, protein, calcium, sodium (duh), etc.
    -Vegetable or fruit with your meal. Typically, I eat a lot of green beans. And one serving of that is only 20 calories. ^-^
    -Main meal.

    3. Eat in this oder.

    Vegetables or fruit first. Water to drink with it.
    Main meal. Juice to drink with it.
    Make sure you count the calories, measure how much juice you are drinking, then you will be fine. This will fill you up! I promise. It helped me a lot today, and I feel great already. Happier, for instance. ^.-
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    Ugh, I've been the same way lately! I have a couple suggestions:

    1) Invest in a slow cooker! You don't really have to know how to cook to throw some things in a pot and set the timer. There are tons and tons of great recipes on the internet (and Pinterest!)

    2) They aren't great for you, but I've found that frozen meals can do in a pinch when I'm really craving fast food. They should be used sparingly because of all the sodium, but can help you with portion control too.
  • 8Bee
    8Bee Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with most of what has already been said. Now the can't cook part.... get a crockpot and a george-foreman grill and you will be amazed what wonderful healthy and low calorie meals you can make and you don't have to be able to cook to do this :)
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member

    3. Eat in this order.

    Vegetables or fruit first. Water to drink with it.
    Main meal. Juice to drink with it.
    Make sure you count the calories, measure how much juice you are drinking, then you will be fine. This will fill you up! I promise. It helped me a lot today, and I feel great already. Happier, for instance. ^.-

    i was going to say this. simply inserting a salad or veggies at the beginning of meals helped me tremendously. I didn't change what else i ate (at first). just added a large salad. and then i didn't eat as much of anything else, but i wasn't limiting myself either.

    i think that's a solid place to start.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Go to the library and check out this book: "The Beck Diet Solution." It isn't a diet--it uses cognitive behavioral therapy to help you change your relationship to food. It takes hard work, but you can reprogram the way you behave. I also second the overeaters' anonymous suggestion.
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    I have the exact same problem and although I fail to follow my own advice frequently, at least I have, over time, been able to identify the cause and solution.

    When I plan out my day either in the morning, or the night before, and I enter everything I can eat within my allotted calories, I stick to it better. I do better when I know what I can eat and how much.

    Things get hard when I fail to plan and end up hungry with nothing prepared or portioned out. If I let it go until I'm hungry, I don't want to start cooking, I want to start eating. So I say "screw it" and go out and grab something. Usually fast food because, well, it's fast. Which also means it's bad for me.

    Rarely do I want to run out and get a salad. But.... if the salad was already made and sitting in my fridge, then it's fast AND easy. I just have to make it when I'm NOT hungry. Which gets back to the planning part.

    I plan better when I'm not hungry, so I try to do it the day before. I plan tomorrow's food today, so I never end up being stuck.

    That said, while I know what situations lead to picking junk, and I know how to solve it... I haven't found a solution to being lazy yet. Cooking takes effort and has to be done before I'm hungry, so if I don't make it that far after work, I end up picking up junk on the way home. So the planning has to be strategic (meaning, planning my afternoon snack to be very filling, i.e. fiber, and late enough to last until I get home AND cook supper).

    Lastly, I know you're getting a lot of advice about eating on a college income. But unfortunately you're going to have to choose between cheap, easy, yummy & healthy. I shoot for at least three, settle for two. Fact is, convenience foods (prepackaged salads, per-portioned snacks) are expensive. Portioning your own foods is time-consuming. Raw veggies on the go aren't usually very yummy unless you are accustomed to eating that way (fat food to celery sticks sucks!), and while fruits are easy, cheap and yummy, they are often calorie dense. So even though they are healthy, you can't realistically just eat fruit all day.

    Losing weight on a budget is a balancing act. I wish that balancing act burned calories! lol

    Take it easy on yourself. You didn't gain it overnight, you won't lose it overnight. The best advice I read here was to sub out stuff a little at a time. Start easy, pick something you can change right now that won't stress you out. Stress leads to bad choices and overeating (ask me how I know!). For me, it was whole grains. I couldn't give up bread, no matter how many people preached to me about carbs and gluten. I couldn't do it. It stressed me out. So I switched to whole wheat. I also switched my coffee creamer to fat free half-n-half. I didn't give it up, I just subbed it.

    Baby steps.

    You'll get there. You just have to find what works for you. Try mine. Try planning ahead. Try fixing food a day before. See if that's it. If not, move on to the next idea. Prioritize and plan.

    There is no magic pill. No magic solution. No magic food or supplement. Healthy diet and exercise have been the only answers since the dawn of time. The diet industry makes BILLIONS off our desire to find the easy way out, but if any of them worked, no one would be fat anymore. So do NOT believe that crap. The only thing you will lose is time and money.

    Good luck!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    This is a tough one.

    1. don't expect changes overnight. It takes three weeks to form new habits. If you can get past the first three weeks, you may find it easier to stick to a healthier lifestyle.
    2. although I love to cook, I don't necessarily agree with the notion that you should learn, as it may be an insurmountable stumbling block for you. Get yourself a slow cooker. Find healthy slow cooker recipes (there should be lots on here), take an evening and make up a bunch of meals and toss them in the freezer in big ziplock bags. When you run out the door in the morning, dump one of the bags into the slow cooker, turn it on, "set it and forget it". Dinner will be ready when you get home, and you'll have leftovers for a few days.
    3. salad, salad, salad. Learn to love the salad. There are many ways to make a salad interesting.
    4. don't buy crappy food when you go grocery shopping. Select only healthy alternatives, and make sure your fridge is always stocked with washed/ cut fruit and veggies. Hopefully if healthy food is easily accessible, you can resist the urge to eat out most of the time.

    And most importantly IMHO, is to log everything, at least until you get the hang of eating healthy. Once you start logging your calories in MFP, you will quickly see where you can make improvements. It's a bit of a nuisance to input every single morsel, but it is worth it.
  • RunningMyPugandPapi
    RunningMyPugandPapi Posts: 26 Member
    Does your college have therapists available for students? Often, they'll provide therapy at a low cost for students.
  • Firestar98
    Firestar98 Posts: 30 Member
    My biggest issue is I will eat any snack food that is in my house. My solution was to stop having snack food in the house. This is probably pretty difficult to do while in college, as you likely are in a dorm or have roommates. In that case don't buy yourself any snacks, and make sure you don't eat other people's snacks. This should go a long way towards reducing your overall consumption.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Stop waiting for tomorrow.

    I was always bad about the same thing…I would wake up late…not have time to grab a healthy breakfast so I would grab donuts and chocolate milk. So I would do the same thing with lunch because the day was already shot…and so on and so on.

    Here is something someone wrote once on a forum and I have tried to embrace it…if you were distracted driving into work this am and blew thru a stop sign (and no one got hurt) you wouldn’t ignore all traffic signals for the rest of the day would you?

    Think of every time you are hungry as an opportunity to do something better for yourself and sometimes that something better might just be ice cream.

    MFP has been great for me this time (over 2 months and counting) because the overwhelming attitude is eat what works for you within your parameters. Yes, there are foods I honestly have no control over (Reece cups for instance) but I am trying to be realistic about what I can eat and how much I am eating. I have started days off with Ho-Ho’s and chocolate milk and still ended them under my calorie count.
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Food can become just as strong of an addiction as drugs. Processed and foods served in restaurants tend to be created with just the right amount of fats, salts, and sugars to trigger your brain into the addictive cycle of eating more and more. Rather than stepping into the world of the "diet" and deprive yourself, start trying to -add- things to your diet that will satiate your hunger, be healthier, and help you free yourself from the addiction of eating this food.

    It's important that you learn how to cook for yourself, it can be a very rewarding art and you'll find the food you can cook tastes far better than what you can buy pre-made. Take it one step at a time. Add raw foods that don't need so much preparation, decide what type of food you like and start learning to make it on your own. Not only will your body thank you, but so will your budget. Don't be hard on yourself or push too fast, that leads to frustration, just add new healthier options and you'll more than likely gravitate towards that rather than the other foods. You'll start finding that willpower and control. You have the power, everyone does, you just have to practice at learning to control. I wish you luck!

    This is 100% true. Obese people are addicts. Their drug is food. You should look into the same programs that addicts go through. You need to understand your addiction to conquer it.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Hi, my name is Carrie and I'm an emotional eater. :) No, really. I usually don't have an issue with food - until something upsets or frustrates me, then it's all out war on whatever I can find. (Sometimes I'll binge on the healthy stuff, even - ugh.)

    Cheetos are my Kryptonite. Can't have them in the house, can't be around them, can't even look at them. I would agree that you should stay away from whatever YOUR "Kryptonite" is - if it's a few things, so be it.

    Cooking? Eh, you don't "have to" learn, but it's helpful. I love to cook, personally, and I love trying new recipes - especially those that might have once been "off" the list. But seeing that you're in school, space may be an issue. Still, it's worth looking into. The crock-pot ideas are worth investigating, especially since you say you don't have a lot of money, and crockpot cooking is not only easy and healthy, but can be really inexpensive if you buy the right things. I have a pulled pork recipe that costs nothing more than the pork shoulder, a few onions, and a bottle of barbecue sauce (and they make good low-sugar ones out there, too). Making a pot of that feeds me and my husband for almost a week!

    You have more control than you think. You just need to harness and use it. You're sure in the right place to start - I've gotten more ideas from here for recipes and nutrition than any other site I've visited.

    BTW: please, do consider the fact that diabetes is a concern. I am T2 diabetic, and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Luckily, I'm under tight control, but I know many who aren't and who struggle with it every... single... day. You don't want that.
    Good luck! :)
  • meganeileenmc
    meganeileenmc Posts: 37 Member
    You're young so you definitely have time to learn how to cook. That was a huge change for me but now that I can it make my life easier! Two years ago I was your age (only 22) and believe me I was no chef either. Just practice and I promise it will come, try watching YouTube videos.

    If you MUST eat fast food then you could easily track the calories, as other have said the nutritional facts are readily displayed to the public. Add some exercise in and you should see results!

    Good luck :)
  • srd_23
    srd_23 Posts: 43 Member
    Food addiction is a very real thing, and is more widespread than people realize. Learning to cook won't solve your problem if you still have this addiction. The worst thing about food addiction is that you can't eliminate it from your life completely. Can you imagine being a recovering alchoholic who has to take a shot 3 times per day?

    I am not a therapist, or a nutritionist, or an expert in any way. I am, however, a person who has successfully changed the way I relate to food. I used to wake up thinking about what food I will eat that day from breakfast to dinner, and I indulged myself constantly. I planned social activities around food to the point where I didn't want to hang out with my friends if they picked a restaurant I didn't like. I am a single mom who does not receive any support from the other parent, and yet I was spending hundreds of dollars each month eating out. Its not a great place to be in life, and changing is NOT easy.

    My advice is to take baby steps. You are not going to be able to give up your bad habits overnight, and expecting to do so will only put you into a cycle of negativity that will work against you. Take it one step at a time! You may choose to do it differently, but when I changed my lifestyle I set a goal every week. This week I will eat one healthy meal per day. Next week I will eat fruits and vegetables as a morning snack. Next week I can only eat out once per day. Etc.. You may choose different goals, but the gist of it is to just make small changes over time that will add up! Eventually food will stop taking on the importance that it used to have. Now I eat to keep myself healthy, to fuel my body, instead of feeling like I HAVE to eat my favorite things. I still treat myself occasionally, but that is an informed choice I make.

    The most important thing is to try to stay positive, and to keep your goal in mind. I visualize my life the way I want it, and then every healthy choice I make feels important, and I stay motivated. Each time I eat a light yogurt for a snack instead of a bagel and cream cheese I feel good about myself, I feel like I'm making one more step towards my goal, I feel rewarded. And if I screw up? Well guess what, I'm human and I made a mistake. Big deal. I move on and do better tomorrow. Beating yourself up is only going to make you fail. Just keep going, and don't give up!
  • meganeileenmc
    meganeileenmc Posts: 37 Member
    This is the same problem I have! I cannot keep unhealthy snacks in the house and think that I will eat them in moderation lol. I only keep things now like fruits, granola bars, nuts, and 100 calorie pop corn mmmmm....
  • DeliD25
    DeliD25 Posts: 19 Member
    Food addiction can be as difficult to deal with as any other depending on how you are thinking about your situation. Good for you for reaching out for advice. While I have a food addiction with ice cream, I have figured out out to fit it into my day with all of the healthy things I need to have. Your first step is to take responsibility for your eating choices by being better prepared. You don't have to be a great cook to eat better. Throw some salt, pepper, thyme, garlic and onion powder, and olive oil chicken, pork, or beef and throw it in the oven (or BBQ if you have one). Buy some ready made salad buy some dressing (like a low calorie balsamic vinaigrette) and you have lunch or supper. Have an apple or peach for dessert. As someone mentioned buy what is seasonal as it is cheaper. Even frozen blueberries in vanilla yogurt can substitute for a sweet treat. It is all about choices. Make sure you are honestly logging your foods here in MFP. The trick is to be prepared --don't not have healthy stuff available. Google menu plans and create one that works for you and your lifestyle. Know what you are going to eat well in advance of day. I would check at your school for resources that may be able to help you (e.g. nutrition, registered dietitian, and counselling). I was also recommended a book that I will be checking out (Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything). You can do this, you just have to make the mindful, conscious decision to do so. :smile:
  • Get a Hobbie you can do inside when you feel like eating do the hobbie of your choice instead. This has helped me out a lot i got a spin cycle when i feel like i need to eat something i just get on the spin bike and ride till the urge goes away.
  • Google your college name + therapy. Most colleges offer free or reduced-cost therapy for their students. If you can afford to eat out at restaurants every day, you can afford reduced-cost therapy. Overeaters Anonymous is also completely free.
  • ruthedwards114
    ruthedwards114 Posts: 4 Member
    Start by only buying healthy food. If you can't control yourself around "junk," then don't keep it in the house. Take one day each week (perhaps Sunday) and sit down and plan all of your meals for the week. Make a grocery list of what you need for these meals and then go out and buy only what is on that list. And stick to it!! As for the emotional side of things, when you feel like you want to to eat unhealthy foods - when you get a craving for chips or cake or whatever it is that you can't stop eating - write down in a journal how you are feeling. Is it your body telling you that it is hungry (in which case, eat something healthy) or are you trying to fill an emotional void?
  • ruthedwards114
    ruthedwards114 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow Carrie - good job on the weight loss. How long did it take you?