Small Victories

Todays Small Victory: Ignoring the Break Room

I came into work today to find a large box of designer donuts (the ones from the fancy bakery up the street) and half of a very tempting chocoalte cake. I grabbed my coffee and walked back to my desk.

There is still cake there. But I'm trying to ignore it. I'm about to go out to my car to grab lunch and refill my water cup.

Tell me about your victory today.


  • Way to go!!!!! Keep it up....Small victories are great!!!
  • annpatalexa
    annpatalexa Posts: 38 Member
    Christullos- Thanks. What is your victory for today?
  • Wearing "new old clothes" wearing a shirt and pants I haven't been able to wear in two years
  • annpatalexa
    annpatalexa Posts: 38 Member
    Wearing "new old clothes" wearing a shirt and pants I haven't been able to wear in two years

    Thats an awesome victory. I have a box of size 12 pants waiting for me to get back into!
  • Yay for donuts! in moderation : (

    My small victory today is weighing less than my husband for the first time in our marriage! Hooray!
    He helped a little with this victory, but I'll claim it anyways
  • kelzz27
    kelzz27 Posts: 21 Member
    Well done!!! :-) same thing happen to me but with birthday cake but I was good as I'm so pleased with my progress as I can now fit into an old pair of size 12 jeans yay!! gosh I haven't fit in them in ages school!!! I also save my treats to Thursday's as my sister and I treat ourselves to a take away
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    I woke up early for the first time today and went running.

    UGH it was awful. Hopefully it gets better. :)
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I ignored the cake they were giving away at the grocery store. They were small pieces but I still didn't need it.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Not eating homemade chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. I may still have one tonight if I can fit it into my calories, but I have broken the habit from the past two days of shoving a couple in my mouth while drinking my coffee.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Todays Small Victory: Ignoring the Break Room

    I came into work today to find a large box of designer donuts (the ones from the fancy bakery up the street) and half of a very tempting chocoalte cake. I grabbed my coffee and walked back to my desk.

    There is still cake there. But I'm trying to ignore it. I'm about to go out to my car to grab lunch and refill my water cup.

    Good job !

    That happens to me every day at work ....... I just imagine the cake or pizza or whatever crawling with bugs ...... pretty much takes away any desire to eat that item :laugh:
  • My Victory today was logging on to MFP again after being off for way too many months.. Starting again. :)
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Wifey and I made two loaves of zucchini bread and one tray of muffins. We literally split one muffin, saved two for later, and gave the rest to our neighbors. That's our version of will power.
  • letin2
    letin2 Posts: 2
    Great Job!! It's hard but worth it. I just got back for vacation and a wedding. I went a bit crazy but today I started off with an egg and coffee and lunch will be a hearty tossed salad and chicken broth.
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    Mine was a while ago, after I lost my first 20kg, I could wear my watch and wedding ring again.
  • My small victory is that I have not done any middle of the night snacking in quite a while. Last night was soooo rough and coming up with enough will power to not have a late night snack is a big little victory for me.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I'm wearing a sleeveless top for the first time in, well forever!
  • wbatten2
    wbatten2 Posts: 25 Member
    Fell off the diet for a few weeks. Many stressful things going on with teenagers and I ate myself into a frenzy and gained back lost weight and thensome in a short period of time.

    Got up today and decided to get back on here and start over once again. I've had oatmeal and salad today off the salad bar at work and walked about 20 minutes on my breaks. Small victory, a bit more calories from salad bar than I should have but at least it was not an order of fries and fried chicken strips or pizza like I have been doing. After the last few weeks, all the stress and staying upset, I feel good that I've gotten back on here today and read some inspiring stories of other folks victories and will hopefully get back on track.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    OP, thank you for reminding me about the cake sitting in our lunch room. i had forgotten about it :-S

    today cannot be a day where i have a little cake because i had quite a bit of sugar over the weekend.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I put on a shirt and some pants today. The shirt's arms were always tight on me and the pants were always really tight in the waist, thighs and butt. Shirt fits perfectly today and the pants are baggy in the butt and thighs. They aren't tight in the waist either! I could do lunges in these bad boys and not worry about ripping them to shreds.
  • kjstaley70
    kjstaley70 Posts: 15 Member
    Today's small victory not licking the beaters after making some back to school brownies this morning! Baked them and they covered them for later this afternoon! :-)