Having trouble eating enough

Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if I can get some advice. I started on my fitness pal 2 weeks ago. I set my goal to loose 2lbs a week. I have 50 lbs to loose.It gave me 1200 calories a day. My problem is that I am having trouble consuming all 1200 calories plus the calories I am supposed to eat back from exercise. Before I started I would eat one meal a day and snack at night. My problem before my fitness pal wasn't that I ate too much, it was that I didn't eat enough and was making poor food choices and not getting any exercise in. I have been doing strength training for 30-40 minutes a day 6-7 days a week and walking every night as well. I don't know why I am having so much trouble eating but it is getting to the point where I am forcing myself to eat just so I can try and not be under my calories so bad but honestly I feel like vomiting. Any advice would be very much appreciated as I do realize it is not healthy to be eating so little.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I'm confused. Sorry! Are you trying to lose weight or gain weight?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I think it's common to feel this way at first. It goes away. How much exercise calories are you trying to eat back, though?

    You said-
    "My problem before my fitness pal wasn't that I ate too much, it was that I didn't eat enough and was making poor food choices and not getting any exercise in."

    No one gets 50 lbs. overweight from not eating enough, but those other two might've contributed.

    Good luck!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Make sure you get enough protein in first, then go for fruit juice, soda, nuts, peanut butter, whole milk, cheese, candy, cookies, etc. to get the calories in.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Some things to watch out for.

    1. If you're using MFP or gym machines, they have a tendency to overestimate your calories burned during workouts. You may want to aim for 50-75% of those extra earned calories instead of trying to eat them all back.

    2. Most people have a tendency to underestimate their portion sizes, especially if they're eyeballing or using measuring cups/spoons. It is possible that you're already eating enough because of the sort of measuring inaccuracies we often see.

    That said, look for more calorie dense foods. Nuts, nut butter, avocado, full fat dairy, Greek yogurt, ice cream, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, less lean cuts of meat, full calorie sauces, dressings, and condiments, protein shakes and smoothies, dark chocolate, potatoes, rice, bread, cheese, etc. These can help give your calories a boost without adding a large volume of extra food to your day.
  • plyln
    plyln Posts: 2
    I wonder whether you are actually 50lbs overweight or if you want to lose 50lbs? those are two very different things.

    I would suggest going to your GP or nutritionist and discussing whether you actually need to lose weight, a doctor will always tell you upfront. Us girls struggle with accepting our own beautiful bodies a lot so don't feel alone.

    Eating one meal a day and 'snacks' is not good for you though, please try to eat small nutritious meals throughout the day and do not worry about meeting calorie counting targets.

    Exercise is great for your body and mind so enjoy it, it shouldn't be a punishment.
  • plyln
    plyln Posts: 2
    I wonder whether you are actually 50lbs overweight or if you want to lose 50lbs? those are two very different things.

    I would suggest going to your GP or nutritionist and discussing whether you actually need to lose weight, a doctor will always tell you upfront. Us girls struggle with accepting our own beautiful bodies a lot so don't feel alone.

    Eating one meal a day and 'snacks' is not good for you though, please try to eat small nutritious meals throughout the day and do not worry about meeting calorie counting targets.

    Exercise is great for your body and mind so enjoy it, it shouldn't be a punishment. I hope you feel happy an healthy soon!
  • ashleyb34
    ashleyb34 Posts: 29 Member
    thank you all I will try some suggestions. I have been doing protein shakes with a frozen banana and peanut butter for added calories. I have cut out breads, pasta, rice, juice, pop and all treats. I will try avacado as well. I have been over my protein everyday just under my carbs. I will try the nuts and cheese. Thanks again.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I have cut out breads, pasta, rice, juice, pop and all treats.

    Why would you do that?
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have cut out breads, pasta, rice, juice, pop and all treats.

    Why would you do that?

    Exactly... Don't cut out entire food groups unless you have a medically diagnosed condition. Stop eating "lite" foods. Eat more protein and fats. If you've hit those two goals for the day and have eaten enough good things like veggies, etc., have a treat like chocolate or wine.

    It's pretty easy to get your calories in. I tend to go over my 2500 calories a day quite often.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    No one became overweight by not eating enough.

    Eat some food.
  • hdm426
    hdm426 Posts: 5 Member
    hello! first let me say you are not alone! i have the same problem, but i have come to terms that setting 5-6 alarms on your phone to help remind you to eat is a big deal and it helps, also that is awesome you cut out the carbs, but your body is still going to need GOOD CARBS for energy and to feed your body. alot of people get the misunderstanding that cutting out carbs is a good thing and it is not. you body needs to have protein for muscle food and carbs for energy source. you just have to read your labels. drink lots of water to help replenish what you lose thru salt and it also helps your body break your food down better. think of it like this
    another words eat a high protein breakfast, that should be your bigges consumption for the day. some times the protein shakes you drink dont give enough for the first of the day, so you can add in your pb, fruits and veggies and that does help out alot, i am with you i drink my breakfast, but i double my protein intake in the morning too, with post workout shake and then my meal replacment shake.
    sorry for rambling, but just hang in there and dont give up. feed your body and it will no longer think it is starving and hold on to those unwanted pounds, just like fueling a fire, the more wood it has to burn the more the flame it produces!!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    No one became overweight by not eating enough.

    Eat some food.
    this \m/
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    hello! first let me say you are not alone! i have the same problem, but i have come to terms that setting 5-6 alarms on your phone to help remind you to eat is a big deal and it helps, also that is awesome you cut out the carbs, but your body is still going to need GOOD CARBS for energy and to feed your body. alot of people get the misunderstanding that cutting out carbs is a good thing and it is not. you body needs to have protein for muscle food and carbs for energy source. you just have to read your labels. drink lots of water to help replenish what you lose thru salt and it also helps your body break your food down better. think of it like this
    another words eat a high protein breakfast, that should be your bigges consumption for the day. some times the protein shakes you drink dont give enough for the first of the day, so you can add in your pb, fruits and veggies and that does help out alot, i am with you i drink my breakfast, but i double my protein intake in the morning too, with post workout shake and then my meal replacment shake.
    sorry for rambling, but just hang in there and dont give up. feed your body and it will no longer think it is starving and hold on to those unwanted pounds, just like fueling a fire, the more wood it has to burn the more the flame it produces!!

    Almost everything you said is completely wrong...
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    It helps when you really enjoy eating
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I'm confused. Sorry! Are you trying to lose weight or gain weight?

    I am confused too. OP says they have 50lbs to loose, but got that way by not eating enough.

  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    My day:
    BREAKFAST: No breakfast
    SNACK: No snack
    LUNCH: Eat like a fat princess
    SNACK: No snack
    DINNER: Eat like a fat princess

    you must be a Herbalifer
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    i have come to terms that setting 5-6 alarms on your phone to help remind you to eat is a big deal and it helps...

    :huh: Interesting...
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    i have come to terms that setting 5-6 alarms on your phone to help remind you to eat is a big deal and it helps...

    :huh: Interesting...

    Only eat the GOOD CARBS
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    i have come to terms that setting 5-6 alarms on your phone to help remind you to eat is a big deal and it helps...

    :huh: Interesting...

    Only eat the GOOD CARBS

    Yes, of course! *takes notes*
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you're trying to gain, peanut butter is a wonderful way to do that!

    It's hard to eat healthy food and gain unless you really chow down on the meat and breads.

    Good luck. :)